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“About bloody what?” I asked.

Jason shrugged. “You look good.”

I narrowed my eyes. “Don't you dare.”

“I can't say you look good?” Jason grinned.

“I don't know what game you're playin', but knock it off and leave.”

I was surprised when Jason closed the space between us and slid his hands around my waist. My reflexes weren't quick enough—scratch that they were worth shite because I froze as Jason kissed me.

He. Kissed. Me.

This bastard destroyed me three years ago, he was married to my cousin and now... now he fucking kissed me?

I saw no logic in that.


I yanked my head back from Jason and screamed.

I don't know if I screamed words, or just made noise.

I tried to push away from him, but he was pulled from me with a force that caused me to stumble. I regained my footing and looked to Jason... who was being pulled away from me by a furious looking Alec.


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“Alec!” I screamed and jumped backwards when he speared Jason to the ground.

I reached for Alec's shoulder in the hope I could pull him off Jason, but there was too much movement and I was not risking getting hurt to save Jason from a few punches that he bloody well deserved. I stood back and continued to shout at the pair to stop. I screamed for Bronagh when I spotted her at the sitting room doorway.

“Get Dominic!” I yelled.

She frantically nodded her head then turned and ran out of the house.

I looked back to Alec and Jason, and noticed Jason was now somehow on top of Alec and throwing punches at his face. I wasn't sure if one of them broke through Alec's guard or not, but I wasn't risking it. I jumped on Jason's back and wrapped my arms around his neck.

“Stop it!” I shouted into his ear.

Jason violently pushed his body back and I fell off him and onto the floor with a thud.

“Keela!” Alec screamed then turned his attention back to Jason. “You motherfucker!”

I groaned on the floor as I held onto my throbbing shoulder. I took in a few breaths and sat upright. I stumbled as I got to my feet, and rolled my shoulder to make sure it wasn't seriously injured. It hurt, but it moved so I knew the worst that would come from my fall would be a bruise.

I looked back down to Jason and Alec. Alec was back on top, and I felt like they were just about to break apart. I was preparing myself to jump in-between them, but when Gavin appeared at the doorway of my sitting room and narrowed his eyes at Alec and Jason, I gasped. Gavin shot into the room and kicked Alec in the side at full force. Alec hunched forward a little, but he jabbed his right hand out and caught Gavin in the stomach causing him to double over in pain.

“That's what you get!” I bellowed and rushed at him.

I shoved him in the chest and knocked him onto his back on the floor. He groaned and held onto his stomach and dry heaved.

“Don't you dare get sick on the new floor you prick!” I screamed.

“Keela?” Nico's roar sounded from outside my house.

I shoved Gavin back down when he tried to get up.

“Sittin' room!” I shouted.

I turned back to Jason and Alec when a glass shattering sound rang throughout the room.

I gasped.

My glass vase was shattered into hundreds of pieces on the floor, and the flowers Mr. Pervert got me were tangled in the glass shards.

“You bastard!” I shouted at Jason who was pushing himself up off the floor. Alec was also trying to get up, but the water on the floor from the broken vase caused him to slip. Jason got to his feet and angled his body at Alec. He reached for the clock that was sitting on top of my fireplace and raised it above his head.

He was going to hit Alec in the head with it.

I screamed in horror.

I felt a rush of wind brush by my body then all of a sudden Nico was there, standing between Jason and Alec. Nico knocked the clock out of Jason's hands and punched him directly across the jaw knocking Jason on his arse. The relief I felt when Jason was disarmed hit me full force, and I burst into tears. I quickly moved to Alec and helped him to his feet. He was wet from the vase water, but also groaning in pain and it worried me.

“Are you okay?” he asked as fat tears rolled down my cheeks.


He was the one bleeding!

“I'm fine!” I cried. “Are you?”

Alec growled, “Let me kill him and I'll be fine.”

“What the fuck happened?” Nico shouted as he shoved Jason to the floor.

“That fucker kissed Keela!” Alec snapped.

Nico growled and turned and kicked Jason in the stomach.

“That's for kissin' my bro's girl, and this,” he kicked him again, “is because I hate your sorry ass.”

I looked to Gavin when he groaned and I saw red. “How could you!” I screamed. “How could you side with Jason over us? You attacked Alec, Gavin. You attacked me fiancé! I am done with you do you understand me? Done!”

Gavin stumbled to his feet. “Kay… he is the son-in-law of me boss, and he's me mate. I had to help him.”

That wasn't good enough.

“Your boss is my uncle, I rank higher than Jason ever will!” I snapped.

I wanted to shove Gavin out of my house so I marched over and grabbed him by the ear and pulled at him. “Get out. Now!”

Gavin wriggled to get free but couldn’t without having his ear ripped off. He opened his mouth to speak, but a loud growl cut him off. We all looked to the sitting room doorway where Storm was stood. His stance was one of preparing for an attack, and he had his teeth bared indicating what he was about to do.

I jumped away from Gavin as Storm ran for him. Gavin cursed and jumped over my sofa and stumbled out of the sitting room. Strom slipped on the wooden floor in the hallway, but continued to give chase to Gavin. I knew Gavin got out of the house before Storm could get to him, when the front door slammed shut.

I looked to Storm when he came back into the sitting room. I didn't go over to him, I waited until he came to me. I knew he wasn't dangerous and I knew he wouldn't hurt me, but I didn't want to do anything to upset him when he was clearly stressed.

I kneeled down and rubbed and hugged him when he put his head against my leg. I kissed his head and scratched his ears. “Thank you,” I murmured to him for protecting me.

“Good boy, Storm,” Alec's voice praised. “Protecting Mama.”

I turned my head when Jason's voice snarled, “Don't even think of settin' that beast on me.”

I glared at him. “It's no more than you deserve!” I snapped. “What the hell did you think you were playin' at, showin' up at me house and kissin' me? Have you lost your mind?”

Jason smirked, blood smeared over his nose and mouth. “Nope, I just enjoy a bit of excitement every now and then.”

Nico reached down and punched Jason across the face.

“Is that exciting enough for you?” he asked.

I shook my head and got to my feet. I brought Storm to my kitchen and put him inside and closed the door. When I walked back to the sitting room I stood idle at the doorway and watched as Nico pushed Jason out of the room. Neither of them looked at me.

I put my arm around Alec who walked out of the sitting room holding onto his side. I growled and I pressed myself to him. “I'll kill Gavin for hurtin' you.”

Alec shook his head. “Aideen will do a great job of doing that herself.”

I didn't smile because I knew she would. She would beat the crap out of him for betraying us like he did. I leaned up to kiss Alec, but I froze when I heard a siren. A Garda car siren.

“Fuck!” Alec grunted.

We walked outside and I groaned when I spotted two male Garda getting out of their squad car and walking into our garden. I wanted to cry because I had no clue what we were going to do.