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Mrs Gardener looks down at him, as do the rest of the class. He sits up in his seat, and stretches out. He looks at the room full of eyes staring at him blankly.

‘What?’ He says

‘There’s no need for that sort of negativity Jason’ Mrs Gardener says

Jason starts laughing. The chill down the room is met with an ice like dagger of cackling.

‘There’s nothing negative about the truth. You people live in this bubble of goo and think the world is made of marshmallows and green pillows. The world is not paved with gold. People die horrific deaths every day and the only thing you people are worried about is what half assed job we are going to get when we leave this shithole. There is no dream job or college. Harvard is just a building, just because Bill Gates went there does not mean if you attend, you will have your own Microsoft one day. Life is about hardship and struggle. That’s what makes a man. That’s what makes a woman. You can’t build character on good living. Character is built through stressful times of pain and sorrow. Not Saturdays at the mall at a 75% off sale. Nor are they built on fairy tales of happily ever after and once upon a time. People need to stop thinking about the good that will happen to them, and start thinking about the greater good that they can create. Life is not about what you get out of it, but what you give it. To answer your question Mrs Gardener, I will be making a difference however I can. Be it good or bad, as long as I make my mark on this world, I will die a happy man. So enjoy your spring breaks, your student loans and your so called education. Because before you know it, you would have learnt everything you did not need to know, and missed out on the only thing you need know. Don’t fucking take notice of what other people are doing, because before you know it everyone will be doing it and it will be old news. Be unique, be the originator. Make sure your slice of apple pie is humble enough that everyone wants a bite.’

The classroom is silent at the result of Jason’s speech. The silence stems on for a while more until the class erupts in cheers and applause. The smile on Mrs Gardner’s face is wider than any one has ever seen before.  The ice cold look of steel is momentarily gone from Jason’s eyes as he sits half grinning at his ovation while spinning his pencil on the table with one hand.

Thirty Two

‘So you’re here to see who again?’ The guard asks patiently while scanning the photo id badge.

Frank ruffles his hand through his hair not so patiently.

‘I’m here to see Jacob Reach.’

The guard smiles while handing back the photo ID to Frank McKenzie.

‘Well that might be a problem Mr McKenzie. Not everyone gets a visit with the defence minister just like that. I’m going to have to run your name through the system and get some clearance on the situation.’

Frank shakes his head in frustration as the guard reaches down to his radio and moves it closer to his mouth. Frank’s hands are clenched in anger as he stands outside the government building in broad daylight, feeling exposed and in danger. Before Frank can react, he is snapped out of his daze at the voice of Jacob Reach approaching him and the guard.

‘Hey harry, don’t worry about him, I have Frank here pencilled in for a visit.’ Jacob says just before reaching the two men. The guard nods in understanding and puts his radio back in its holster. Jacob walks closer to the guard and says something into his ear.

‘Understood sir’ the guard responds quietly.

The uneasy feeling the Frank had minutes before Jacob showed up had come back with a vengeance. Frank did not like whispering, nor did he like it when it was about him. Before Frank could say anything, the big security gates to the building opened up and Frank got back into his car. Jacob walked over to the passenger side of the car and tried opening the door. Frank sat in his seat contemplating whether it was a good idea coming to meet Jacob; he unlocked the door for Jacob and waited till he sat down; then they drove off into the government building in silence

Thirty Three

Crystal sat there in the train for what felt like years, but in reality was no more than four hours. She began to bite her nails again, biting the ridges right down to the skin. She was on edge and any one could see that. Facing opposite Crystal was her friend Jenifer, who now was fast asleep, resting her head against the trains vibrating window, ever so often looking uncomfortable as the train swerved side to side on the tracks.

Next to Jenifer was Jason. He wasn’t fast asleep, nor was he facing the window. Jason had been staring at Crystal ever since Jenifer went to sleep. Crystal’s nail biting had become even more corrosive as her mouth dissolved the remaining sheen of her once immaculate manicure. Jason remained seated, staring a hole in to her that only evil could fill. She wanted to say something, tell him where to stick it, to stop looking at her but she couldn’t.

She wondered why a person of her age was feeling sentiments of disapproval regarding the promiscuous relationship that her friend Jenifer and their new found friend Jason were having. She understood the reasons behind it, after all Jason was a good looking man, a man with more than charm and looks. A man that oozed everything that Hollywood and pop culture had taught her was acceptable when growing up.  She thought that maybe she was jealous of Jenifer’s new found Romeo.

She lets out a giggle, unintentionally.

Jason smiled at her and leant forward as if to talk to her in a more private manner. He smiled once more.

‘What’s so funny Crystal?’ He asks his tone remaining indifferent.

Crystal shakes her head.

‘Nothing, why would there be anything funny?’

‘Well call me old fashioned but the last time I checked when someone lets out a giggle, there is usually something funny behind that reaction. Don’t hold me to that though, its pure conspiracy!’

She lets out a smile, a curved one at that.

‘Oh she does have a smile then! I was wondering when I was going to see that gorgeous smile again!’ Jason says, while leaning in further.

Crystal feels more at ease with him even if still a little uncomfortable.

‘Look Jason. I think me and you have gotten off to a bad start. I’m not always like this.’ She says while her brown hair bounces within timing to the train’s turns.

‘Like what? You have been nothing but nice to me’ Jason’s southern accent makes it presence felt again. Soothing, calm.

Crystal blushes and flicks her bouncing hair away from her eyes, revealing her beauty as well as her remorse. Jason reaches out to her and lays his hand on top of hers. Comforting, calculated.

‘Look Crystal, I don’t have any gripes with someone looking out for their friend. It’s natural and downright normal. I would be cautious as well if I was a beautiful girl traveling an express train with her equally beautiful friend. You can’t be too careful these days, as you said; there are a lot of creeps around. I can assure you I’m not one of them.’

She nods in agreement, her hands sweaty underneath his, not from heat but from nerves. The kind of nerves that find their way when you feel uncomfortable, not because you’re scared but because you know it feels right, but it’s so wrong.

‘I understand Jason. But I don’t know if you understand what I’m saying here. It’s not that I think you’re a creep, it’s just that maybe you have chosen the wrong girl’

‘Is that so?’ Jason says, now leaning in close enough to smell her perfume. Close enough to seal the deal.


Thirty Four

‘Still no news sir, we have an APB out on Frank but Boston PD can’t seem to put a radar on this guy’s ass. He is literally off the map. Not even a blip sir!’ The officer says, standing up straighter then most men stand, the reason being that this lowly ranked officer has been giving the opportunity to address the progress on the case to the DA. My lucky break he thinks