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He turned slowly, blinking like he was having trouble focusing. His eyes were hooded sleepily and his blue hair was an electric disarray. He looked completely drunk and completely fuckable and a million thoughts raced through my head at once.

Oh, shit, it's Jax.

Oh, shit, I'm in my purple cloud pajamas.

Holy shit, he looks hot.

Holy shit… he looks pissed.

Chapter Fourteen


Punching a wall hurts like hell, usually. I know, I've done it before. But this time, the expected pain never came—and that's when I knew how drunk I was.

That made it doubly dangerous that Lil Bit was now standing in front of me, looking rumpled and breathless and sexy as hell.

"What was that?" she grumped. Her mouth was twisted in a disapproving sneer but her eyes… fuck, those wide brown eyes were shining unnaturally bright.

She looks horny, Jax.

She looks hard-up.

She wants it.

Fucking shut up!

"What was what?" I snarled at her, meaner than I meant to be, but fuck, she needed to get out of here with her sexy, rumpled hair before I got ahold of it in my hands. The music from the club still pounded in my head. That repeated fucking refrain the only thought that I could muster.

"That bang, dipshit. It sounded like you punched the fucking wall."

"Oh yeah? Must be because I punched the fucking wall." I propped myself up against her doorway and leaned my hand against it, knuckle side down. Nope, still no pain. That could be good or terribly bad. "Why are you being such a tight-ass?"

Her eyes blazed. "Better a tight-ass than an asshole."

"You wound me, Bit." God I missed her. "Always with the insults."

"You get your fair share in too. Like to set 'em to music too."

I had no idea what she was going on about. "Not at all. You're the one with the mouth on her." Fuck, I was drunk. "I like your mouth better on me…"

"Ew!" She swatted my arm.

"That's right, touch me. You're dying to touch me aren't you?"

"I'm not!"

But she was breathless and her lips were parted and I knew she was lying. That only got me more riled up. "Then I'll help you. Here," I grabbed her small hand. "I'll make first contact so you don't have to."

She pulled her hand back and folded her arms across her chest, like she wanted to keep her hands under control. Like she was afraid of what she'd do if she let go.

"What the hell are you staring at?" she demanded.

Damn, she caught me. What the hell was I doing again?

I looked around wildly, trying to force my eyes to stop darting all over the place and come to rest somewhere.

Unfortunately, I realized a second to late that they settled right on her tits.

They were hidden under those ludicrous pajamas, but that somehow made them even more tantalizing. I knew exactly how they'd feel if I snaked my hand underneath her top right now. I wonder if she's wearing a bra? Probably not. I could just make out the tips of her nipples pointing through the fabric. Was she really turned on? Fuck, now I was hard.

"Jaxson, people are trying to sleep."

"You're not," I pointed out. "You look wide awake to me."

She pressed her lips together and looked shifty for a second. Guilty. What was she doing that she’d be guilty about? "I was working," she said loftily.

"Working, huh?" Caught you, Bit. "Writing? Were you writing one of your sexy books, Bit? Holy shit, you were. I bet you were writing a dirty scene right now and that's why you're all squirmy."

"Fuck off, Jax."

"What do you write about, Bit? You ever write about me?"

"Oh my God, you are such a cocky bastard."

"You do!" I crowed. Her blush gave it away. "What do you write about, Bit? Do you think about my body? What's your favorite part, hmm?" I reached down and grabbed her hand, expecting her to snatch it away and slap me. Hell, maybe I wanted her to slap me, derail this particular train of thought before I rode it all the way to the end.

She didn't smack me though. She shushed me. "Keep it down. Do you want the whole house to hear?"

"Mmm, maybe I do." I circled her wrist with my fingers and pulled her closer.

"What are you doing?" she asked. No, more exhaled in a soft sigh.

"Do you want me to stop?" I asked. She was pressed up against me now. She fit just under my chin, perfectly. My puzzle piece. Fuck, I forgot how incredible it was just to have her near me.

"No," she wavered. "Yes. Maybe. It depends on what you're doing."

"I'm doing this," I told her.

Tipping her chin up, I let my lips brush hers. I barely fucking touched her, but it was the most electrifying kiss of my life. Lil Bit—my Lil Bit—was back where she belonged.

I expected her to be angry, or even to hit me. Something to rile me back up again. Aggravate me so I stopped wanting to kiss her again and again, letting my lips wander down memory lane as I rememorized the curves of her body. Like I was ever able to forget them in the first place.

"Jax…" She moaned my name into my mouth, and it was the sexiest sound I had ever heard in my life.

"Fuck, Bit. I've missed you so much." Did I say that out loud? I was kissing her too hard to tell. I pressed her against the wall. I needed to feel her against me, under me. Sudden clarity popped into my head as I immediately sobered up. I couldn't afford to forget this.

She wrapped her hands around my neck, her little fingers fluttering against my back, and I was gone completely. I was ready to rip her clothes off right here in the hallway and lift her tiny body right onto my cock. She was making these little sounds, tiny, mewing noises that were killing me.

Then her whole body shuddered and she pulled back.

"No." I was sure I said that out loud.

She placed her hands on my chest. For a brief moment, I was hopeful.

But then she gave me a small shove.

Then she smiled this small, patronizing smile and fucking patted me on the chest.

She patted me.

"Let's be grown-ups here, Jax, okay?" she cooed in this false calm voice. "We've already done the whole horny teenager thing."

"Horny teenager thing?" I stepped back from her. My head whipsawed between drunken anger and sober sorrow. "Is that what it was to you?"

She sniffed, her little lips pressed into a thin line. "Clearly, that's exactly what it was."


"Yeah." She folded her arms across her chest again, her jaw tight.

"I don't believe you."

"Well, you should." Liliana shook her head. "We were kids, Jax. Puppy love and hormones. It didn't mean anything."

All the breath went out of my lungs and I sagged against the far wall. Didn't mean anything?

"Fuck you, it didn't mean anything," I muttered, staring at my shoes. For a moment everything was swimming, and I knew I would start crying like a bitch if I didn't pull myself together. I looked back up at her.

She was staring at me with pity in her eyes. Fucking pity for me, Jaxson Blue.

No one pities me.

"It meant a lot to you, anyway," I said slowly. Her eyes widened—God, how could they get even wider?—as she listened to the cruel words that tumbled out of my mouth. "I taught you everything you know. It was cute, really, how eager you were to learn." I wanted to hurt her. I hated that I want to hurt her. But I needed to hand her some of the pain I was feeling. "Been nice really, ever since, not having to do all that hand-holding while I'm fucking a chick. Virgins are exhausting."