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“The implication being that with the emphasis on yet, that you were being a sarcastic know it all.”

“No. I didn’t… I wouldn’t…shit.”

“Best go find her and at least settle this on Christmas Day. She’s your only sibling, but you’re not her father. Be nice to her, support her, don’t judge her.”

Riley sat back in his chair. “When did you get so wise?”

“I’ve always been this way,” Jack deadpanned. “You just never noticed before.”

Riley trailed after his sister and found her by the end of the driveway by the house. She had walked out of the warm area and was bundled in a coat in consequence. Riley shivered in the cool air but pressed on nonetheless. She noticed him walking over and set her mouth in a stubborn line.

“What, Riley?”

The noise of a car had them both turning to see headlights bouncing down the old road. Riley assumed it was Sean.

“I just wanted to check in on you.”

“Well I’m fine. You can go. Sean is here now.”

“I was thinking I could wish him Merry Christmas. It’s a shame he couldn’t make the whole day.”

“You’re going there?” Eden snapped. “You’re really going to comment on Sean not being here today.”

Riley was lost. He didn’t know what to say. “He was invited,” he said helplessly.

“Jeez, Riley, you want to know why he didn’t come today?” Eden asked quickly. “He decided it would be easier all around if he didn’t ruin the day by being here. He knew if he was here then you would judge him like you do me.”

Riley felt winded. He didn’t mean to come over as judgmental, but then that is what he was doing, so why try to fool himself. He hated that Sean wasn’t strong enough for Eden, but had he changed? And why did it matter so much to Riley? Because you’re being her dad, his thoughts whispered to him. I’m not her dad, he argued with himself. I’m just a brother who wants to make sure his little sister is happy.

He groaned inwardly. Jack was right. He was a complete prick when all he’d wanted was to keep Eden safe.

“He really thinks that?” Riley said finally.

“You are fucking unbelievable,” Eden cursed. “Are you really standing there telling me you don’t judge him?” Eden asked in a heated whisper as the car pulled to a stop next to them.

“I just want you to be happy,” Riley repeated his oft-spoken defensive line.

“Way to fuck it up then, big brother,” Eden snapped. Sean climbed out of the car and hesitated by the door. His posture indicated nerves but he still took those steps toward Riley and extended his hand in greeting. Riley shook it firmly and then watched as Sean pulled Eden into a close hug. Then Sean stood there in an almost barrier-like stance between Eden and Riley. Riley’s chest tightened at the obvious comment on what was going on.

“Hi, Sean,” Riley said. “Eden tells me I’ve fucked it all up.”

“Riley!” Eden exclaimed.

Riley lifted a hand to stop Eden. He was going to be the big man here and take a step back.

“Eden tells me you didn’t want to come today. That’s sad, because it was a beautiful day, and it’s my fault you didn’t turn up. I get that. So come in now and get a beer or two; you could both stay over in the spare bedroom. Jack says I’m not her father and that Eden is old enough to know what she wants.”

“You didn’t make me stay away,” Sean said slowly. “I just wanted it to be easy on Eden.”

Riley smiled. “You should have seen her. She missed you like her right arm.”

Sean tightened his grip on Eden and she cuddled closer. “We can stay,” Sean said.

Riley nodded. Then he spun on his heel and moved back to the warmth and light. Eden and Sean didn’t immediately follow but he knew they would. When Jack caught his eye, he tilted his head a little in question. A subtle nod from Riley and that was all they needed to say.

* * * * *

Jim Bailey turned fifty on New Year’s Eve. He and Sandra held a party in a hotel in downtown Dallas and announced there would be another wedding in the summer.

When Riley kissed Jack under the midnight fireworks against splashes of red, gold, and silver, he had never felt such peace and happiness. Eden hugged Jim, Sean was smiling, Sandra looked relaxed and beautiful with diamonds around her throat, Hayley sat on Riley’s lap as he and Jack exchanged the kiss, and she woke up sleepy-eyed to the noise of the fireworks.

This time next year they would be four.

Life could not be better.

Chapter 12


December passed into January with constant reports on the HCG levels. The levels indicated something was a little screwy, that there were possibly twins. Jack couldn’t even think about twins—he was stressed enough hoping one baby was okay, let alone two. When the twentieth came around with the promise of a first scan, Jack couldn’t help but be nervous. Excited as well, but mostly nervous.

That was their child or children the scan would show. He and Riley’s. They turned up for the scan a whole hour early but managed to stay in the car long enough so they didn’t make a truly idiotic entrance way before Rebecca did. She hugged them both, which was nice, and patted her flat stomach as she waited for the scan. Marcus passed them on to the obstetrician, Doctor Standings, who would be working with Rebecca, and all too soon she was lying on her back on the bed and Jack was hearing the whole this is cold business as jelly was squeezed onto her skin. Riley refused to sit but Jack had to. He didn’t know what to expect. What if his sperm were mutant or some awful shit where it hadn’t worked and the HCG levels were lying? What would they do? Would he feel able to go through this again?

Doctor Standings cleared his throat as he looked at the chart. “So we’re at six weeks and four days, is that right?” Rebecca nodded, but Riley added a firm yes. “Okay, let’s see what we have here then…yep…both embryos took. Congratulations. You have twins.”

“Really? Real twins?” Riley sat down and shock was etched on his face.

“Twins for definite?” Jack asked as well.

“Yes, twins.” Doctor Standings looked at them both with an expression that told them they were both idiots. “You placed two viable embyros, the chances of both healthy embryos taking was high. You knew that.”

“Of course we did,” Jack said immediately. “We’re very happy,” he added lamely.

Doctor Standings seemed somewhat mollified. “Of course, with twins, this will mean you will need to increase the frequency of your appointments and scans, and it’s very unlikely we will be going to term here. Close to sixty percent of all twins are born prematurely, by that I mean before thirty-seven weeks. In fact the average twin pregnancy lasts just thirty-five weeks. You were looking at September, but you could be daddies in late July.”

“July,” Riley echoed.

“And the babies are fine?”

“The babies are presenting as absolutely normal,” the doctor explained. “But just so you know, we often recommend bed rest in the last trimester. Also monitoring preterm labor is common. Twins are much more likely to be classified as ‘high risk’ pregnancies. Have you carried twins before?” he asked Rebecca directly.

“No. All single births.” She looked up at Jack and Riley with a smile. “This is so exciting.”

The doctor continued without responding to the exciting bit. Jack assumed it was because he had things he had to say to put on record in this first appointment. “Carrying twins will entail heightened vigilance. Often we will share care with a fetomaternal medicine specialist.”

“Do you have one on staff?”

“We do, but of course there will be extra costs.”