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Whether awake or dreaming, he knew the deadly peril in which he stood. A frenzy beyond the frenzy of nightmares mounted within him, and his reason seemed to drown in some abyss of primordial fears. Without knowing whence they came, from what volume of dubious lore he had remembered them, he began to declaim the words of a cabalistic exorcism.

“I adjure ye by the living God, El, Ehome, Etrha, Ejel aser, Ejech Adonay Iah Tetragrammaton Saday Agios other Agla ischiros athanatos—”

The long and orotund formula came to an end. It seemed that the specters had drawn back a little, facing La Porte in a sort of semi-circle. But, without turning, he knew that other visitants had gathered behind him. They guarded the door; they hemmed him in; they barred him from all hope of egress. Truly, he was no sorcerer to dismiss them, entrenched with intricate circles and pentagrams, and armed with the magnetized rod and the cross-hilted knife.

The pulsing horror deepened; the menace quickened like tightening coils.... And yet, among all these formidable shapes, there was nothing that he had not conceived and depicted in his half-abortive tales. They were, he tried to tell himself, mere images and ideas that he had never wholly discharged from his mind. Perhaps there was another mode of exorcism, surer and more potent than the one that magicians had employed.

Trying to disregard his visitors, he stooped over the Remington and his fingers began to seek the familiar keys…. [The typescript of “Nemesis of the Unfinished” ends here. The last page appears to be missing.]



“The Dark Age.” Thrilling Wonder Stories 11, No. 2 (April 1938): 95–103. In AY.

“The Death of Malygris.” WT 23, no. 4 (April 1934): 488–96. In LW, RA.

“The Tomb-Spawn.” WT 23, No. 5 (May 1934): 634–640. In TSS.

“The Witchcraft of Ulua.” WT 23, No. 2 (February 1934): 253–59. In AY.

“The Coming of the White Worm.” Stirring Science Stories 1, No. 2 (April 1941): 105–14. Uncanny Tales 2, No. 11 (December 1941): 10–17. In LW, RA, SS.

“The Seven Geases.” WT 24, No. 4 (October 1934): 422–35. In LW, RA.

“The Chain of Aforgomon.” WT 26, No. 6 (December 1935): 695–706. In OST, RA.

“The Primal City.” Fantasy Fan 2, No. 3 (November 1934): 41–45. Comet Stories 1, No. 1 (December 1940): 102–6. In GL.

“Xeethra.” WT 24, No. 6 (December 1934): 726–738. In LW, RA.

“The Last Hieroglyph.” WT 25, No. 4 (April 1935): 466–77. In OST, RA.

“Necromancy in Naat.” WT 28, No. 1 (July 1936): 2–15. Narraciones Terroríficas No. 8 (1939): 14–25 (as “Nigromancia en Naat”; trs. unknown). In LW, RA.

“The Treader of the Dust.” WT 26, No. 2 (August 1935): 241–46. In LW.

“The Black Abbot of Puthuum.” WT 27, no. 3 (March 1936): 308–22. In GL.

“The Death of Ilalotha.” WT 30, No. 3 (September 1937): 323–30. In OST, RA.

“Mother of Toads.” WT 32, No. 1 (July 1938): 86–90. In TSS.

“The Garden of Adompha.” WT 31, No. 6 (June 1938): 393–400. In GL.

“The Great God Awto.” Thrilling Wonder Stories 15, No. 2 (February 1940):111–114. In TSS.

“Strange Shadows.” Crypt of Cthulhu No. 25 (Michaelmas 1984): 22–31. In SS.

“The Enchantress of Sylaire.” WT 35, No. 10 (July 1941): 25–34. In AY.

“Double Cosmos.” Crypt of Cthulhu No. 17 (Michaelmas 1983): 35–41. In SS.

“Nemesis of the Unfinished” (with Don Carter). Crypt of Cthulhu No. 27 (Hallowmas 1984 [special issue: Untold Tales]): 1–4. In SS.

“The Master of the Crabs.” WT 40, No. 3 (March 1948): 64–71. In AY.

“Morthylla.” WT 45, No. 2 (May 1953): 41–46. In TSS, RA.

“Schizoid Creator.” Fantasy Fiction 1, No. 4 (November 1953): 78–85. In TSS.

“Monsters in the Night.” The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction 7, No. 4 (October 1954): 119–21. In OD.

“Phoenix.” In August Derleth, Ed. Time to Come: Science-Fiction Stories of Tomorrow. New York: Farrar, Straus & Young, 1954, pp. 285–98; New York: Berkley, 1954, pp. 18–29. In OD.

“The Theft of the Thirty-Nine Girdles.” Saturn Science Fiction and Fantasy 1, No. 5 (March 1958): 52–62 (as “The Powder of Hyperborea”). In TSS.

“Symposium of the Gorgon.” Fantastic Universe Science Fiction 10, No. 4 (October 1958): 49–56. In TSS.

“The Dart of Rasasfa.” Crypt of Cthulhu No. 27 (Hallowmas 1984 [special issue: Untold Tales]): 5–8. In SS.

Table of Contents


A Note on the Texts

The Dark Age

The Death of Malygris

The Tomb-Spawn

The Witchcraft of Ulua

The Coming of the White Worm

The Seven Geases

The Chain of Aforgomon

The Primal City


The Last Hieroglyph

Necromancy in Naat

The Treader of the Dust

The Black Abbot of Puthuum

The Death of Ilalotha

Mother of Toads

The Garden of Adompha

The Great God Awto

Strange Shadows

The Enchantress of Sylaire

Double Cosmos

Nemesis of the Unfinished

The Master of the Crabs


Schizoid Creator

Monsters in the Night


The Theft of the Thirty-Nine Girdles

Symposium of the Gorgon

The Dart of Rasasfa

Appendix One: Story Notes

Appendix Two: Variant Temptation Scenes from “The Witchcraft of Ulua”

Appendix Three: “The Traveler”

Appendix Four: Material Removed from “The Black Abbot of Puthuum”

Appendix Five: Alternate Ending to “I Am Your Shadow”

Appendix Six: Alternate Ending to “Nemesis of the Unfinished”

Appendix Seven: Bibliography

Table of Contents


A Note on the Texts

The Dark Age

The Death of Malygris

The Tomb-Spawn

The Witchcraft of Ulua

The Coming of the White Worm

The Seven Geases

The Chain of Aforgomon

The Primal City


The Last Hieroglyph

Necromancy in Naat

The Treader of the Dust

The Black Abbot of Puthuum

The Death of Ilalotha

Mother of Toads

The Garden of Adompha

The Great God Awto

Strange Shadows

The Enchantress of Sylaire

Double Cosmos

Nemesis of the Unfinished

The Master of the Crabs


Schizoid Creator

Monsters in the Night


The Theft of the Thirty-Nine Girdles

Symposium of the Gorgon

The Dart of Rasasfa

Appendix One: Story Notes

Appendix Two: Variant Temptation Scenes from “The Witchcraft of Ulua”

Appendix Three: “The Traveler”

Appendix Four: Material Removed from “The Black Abbot of Puthuum”

Appendix Five: Alternate Ending to “I Am Your Shadow”

Appendix Six: Alternate Ending to “Nemesis of the Unfinished”

Appendix Seven: Bibliography