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He chuckles and starts to undress himself. “Oh, there’ll be an earthquake.”

Too turned on to roll my eyes, I watch as he lays back down on the bed, naked, his cock standing to attention. My mouth waters. Sliding closer to him on my knees, I take his hardness into my hand and stroke him a few times before licking the tip, swirling my tongue around it. I then take as much of him as I can into my mouth, my head bobbing up and down.

“Fuck, Vi,” Dash says in a husky tone that has me squeezing my thighs together. “That feels so good.”

He threads his fingers in my hair and gently pulls, turning me on even more. He slaps the back of my thigh and says, “Sit on my face. I want to taste you.”

I maneuverer my body, straddling his face and lowering myself to him. He grabs my hips and puts his mouth on me, tasting my core. I moan and lean forward, taking his cock deep into my mouth, trying to concentrate, but all I can do is feel his tongue on my clit, bringing me higher and higher. It’s not long before I shatter, moaning around his cock as wave after wave of pleasure hits me. He lifts me off him, rolls me over, and gets on top of me, sliding in with one smooth thrust.

“Are you on the pill?” he asks, looking like he’s struggling to stay still.

“You ask me this after you’re inside of me?”

“Vi,” he growls.

“Yes,” I reply. “I am.”

He thrusts forward and kisses me at the same time, capturing my moan in his mouth.

“You feel fucking perfect,” he says, burying his face in my neck and kissing me there. “Made for me.”

He slides in and out of me, hitting all the right spots and making me want to scream. I don’t know why it feels so intense with him; maybe it’s the angle, or maybe it’s just because it’s him. I don’t know what it is, but it’s better than it’s ever been with anyone else. No one else can compare to Dash. He licks then bites down gently on my nipple, pushing me over the edge into another orgasm. He follows me a few thrusts later, looking me directly in the eyes as he comes inside of me.

“I love being inside you,” he says, breathing heavily.

“I love you being inside of me.”

He kisses my forehead and pulls himself out of me.

“We aren’t leaving this bed all day,” he states, laying back on the bed with his arms folded behind his head. “I’m going to make you come so many times you’re going to forget your own name.”

I kiss his bicep, rolling over so I’m half on top of him. “Stop talking and do it.”

He grins, and then his mouth is back on mine.


“Don’t even look at me like that,” I tell Dash the next morning at breakfast. “Everyone at the basketball game is going to wonder why I’m walking funny.”

Dash just looks smug. “Tell them yesterday was leg day.”

“I don’t even go to the gym.”

“They don’t know that,” he points out, taking a sip of his coffee. “Do you want me to give you a massage? Or why don’t you have a bath?”

I walk up to him and kiss his chin. “I’m fine, just a little sore. I just like complaining.”

His lip twitches then he leans forward to kiss the tip of my nose. “I know. I also like the thought of you still being able to feel me. It’s going to turn me on like fucking crazy every time I think about it.”

“Probably not appropriate when coaching,” I tease.

“Definitely not appropriate.”


“Yeah, Vi?”

“I hope you don’t think we’re having sex tonight.”

His evil grin makes me pause and narrow my eyes. He shrugs. “I can just go down on you.”

I tilt my head to the side. “That’s compromising at its best.”

“I’m all about making you happy,” he says, amusement dancing in his eyes. “Are you ready to go to the game?”

I nod. “Ready.”

A long kiss, and then we leave, hand-in-hand.

Chapter Sixteen


I’m walking through the shopping centre the next day when I see him.

I stop in my tracks.

My heart climbs in my throat.

Forcing my feet to move, I walk up to where he’s standing, behind the counter of the retail store. I watch him talk with a customer, smile, and give her change to her. I can’t look away, even though I know he’s going to wonder why I’m staring at him if he looks in my direction. I browse through the store, stealing glimpses of him whenever I can. I choose a few items to buy, and go and stand in front of him to pay.

“Just these today?” he asks, smiling a friendly grin. His brown eyes are warm and kind.

“Yes, please,” I manage to get out.

He scans the items. “That will be eighty dollars.”

I hand him two fifty-dollar notes, and then he gives me my change.

“Thank you, have a good day.”

“You too,” I reply, forcing a smile.

I leave the shopping centre in a daze.



“What do you want Vanessa?” I ask her, at my complete fucking wit’s end.

“I’m not going to get what I want, so there’s no point talking about it, is there?” she sniffs, crossing her arms over her chest.

“Then why are you here? You can’t just show up at my work. This is getting fucking ridiculous, Vanessa,” I growl, rubbing my hands with a cloth.

“You wouldn’t pick up any of my calls.”

“So maybe take the hint,” I say, throwing the cloth on top of the car I’m working on.

“If I did to you what you did to me, you’d be pissed too,” she fires back. “Sheets weren’t even cold before you had a new bitch between them.”

“Don’t ever call Vi a bitch again, Vanessa,” I say in a cold, hard tone. “This is your first and only warning, and you won’t like what I do if I hear you badmouth her again.”

“Fine,” she snarls, her face pinched.

“You knew what this was,” I say for the millionth time. “We fucking spoke about it, Vanessa. So you need to let it go. I get that what I did was fucked up, but you need to move on. There are so many other men out there for you.”

In all honestly, the only reason she wants me is because she now knows she can’t have me. Because she was dumped. I don’t know if it’s an ego thing or what, but she needs to let it the fuck go. I wish I never fucked with her to begin with. The reason I thought we could work at the start was because she acted so fine with the situation, but she obviously played me, telling me what I wanted to hear. I can’t stand women like her, with their mind games, schemes, and ulterior motives.

“I didn’t know I’d start to feel so much for you,” she says, looking away. “Or that we’d be ending so soon, just because you—”

“None of this matters anymore,” I tell her. “Move on, Vanessa. Leave me alone. I’m hanging on by a thread with your bullshit, and my patience is about to expire.”

“Dash,” she says, her voice catching. “I just don’t see how you don’t get it. We’re perfect for each other. You can’t just throw me away when you find something shinier.”

I shut my eyes and pray for patience.

“You need to leave,” I say in a stern tone. “And don’t fucking show up at my house or work again.”

“Why are you being so mean?” she asks, lip quivering.

I inhale and exhale slowly. How can someone be so…desperate?

“Bye, Vanessa,” I say, walking away and leaving her standing there.

Some people just can’t take a hint.


“Look at you, all smiling and shit,” Xander says, smirking at me.

“I know, right?” Summer adds, chewing on a carrot stick. “He’s like…glowing.”

“Can you two cut it out?” I groan, looking between the brother and sister. “Yes, I’m fucking happy. Now stop giving me a hard time about it.”

“I don’t think we’ve seen those dimples so much…ever,” Summer continues, as if I hadn’t spoken. “Vi must have strawberry flavoured nipples.”

I throw Summer a look. “You need to stop.”

Xander chuckles.

Reid sits down at the table and eyes the snack selection before grabbing a chip and coating it in dip. “When will the real food be ready?”