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‘What’s the rush Mullins?’

‘We just got a 10-4 on Frank McKenzie’ Says Mullins

‘Where about is he?’

‘Just strap up and let’s go!’

‘Keep your blonde Irish ass in check man; I’m strapping up damn it!’

He puts his foot down on the gas pedal and swerves out of the parking space. The patrol car speeds through the lower east side of Boston, blues and twos rolling.

Forty one

‘Blocking the door won’t do you any good Frank. They can breach it if they must’ Says Jacob whose standing afar witnessing Frank rearranging the room. Frank is sifting through the furniture turning desks over and pushing filing cabinets down to the ground.

‘Where the hell is it?’ Asks Frank

Jacob looks on in confusion

‘Where the hell is what?’

Frank stops what he is doing and turns to face Jacob.

‘Where the hell is your key card?’

Jacob laughs while shaking his head at Frank.

‘My key card, what the hell are you talking about, what key card?’

Frank walks up to Jacob and grabs him by the corporate looking blue tie he is wearing.

‘The Key card to the armoury’

Jacob pushes Frank off him.

‘Are you crazy Frank? This is the Twenty First century. We don’t carry key cards anymore.’

‘So how do you get access to certain buildings?’

Jacob smiles while doing the jazz hands gesture

‘Fingers Frank, every place in this building is secured with military grade finger printing security. You will need an authorised person to unlock the doors.’

Frank’s eyes widen with glee as he approaches Jacob, reaching into his pocket he pulls out a blade. Jacob screams but Frank grabs his face, muffling the sounds of his cry for help.

Forty Two

Eddie Smith is lying face down on his desk fast asleep. His arm twitches and knocks an empty bottle of vodka off the table. The crashing sound wakens him to a bitter taste of cigarettes and alcohol. He stretches his arms wide above his head. The colour is drained from his face, only illuminated in the dark room by the beads of sweat dripping off his forehead, shining in the light coming through the cracks on the window blinds. He lights another cigarette and gets out from his chair, stretching once more, he walks over to his liquor cabinet and scans the area for any bottles. He finds none. His mobile phone goes off. He answers.

‘DA Smith speaking’

There is a static sound coming from the other end of the phone. Eddie looks at the bars on his cell and moves closer to the window to try and catch a better signal.

‘Hello, any one there?’

A sneer on the other end of the phone sharply awakens the DA.

‘Who is this?’ Asks Eddie

‘Don’t you think it’s strange how a person can stay on a phone, not say one word but still feel like there is still a point in talking to the other end? I mean let’s face it, if this was a real conversation in person and I just stopped talking to you, you’d move on wouldn’t you? But no, for some reason people seem to think that a ringing phone is an important phone, when in all matter of fact, the real importance is the person on the other end. Most bad news on the phone is just that, bad news on a phone. The reason people call people to tell them bad news is because they are too scared to tell them in person. I’m not scared off any one, and believe me that if I had a chance to get an audience with the District Attorney then I would, but unfortunately certain circumstances prevent me from accomplishing that. I hope you don’t mind…….’ Says the voice on the phone

The DA rubs his face and takes a long hard drag on his cigarette.

‘No I don’t mind, I was wandering when you would call Mr Chase.’ Says Eddie

‘Oh so you do have some intelligence after all. The papers got it all wrong then, saying how you are not the smartest or toughest or, well quite frankly, DA material. I got to give you credit where credit is due, not many people could just figure stuff out so quickly, I mean how long did it take you, three seconds? That’s impressive.’

‘What do you want?’

‘Don’t be rude Mr DA. I’m just here to address some issues that I’m having with these so called negotiations.’

Eddie takes another drag on his cigarette.

‘What seems to be the problem with the negotiations?’

‘That’s better, all about me, just how I like it. I’m kidding, I’m modest really, but I guess you know that about me.’

Eddie laughs and starts coughing on his cigarette smoke.

‘Smoking is bad for your health, you know that right.’ Says Connor, his voice bashful on the other end of the phone

‘Yeah I know, just get to the point’

‘I’m saying that if you don’t find me Frank McKenzie and put him on the other end of the phone, something could go wrong.’

‘Are you threatening me?’

‘No I’m just saying, find the bastard!’

‘Look pal I’m the DA, I don’t have to do shit for you, you hear me you stupid prick?’

The phone goes dead. Eddie throws it across the room in frustration. He lights up once more.

Forty Three

Officer Mullin’s car pulls up into the industrial district. It’s getting dark and visibility is down. He turns on the search light on his patrol car and scans the area with the beam, illuminating the buildings and wire fencing surrounding him and his partner.

‘What are you trying to do, make sure McKenzie knows we are here?’ asks Mullins Partner

‘Just shut up. I’m doing my job. Every lead has to be followed, even if it is all the way down to the crapper’

‘You got that right partner. This place is a shit hole. Who would work down here?’

‘No one, it’s been derelict for over twenty five years, ever since that big processing plant went and shipped to Mexico.’

‘Mexico? Wow, this place may be a dump but I wouldn’t be moving down Mexico for nothing. Give me a cardboard box down here any day! Anyway, how do you know all this stuff? You’re barely twenty one years old.’

‘My dad used to work for the processing plant. He knew about this area.’

‘What’s there to know? Where’s the ultimate place to take a shit?’

Mullins moves the search light to the left into the dark alleyway adjacent to their car.

‘Knock it off, this used to be a decent area. Talking of areas maybe it’s a good idea to check the alley out. Good place to hide.’ Says Mullins

‘Be my guest kid, it’s also a good place to get ambushed. That McKenzie guy is some nut. You know he busted some guys face up at a crime scene just for ribbing him, what a whacko!’

‘Yeah that may be true, but we have to find this guy. It’s what we do, get your ass out of the car and back me up; you’re my god damn partner!’

‘I’m also your superior kid! Ah what the heck, I need to stretch my legs, let’s get going then and see to your precious alley mission.’

Both officers get out of the car and make their way down the dark alley. The pathway is full of boxes and garbage. Mullins nearly trips over a trash can.

‘Watch where you’re going kid, turn your damn flash light on!’

‘Yeah alright, I was going to, give me a chance’ says Mullins

Mullins turns his flashlight on and looks around the small alley way. The light highlights the amount of rubbish choking the small walkway.

‘Goddamn it smells like dog shit down here’ says Mullins Partner

In the corner of his eye, Mullins spots a shadow like figure leaning against the wall in a sitting position down the alleyway. He draws his weapon.

‘Hey you, put your hands up! Boston PD’ shouts Mullins

Mullins partner follows his lead and draws his weapon.

The shadowy figure does not respond.

‘I mean it; put your dam hands up!’ Repeats Mullins

The figure continues to stay seated in its place. By now the officers look at each other and Mullins partner signals him to move forward. They move cautiously surveying the figures every move. Forty feet, still not visible, thirty feet, no movement, twenty feet, Mullins swallows, ten feet: