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I forced a smile. The wedding on New Year’s Eve. I’d nearly forgotten. “Of course.” I glanced at Knox standing a few feet away. He seemed to be listening to Greyson, but his head was tilted toward us. “Knox and I will finalize the plans.”

“That is wonderful to hear,” said Daxton, pulling me into a hug. The feel of his body against mine made my skin crawl, but I didn’t push him away. “I so very much hope this tragedy will bring us closer together, Lila. Sometimes I feel I no longer know you.”

There was something in his tone that made me shiver. “Things haven’t been easy lately,” I said. “You still know me, though.”

As he pulled away, he touched the back of my neck, and his fingertips brushed against the three ridges underneath my skin.

I froze.

“Yes,” he said. “It seems I do.”

He remembered.

He remembered everything.

All the air left my lungs, and fear crashed through me, seizing control of my body. He knew. He knew, and I was as good as dead.

Without thinking, I stepped closer and slid my hand up his neck. He weakly pushed me away, but not before I felt the single V underneath his skin.

“It seems I still know you, too,” I said, my heart pounding as we stared at each other. “I hear I’m not the only one, either.”

Daxton stiffened. Whether he liked it or not, we both knew each other’s secrets, and he had two options: kill me and run the risk of being revealed as an impostor, or trust me with his secret like I trusted him with mine. I had no idea which one he’d take.

After several seconds, Knox cut through the crowd to join us. “Everything all right?” he said, and I widened my eyes innocently.

“I’m not sure,” I said. “Is everything okay, Daxton?”

He and Knox exchanged a look, and then an unforgiving smile curled across Daxton’s lips. “Everything’s fine, my dear. I’m tired, that’s all. Though it seems the car is ready for us now. Shall we?”

Daxton offered me his arm, and I had no choice but to take it.

* * * * *

The game continues in


Questions for Discussion

Do you believe that your life’s work should be determined by a test you take when you’re seventeen?

What kind of job do you think you would be assigned if you took that test now? When you were twenty-five?

If your life was limited by restrictions—your job, the area where you live, having only one child and going Elsewhere when you turn sixty—do you believe you would be eager to achieve and succeed in life?

Kitty’s dyslexia limits her future. Do you think children and teens today who have dyslexia are also under unfair burdens? Do you know people with dyslexia, and how they cope? How do their families and teachers react?

What would you give up to get out of the life that was predicted for you?

Do you believe that life in a meritocracy is “fairer” than one where your family or a lucky break benefits you? What happens if someone plays with the system?

One of the reasons why this America became a meritocracy was overpopulation. Do you think that the strain of overpopulation might lead us in this direction unless changes are made? What can be done to create a better future?

Instead of an elected official, this America has a prime minister, and the role is inherited. How does the idea of one family in power match with the meritocracy in this country?

Kitty gives up her own name and not-so-bright future to take on another girl’s name and family. Would you be willing to give up your own life to live someone else’s?

Even in an ordered society, there are those who find a way to rebel. Do you think Tabs was right to encourage Kitty to follow in her footsteps?

Almost everyone—except for Benjy—is keeping secrets in this book. Are you good at keeping secrets? How would you live with lying to everyone around you?