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“Can I help you officers?” my uncle's voice sounded.

I looked to my right and raised my eyebrows as my uncle walked over to the Garda like he wasn't repulsed. I knew better though. My uncle hated the law and anyone who represented it.

“We received a noise complaint… and from the looks of the blood on some of you I'm guessin' some fall outs happened?” one of Garda mused as Gavin and Jason leaned against my uncle's SUV.

Micah was inside the SUV on her phone, she didn't even care about the bullshit her stupid husband had just caused.

“Fuckin' bitch,” I growled.

I refocused on my uncle and the Garda and walked forward with Alec when we were motioned to do so.

“This is my niece and her fiancé’s house. Anythin' that happened here was… resolved. I assure you.”

Both Garda raised their eyebrows at my uncle. “What is your name, sir?” one asked.

“Brandon Daley.”

I watched as both of the Garda exchanged a look.

“Mr. Daley… would you like to speak to us over by the car, Sir?”

“Absolutely,” my uncle replied.

I shook my head in disgust as the trio walked away from Alec and myself.

“They're about to end up on his payroll,” I grumbled. “I hate crooked Garda.”

Alec gave me a squeeze. “I'll square this with Brandy. I won't be in debt to him for helping us.”

I scoffed. “He wouldn't dare hold you in his debt, I'll have his balls if he even tried.”

I glanced to Ryder and Kane as they brought Branna, Alannah and a distraught Aideen, back inside my house. Nico and Bronagh remained outside with us. My uncle re-joined us when his 'talk' with the Garda ended and they drove off in their car.

“You're unbelievable,” I said to him.

He simply shrugged then switched his gaze to Alec. “That's me son-in-law you and your brother just roughed up.”

I opened my mouth to speak, but Alec bet me to it. “That's my fiancée your son-in-law just kissed.”

My uncle growled and looked over to Jason who raised his hands in the air. “I was just playin'!”


“I'll deal with you later,” my uncle snarled then turned back to me, and softened his gaze.

“I'm sorry about all this.”

I nodded my head to him.

My uncle looked to Nico then. “Son… can I have a word?”

I stepped forward. “What do you want with him?” I asked.

Nico appeared next to me. “It's okay, Kay. I'll deal with this.”

My uncle smirked and moved off to the end of my garden with Nico. A few words were shared then Nico shook my uncle's hand.

“Dominic!” Bronagh and I snapped in unison.

I think Bronagh knew just as well as me that some sort of deal was struck between the pair, and that wasn't good. Not at all.

“I'll talk to you later, honey.” My uncle winked at me then walked over to his Jeep.

I ignored him and focused on Gavin. “You come back here again and I'll kill you meself, do you understand me?”

Gavin didn't know what to say, I could tell by the look on his face, so he turned and got into the back of my uncle's SUV. My uncle laughed. “You're definitely me niece.”

“Lucky me,” I sarcastically hissed.

My uncle got into his SUV chuckling, Jason got in grunting and groaning in pain, which made me grin. Fuck that bastard. I turned my attention from the SUV when it reversed out of my garden and looked to Nico as he walked towards us, his gaze locked on Bronagh.

“What the hell was that?” she snapped.

Nico swallowed. “He offered me a job.”

Alec shot forward and shoved Nico.

“Wait!” Nico shouted. “It's a good one, it's for fighting.”

Alec halted his beating on his brother and stared at him. “He's paying you to fight?”

Nico nodded. “Every week at Darkness for a fixed wage… I need this Alec, fitness training isn't enough to pay my bills. I need to take care of my girl.”

Alec let go of Nico and shook his head, but I could already see he accepted Nico's job, but Bronagh… she didn't.

“I'm goin' home, and you're not to follow me,” she said, her voice tight with emotion.

She walked out of my garden and left us looking after her.

“You aren't going after her?” Alec murmured.

Nico shook his head. “I will only upset her more if I do. She needs to cool off. When she is calm I'll explain why this is no different than the arranged fights I take part in every so often.”

I humourlessly laughed. “You're so fuckin' stupid, you don't see what she does.”

Nico looked at me. “Which is what?”

“Me uncle, in her eyes, is Marco. You've gone back to a world she hates… and you made Darkness part of the deal… do you even realise what that place does to her? What it does to me?”

Nico didn't speak. He didn't do anything.

I turned from him and Alec and walked into my house, not looking back when both of them called for me.

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“I'm goin' to kill Gavin,” Aideen said for the tenth time in the last twenty minutes.

I sighed. “I'll help you.”

My attempt at humour was lost on her.

“I can't believe he would do this. I can't believe he would join your uncle's circle. Me brothers will kill him!” she swore.

I sat in silence but then looked to Branna when she called my name. She was sat to my right on my sofa with Alannah, Kane, Alec, and Nico spread out on it too. All of them were looking over at Aideen and myself.

“Yeah?” I replied.

She gave me a stern look. “You have to go to the shops… remember?”

I was about to ask for what, but widened my eyes when I remembered.

The pregnancy tests.

“Fuck,” I murmured. “I'll go now.”

Branna nodded, but didn't look at the brothers when they looked at her.

“Go to the shop for what?” Aideen asked me.

I looked at her. “You know for what.”

She shook her head.

Oh, for God's sakes.

“The bathroom,” I said, staring at her as I drilled the answer into her mind with my eyes.

She gasped when it hit her.

“The pregnancy tests!” she shouted.

I face-palmed myself.

“Pregnancy tests?” male voices shouted in unison.

“Well done,” I growled to Aideen who had her hand over her mouth.

I looked to the brothers who were all on their feet. “Yeah, pregnancy tests.”

“Who is pregnant?” Alec asked and stared at me.

I shook my head. “Not me.”

He visibly relaxed. “Thank God. I mean, I want babies with you, but we just talked about—”

“It’s okay, I know.” I snorted and shook my head again.

“If not you, then who?” Ryder asked.

I looked to Branna and he almost fell over.

“Bran?” he asked.

She winced. “It might be me. Might be.”

Ryder looked like he was about to puke.

Kane scratched his head. “I don't understand what's going on. So Branna might be pregnant?”

Aideen nodded her head. “Or Bronagh.”

“What?” Nico screamed.

I jumped with fright at the pitch of it.

“Why are you screamin'? You and Bronagh are tryin' for a baby.”

Nico fell back onto the sofa. “We are but… still. Fuck.”

“Relax honey,” Branna said to Nico. “It might not be Bronagh either.”

“Who else could it be then?” Alec asked.

Both Branna and I looked at Aideen.

She hissed. “Thanks very much!”

I shrugged my shoulders. “Should have kept your big mouth shut.”

“Aideen?” Kane’s voice snapped. “You might be pregnant? By fucking who?”

That was a good question.

Aideen lifted her hand to her head. “We're not doin' this. We aren't agruin' when we have no idea who is pregnant.”

“Then let's fucking find out,” Kane growled.

I blinked at him.

He was furious.

I spoke softly. “I'll go get some in Tesco—”

“I'll go with you,” Kane cut me off then stormed out of the sitting room, and then out of the house.