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His fists clench at his sides as the tears uncontrollably pour down his face. Tilting his head, he looks around me to look inside when the door slowly opens behind us, making a creaking noise.

I must have forgotten to close it all the way, because from the look of pure shock and awe on Royal’s face, I know that it’s Kylie standing there and not Madison. He’s seeing his baby girl for the first time.

Wiping at his face, he stands to his feet and stares down at Kylie as she stands there, shivering while holding her blanket.

“Oh my God . . .” he cries out, before scooping her up into his arms and carrying her back inside where it’s warm.

I’ve never seen a man hold a little girl so tight in my entire life. His grip on Kylie is fierce, as if he fears ever letting her go, at risk of losing her again. He’s gone the last two years believing that his daughter was dead, yet she was living not more than twenty minutes from his home.

The million emotions running through his eyes right now as he realizes that this little girl is his life is almost enough to drop me to my knees and clutch my chest.

Watching this moment unfold right in front of me is the most intense moment I’ve ever experienced in my life. This moment is worth a million tears and I’m about to shed just that.

“Hadley,” he cries, while running his hands over her head and burying his face in her soft baby hair. “Daddy loves you, baby girl; so much. I’m never letting you go. I promise. I promise you that on my life.”

My heart aches and a sob escapes me as I watch him cry into the side of Kylie’s head. I’ve never seen Royal so vulnerable, and witnessing all of the pain and suffering finally pouring out of him and freeing him; it hurts. It hurts, but it feels so damn good at the same time.

Kylie’s eyes meet mine from over Royal’s shoulder. They’re filled with confusion as Royal continues to hold her close and cry against her, but instead of her being scared, she holds him back and tears fill her eyes as if she knows this moment is something deep: a special moment between a father and his daughter.

Wiping my eyes off, I reach for Kylie’s head and gently kiss it. “Your daddy is here, baby. This man is going to take care of you like I have. He’s going to love you, baby.” I rub the side of her face. “You’re going to have two people who love you very much. Understand, Kylie?”

Royal’s grip loosens on Kylie long enough for him to look at her face. “Kylie,” he whispers, clearly confused.

I nod my head as Kylie just stares up into his wet eyes.

“Yes,” I respond. “That’s what she’s been going by.”

He smiles through his tears when their eyes meet for a moment. “You have her eyes,” he says gently. “And a part of mine.”

Nodding my head, I smile while wiping my wet eyes off. “She does. They’re the most beautiful eyes in the world.”

Slowly, he lowers himself to his knees and sets Kylie down before him. “Are you tired?”

Wiping at her eyes, Kylie nods her head and yawns.

He turns to me. “Let me put her to bed. I want to tuck her in. I need to make sure she’s warm and safe. I just need to . . .”

“Yes,” I whisper. “I bet she’d like that.”

Cupping her face, he gently places his forehead to hers.

I get distracted when the front door swings open again, but this time to Jax and Blaine rushing inside.

“What’s going -” Blaine stops and turns to me when I grab his arm to quiet him.

In silence, we all stand here and watch as Royal scoops Kylie back up into his arms and carries her away to my bedroom, holding her as if she’s going to break if he moves wrong. She’s so precious to him and it’s clear to see.

“I need to tell you both something very important.” My eyes go up to find Blaine’s. Something registers in them that has my heart going crazy. He’s going to be so pissed.

“Ah fuck!” Blaine bursts out while gripping his hair and looking at the hallway. “It’s true.” He starts pacing and looking around with wild eyes. “I had a feeling. Her eyes. Her damn eyes . . .”

Swallowing, I nod my head. “Yes. I’m sorry. I was going to tell you, but I wanted to wait–”

“I get it,” he cuts me off. “You wanted Royal to find out in person. It hurts, but I fucking get it. That’s my niece. My fucking niece . . . Damn.”

I nod my head and wipe at my face when Blaine looks over at me with wet eyes. “Yes. She reminds me a lot of you sometimes. She’s goofy and fun like her uncle.”

“I’ve been spending time with my niece this whole time. My fucking niece,” he whispers. “My family.” He crouches down and rubs his hands over his face, smiling through tears. “My niece,” he repeats.

“Well I wasn’t expecting this fucking twist,” Jax says, finally speaking for the first time since he’s walked through the door. “I’m not sure if that’s a good thing. I mean it is, but it’s not.”

My head whips around to Jax. “Why not?” I ask worried. “What does that mean?”

“It means that someone fucked Royal over to keep his daughter away. It means that Royal is going to rip someone’s fucking throat out. That’s what the fuck it means.”

Fear sets in at the realization that he’s right. There’s no way Royal is going to let that little fact slip by him, no matter how happy he is to finally have her back in his life.

“How did you know?” Blaine pushes, while standing back up. “Who the fuck led you to Hadley? Someone had to know this whole damn time.”

“My uncle,” I whisper. “He said . . .”

The room goes quiet as Royal walks back into the room and stands with his hands over his face.

“She’s asleep,” he says, while walking over to the chair and sinking down into it. “She fell asleep in my arms. I should be in there, but I don’t want to scare her in the morning when she wakes up in my arms. She . . .” He shakes his head. “She needs to get to know me first. I need to be here every day; every fucking day until she realizes who I am. I’m not leaving her side until she does.”

“And you can be. She will,” I say, while walking across the room to be close to him. “She needs her daddy, Royal. She needs you just as much as you need her.”

“I’m happy for you, man,” Jax suddenly says. “She’s an amazing little girl. I know . . .”

“Two years,” Royal growls out. “I’ve missed over two years of my child’s life because someone took her from me. My fucking baby girl.”

“I know how you feel, but don’t do this, brother,” Blaine says while gripping his shoulder. “You need to be here for your daughter now. You can’t lose your shit whenever you damn well please anymore. I know what’s running through your head.”

He pushes Blaine’s hand away and jumps to his feet. “Tell me how you knew about Hadley . . . Kylie. Shit, I need to get used to her name.”

I swallow hard, nervous to tell him the story, afraid that he’ll go and hurt someone. “My uncle thought you gave her up for adoption this whole time: your stepfather and some officer that was there that night. They said you signed her over. I don’t know–”

“That motherfucker,” he growls. “That day he came to my cell with papers. He told me they were papers for Olivia. I wasn’t in my right mind and I sent him away without my fucking signature. Well now I know what the fuck they were doing. I was never good enough by him in the first place. Now . . . they look at me like a monster: him, Colton, and my fucking mother. That son of a bitch forged that shit when I refused.”

Jumping to his feet, he rushes outside with me taking off after him. I’m so scared of what he’ll do.

“Royal!” I yell out to him as he stops by his truck and repeatedly punches the side of it, leaving a bunch of dents, until his hands are covered in blood. “Royal! Stop!”

Finally, he stops and looks back at me, while fighting to catch his breath. “I’ll be back.” He points to Blaine. “Take care of the girls while I’m gone. Don’t leave until I get back.”