
 If you read the Bible carefully, and correlate it`s text with the life, the number of questions may arise, the answers to which can be found nowhere. And then there are two ways: - the first one is proposed to us by church, and is in sincere belief to the content of the Bible, because it is "a text inspired by God"; the second one is to try to separate the content, inspired by God, from the human gag, i.e., from the later subjective inserts into Scripture, made by those, who pursued personal or corporate targets.



How and for what is sacred status attributed to texts?

(How and why are Scriptures made "sacred")?

How and for what is sacred status attributed to texts? (How and why are Scriptures made

St. Petersburg


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The painting “Christ in the Garden of Gethsemane”(1869‑1887гг.)by Nikolai Nikolaevich Ge(1831-1894) is at the front side of the cover art. It is stored in the Tretyakov Gallery.

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How and for what is sacred status attributed to texts? (How and why are Scriptures made

How and for what is sacred status attributed to texts? (How and why are Scriptures made


If you read the Bible carefully, and correlate it`s text with the life, the number of questions may arise, the answers to which can be found nowhere. And then there are two ways: - the first one is proposed to us by church, and is in sincere belief to the content of the Bible, because it is "a text inspired by God"; the second one is to try to separate the content, inspired by God, from the human gag, i.e., from the later subjective inserts into Scripture, made by those, who pursued personal or corporate targets.

Of course, path of search for the truth requires a lot of work, but there is no alternative.

We consider the provisions of Christian doctrine, including Old and New Testaments, that cause misunderstanding (to say the least) or rather – hostility (non-acception) by modern researchers of Bible, and not only by the modern.

We will be interested in the following questions:

• If the Apostle Paul's messages are truth?

• Who, when and for what acknowledged Jesus Christ to be God?

·                       Why did the Latin Church invent the crucifixion of Christ?

• How and when was the Christianity of Latin modification spread and implanted in Russia?

• for what was the usury (gombeen) doctrine put in the Old Testament (Torah)?

• The role of the Roman Catholic Church and Judaism in spreading and implanting the Old Testament as a "holy book" in Rus`.

The first three provisions of Christianity have a huge impact on people's worldview, and the last one impacts on the global financial and economic system and, consequently, on people life on the Earth.

We will regard these and other questions below.

1. "The Second Gospel"

It is known, that the first Christian written documents are epistles of the Apostle Paul, the canonical Gospels were written later, than the epistles[2].

The Apostle Paul wrote 14 epistles. According to the importance of the information contained in them, they are correcly called "the Second Gospel." Usually the epistles by Paul play more important role in the Christian doctrine, than the Gospel itself.

Paul's teaching was the basis of the late Christianity, even though it was a flagrant deviation from the "original" Christianity.

Some historians, such as A. Drews[3]doubt, that Paul was a historical person, but nobody doubts in the fact, that Paul's epistles play a crucial role in Christianity.

Newton believed, that Paul's teaching is distorted by the Catholic Church.

Leo Tolstoy wrote about it[4]:

"... In order to allow people to use the great blessing given to us by the true Christian teaching, at first we must get rid of incoherent, false and, more importantly, deeply immoral teaching, which concealed the true Christian teaching from us. This teaching hiding from us the teaching of Christ, this is the teaching of Paul, expressed in his epistles, and it became the basis for the teaching of the Church. Paul`s teaching is not the teaching of Christ, but it is the teaching opposite to Christ`s teaching. "

Renan, in his book "The Apostle Paul[5]" is surprised, that, the Apostle Paul was not popular in Europe in the Middle Ages:

"Almost no onebefore the XVI century(here and below we usebold and cursive text, to which, according to the author`s opinion, special attention should be payed)is named after his name  (almost nobody is named Paul); he is very rare portrayed in the stucco monuments; he does not have fans, churches were not build for him, candles were not burn for him. Starting from the XVI century, the name of Paul is heard everywhere."

As we can see, apostle Paul became popular in the epoch of the Reformation in the XVI century.

English historian Edwin Johnson (1842-1901) wrote a book "The Pauline epistles[6]", in which he came to very interesting conclusions, based on the consideration of a large number of sources[7]. We will bring only the main conclusionss of Johnson), necessary for our further research (without his proofs).

On the apostle Paul

• epistles of Paul were created in the middle of the XVI century.

• Paul was unknown until the time ofMartin Luther.

• Paul was "constructed" to make the Jews to be indirect founders of the Christian Church. The Jews have no relations to Saul-Paul. Simply the Jewish name Saul of the Benjamin tribe was taken and used.

• Epistles of Paul were created after start of book-printing in Europe. And it was made not by one person, but by a group of people, when the church schism occurred.

• The only little book of dictums "The Apostle" survived, which is referred to in the church books, and this little book evolved.

• At first, epistles of Paul were very short.

• Paul was supposed to become a martyr and founder of the Roman Church. He must be a Jew, "transformed by the voice from the sky."