- It reduced the money velocity;

- And it concentrated wealth in the hands of the urban elite (bankers).

Lifestyle of upper echelons of the social structure, royal family and the nobility became increasingly luxurious with the wealth concentration in their hands. Perhaps, the roots of the economy, led to the Renaissance of XV-XVI centuries, can be found here.

But most importantly, that the first plague in England happened in 1347! It was a new disease, that devastated the country and from time to time affected people later. But, however, the population began to decline for two generations prior to this date!

Historians believe, that the famine gripped Europe for the first time in 1315-1316, and then, according to his estimates, 10% of the population died. There was a picture, when people ate cats, rats, reptiles, animal droppings everywhere, and even cannibalism was widespread.

The sequence of events: "The economic decline after 1300 was measured with falling incomes and property values, reduction of arable land and the urban population, decline in demand for industrial products. As the economy declined, the total population began to fall.But initially the decline of population happened slower than reducing economy, resulting in decreased quality of life, income per capita reduced." This quote, placed to the first pages of the book with the significant title BEFORE the black death, brings the study of that period to the modern level, and refutes the old idea, that the Black Death was the cause of the decline. On the contrary, the plague is aconsequenceof economic decline, that began 50 years before her."

3. The events in Europe after 1300

Researches of Lietaer, as it was shown above, say there was a society with high living standards, supported by the financial and economic system development on the territory of present-day Europe up to 1300. The author also revealed the link among economic prosperity of society with a doctrine, which he named as: "The cult of the Black Madonna"

In fact Lietaer found a direct link among the dominant religious system (people`s world-understanding formed by religious system) and the quality of life in society.

It clearly follows from the content of the Lietaer`s book, that the Black Madonna cult is pre-Christian (or – Pre-Catholic) religion, but Christ already appears in it, as well as others, worshiping the Black Madonna. There is no deification of Christ yet, but there is one goddess - Black Madonna.

So who is this Black Madonna? We can see from Lietaer, that by Black Madonna they mean Egyptian goddess Isis and the goddess Mother- Earth.

Valery A. Chudinov has shown, that Russian Goddess Mokos (Makosh)[23] was understood under the Egyptian goddess Isis. Wikipedia says, that "parallels among image of Mother Earth and the image of Virgin arose in the national consciousness with the spread of Christianity. In East Slavic mythology it was probably linked to Mokos (Makosh). "

Thus, comparing all previously discussed, we can conclude, that there was a religious system, based on the cult of Goddess Mokos (Makosh) or Mother Earth at the territory of modern Western Europe at early Middle Ages. It is also known, that Slavs worshiped these goddesses, but we are not making far-reaching conclusions.

Another aspect is important for us. At the beginning of the XIV century there was group of people, who intercepted control of financial and economic system, after which the society was plunged into chaos.

Then, people, having understood (like Lietaer at the twentieth century) connection among religious system and financial and economic system, entered the arena. And then the new epoch began, when a new religious system - Latin modification of Christianity was formed, whose doctrine, in fact, began to imply (represent) a usurious doctrine after the Council of Trent.

There are several assumptions about those, who could do it. For example Valery Chudinov believes, that local Slavic tribes were driven out by "refugees" from Egypt and Middle East (Arabs, Semites). They settled down in Rome and brought their culture and faith, then gradually took over land of Slavs, and drove them out of the territory of present-day Europe, imposing their version of Christianity (Latinism) to Slavs[24].

4. How the substitution was made

One of Western authors Uwe Topper wrote:

With which method was the christianization of Europe carried out? We do not know that. Anyway, it didn`t happen, as religious texts describe it, neither time frames, nor methods of operation. Actual events were distorted beyond recognition in legends, all was turned upside down.

Next we look at the development of events, that eventually have led to the birth of Latin modification of Christianity and violent spread of this type of "Christianity" on the territory of present-day Europe and in Russia.

Order of the Knights Templar

On Friday, October 13, 1307 all the French Templars were arrested by King Philip IV order and their property was confiscated.

The charges:

• The Order deviated from Christianity for a long time ago (it was not a Christian - auth.). Members of the Order spitted on the cross, when entering into order, aloud renounced the authority of the church over themselves.

• Tax evasion, financial fraud with real estate, loan sharking and more.

The bulk of the evidences had been collected by royal judges with tortures conventional at the time of proceedings.

Who became the owner of the property and funds of the Order? Apparently, the one, who carried out the further transformation of society and the unification of Europe.

Avignon Papacy

Avignon Papacy (1309-1377) was the next significant event.

According the official version[25], Avignon Papacy began with a financial disagreement among Pope Boniface VIII and the French king Philip IV. Note, that once again we meet with Philip IV.

Many sources say, that Philip IV was not an independent figure, but his entourage played a great role in policy of Philip. There was a certain team, that conducted the "restructuring" in Europe, destroying the existing foundations.

As encyclopedias write, Avignon papacy (captivity) lasted during 68 years. By this time, the papacy lost its role in the political life of Europe (but it didn`t exist in reality - auth.).

At that time centralizations of the states began in Western Europe. Entire population of centralized states, including the clergy, subordinated to the monarch, and this process led to fragmentation of Europe. Global Control Center has set the task to unite Europe. This is the target for start of papacy creation.

William Kammeierin the book"The universal falsification of history"(1926) writes:

"The existence of the Catholic popes before so-called Avignon papacy (captivity) was completely invented."

U. Topper believes, that the Papacy arose "... in Avignon and at the end of the XIV century moved to in Rome in Italy."

Avignon period in the history of the papacy had very few resemblance with the real captivity, rather it was a collaboration among Popes and "the powers that be".

Apparently, all leaders of the church (the Popes) were gathered together in order to unite them under single power[26].

Unlimited power in the church was given to Popes. Wikipedia:

"Western Schism (1378-1417) started just a year after the end of Avignon papacy, when competing popes resided in Avignon and in Rome and divided the whole Catholic world among themselves (may be not Catholic world, but religious, because the Catholicism didn`t exist yet - author) ".