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“Well, I’m glad you finally figured it out,” I say, squeezing his hand. “Don’t you think it’s weird how comfortable it feels between us? You were right when you said it feels like no time has passed.”

He parks the car and turns to face me. “I know, and I don’t want to freak you out, but I really want to kiss you right now.”

I wanted to kiss him too, yet it did feel weird, considering he only just broke up with his girlfriend.

“Can we wait?” I ask him, shifting in my seat. “You only just broke up with her, and it’s just...”

“I get it,” he says, cupping my cheek. “I said I wouldn’t push you, and I won’t. I’m just fucking greedy for you.” He smirks. “But I can control myself. Don’t move.”

He gets out of the car and opens my door.

“Thank you,” I tell him. “But it’s not necessary, Dash. I can open my own door.”

“And now she’s complaining about me being a gentleman,” he mutters, sounding amused.

He takes my hand in his, lacing our fingers as we walk into the restaurant.

Chapter Eleven

“That’s not how I remember this story at all,” I say to Dash, laughing so hard that people are starting to stare. “I came over to drop your homework off. The teacher asked me; I didn’t volunteer. And how was I meant to know you’d open the door half naked?”

“I was so stressed out that day,” he admits. “The twins were sick and extremely grumpy. I’d had a fight with my mum over me having to miss school because she couldn’t miss work. It was just a really shit day. And then you come in, sort the twins out, feed us all, and get them to sleep without a fuss.” He reaches over and takes my hand. “It was probably one of the nicest things anyone had done for me. And you didn’t even want anything in return.”

“I got a rose, though,” I say, smiling gently at him. “You had so much on your shoulders at such a young age. Honestly, you should be so proud of everything you did for your family. At the time, though, I remember being angry on your behalf and wanting to stick up for you.”

“Always sticking up for the underdog.”

“You were never the underdog,” I say, rolling my eyes at him. “You always overcame everything that was thrown at you.”

“Being weak was a luxury I couldn’t afford,” he says, smiling sadly. “I had to keep everything together for my sisters, and mum had to work to provide for us, so she was always gone. It could have always been worse.”

Not every boy his age would have stepped up to the plate, though. I don’t think he knows just how amazing of a person he truly is.

“What do you want for dessert?” he asks, scanning the menu.

“I’m too full for dessert.”

“We could share one,” he suggests, studying me. “I really don’t want this night to end.”

I duck my head and look at the menu. “How about some cheesecake?”

“Cheesecake sounds perfect to me,” he replies, and I can still feel his gaze on me.

The truth is, I don’t want this night to end either. But it is insane to just start something like this, after not seeing each other for so long, and because of Vanessa. My head and my heart are definitely at war, and I have no idea who will win the battle.

We share a cookies-and-cream cheesecake, and Dash pays the bill. I tell him that I’m paying the next time, which earns me a dirty look I choose to ignore.

“You’re not paying any time,” he says, wrapping his arm around me. “You can argue all you want, but that’s one thing I’m not going to compromise on.”

“Why not?” I ask curiously. “I have a job and earn money too, you know. Equality and all that.”

He kisses my temple. “Come on. You can argue with me in the car.”

I do just that.

When we get back to my house, he walks me to the door. We hug goodbye, and he’s about to leave, when in that split second, I change my mind.

I kiss him.

I think it catches him off guard at first, but then he’s kissing me back, hands in my hair, my back pressed up against the door, our mouths telling each other things that words never could do. He tastes like cheesecake, sweet and delicious, and his kisses are addictive. I run my fingers over the dark stubble on his cheek and suck on his lower lip before pulling away.

“Wow,” is all I can think to say.

He smiles then leans forward for another kiss, this time sweet and soft.

“Do you feel it?” he asks, pushing my hair back behind my ear.

“I feel something,” I blurt out, pushing my body up against his.

He chuckles and kisses just underneath my ear. “Not that. The connection, can’t you feel it?”

I don’t know what exactly it is I feel, but it’s taking over my body, clouding my vision, and sweeping through my senses.

It’s consuming me.

“When will I see you next?” I ask, wrapping my arms around his neck and burying my face in his shoulder.

“Tomorrow,” he says, kissing the top of my head. “I’ll cook for you at my house. How does that sound?”

“It sounds good,” I say then kiss his lips once more. “Goodnight, Dash.”

“Goodnight, Vi,” he says, reluctantly letting go of me and taking a step back.

I close the door and lock it behind me, but just stand there for a few moments, an almost foreign smile on my face.

Oh, how things can change so much in only a few days.


“You’re here!” Summer yells as I walk into Knox Tavern.

“Of course I’m here,” I say, sitting down on one of the barstools. “You rang me a million times. Did Xander give you my number?”

“I stole it from his phone,” she confesses, pouring me a gin and tonic without even asking and sliding it over to me. “I’m on my lunch break.”

“One drink won’t kill you,” she says, leaning on the bar. “Now spill, tell me everything. No detail is too insignificant.”

I give her a brief summary of our date and how he broke up with Vanessa.

“Cutthroat,” she says, eyes widening. “So are the two of you together now?” She puts her hand up. “And don’t give me any of that ‘no labels’ bullshit.”

I smirk, because I was just about to say that. “We’re…dating, I suppose? I don’t know. We’ve only had one date, and I’m seeing him again tonight.”

“Two dates in a row,” she breathes. “Awesome. I’m so happy Dash finally found someone decent. I was starting to worry about him.”

“I kind of feel bad about Vanessa,” I admit, taking a sip of the gin. “Imagine if a guy did that to you.”

“Yeah, but no offence, she seemed like a bitch.” Summer shrugs, tapping her blue nails on the counter. “Don’t feel bad. It’s not on you. It’s on Dash. He made that play. He obviously didn’t care about her that much, or he cared about you more. Either way, you’re winning.”

I shake my head. “You’re crazy, and I have to get back to work.” I try to give her some money for the drink, but she flat out refuses. “Come back tomorrow, and I’ll have some sandwiches and stuff ready for you.”

She leaves to serve another customer.


Memories of Max and me bringing each other lunch flashes through my mind, filling me with warmth instead of pain for once.

Reid walks out from the back, and I wave at him before heading back to work.

Chapter Twelve

“This is actually really delicious, Dash,” I say, moaning. “There isn’t anything you can’t do, is there?”

“I don’t mind cooking,” he replies, sitting down and watching me devour my plate of food. His house is amazing, something I’d buy myself. It’s two stories, and modern, mainly in black and cream, but with splashes of red and grey. I haven’t seen the upstairs, but I have a feeling it would be just as perfect.

“I don’t mind eating,” I remark, smiling at him. “This is going to be hard to top when it’s my turn to cook.”