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“They have both. Where does this guy live again?”

I gave him the address of the penthouse.

“In Carrington Park?” Brian’s voice rose as excitement rushed across his face.

“Yes. Hold it down. People are starting to look at us.” I motioned for the server to bring us the check.

“Holy shit, Kendra. You’re working for The Jax Wilder?”

I rolled my eyes. “I’m not sure he uses that exact title, but yes. His son is adorable and he honestly acts much like any other guy would.” I shrugged and sat back, knowing I didn’t have the funds to pay for lunch.

The server brought the bill and Brian snatched it up, leaving me with a little bit of my dignity. I was grateful.

“It’s not his son you’re watching. Did you not see the special on Flight 2426? I was trying to drag you into the living room to watch the recap the other day, remember?”

“What does that have to do with...” I paused as realization rolled over me. “Oh. Was his wife on that flight?”

He threw up his hands. “No. His sister and her husband were. The baby is his nephew if we’re talking about the same billionaire.”

“His nephew?” Something inside of me loosened. The idea of him not having belonged to a prefabricated family gave room for something to move in my soul. It was silly, seeing that I was still nothing more than the nanny to the child he was guardian over. Just because he wasn’t Tyson’s true father didn’t change much other than the fact that he hadn’t been previously married. And it made more sense as to why he knew nothing about burping.

I liked that thought a little too much.

“Yes. This guy is like filthy rich, Kendra. He doesn’t have to work a day in his life and yet he does.” Brian handed the bill back to the server.

“I don’t know about all of that. He offered me the job and it’s far more money than I could expect anywhere. I’ll give it the three months he’s offering me.” I reached across the table and brushed my fingers over Brian’s hand. “You sure you’re okay with me leaving? I’ll pay my part of the rent, no worries.”

He gripped my hand back. “As long as you’re okay with it. I want to visit of course, but that’s just the curious part of me. The man’s beautiful. You sure you’re going to be okay with that?” Brian lifted his eyebrow and gave me a cocky smirk.

“Of course. I’m there to watch Tyson and take care of his needs. Jax is simply my employer. Nothing more.” I shrugged and stood. “You ready? He’s sending a truck at four and I need to pack up all my shit.”

“Four? That’s in three hours. You have more stuff than anyone I’ve ever known.” He laughed and moved toward me, pressing his hand to the lower part of my back and moving us from the burger shop. “I’ll help you pack if you promise to describe Jax in detail the first time you get him naked.”

I gasped in pseudo embarrassment. “Why, Brian. I would never, ever, ever... tell you when I get him naked.”

Brian laughed as we walked to the car. “That’s my girl.”


Packing was a nightmare and a half. I ended up with five suitcases and twelve boxes of stuff. By the time the driver arrived, I was covered in sweat and needing a shower. I promised him and Brian that it would only be a minute. There was no way in hell I was showing up at Jax’s covered in sweat again. He would think I had real issues, which I most likely did.

I worked fast to wash up as I went through the list in my head. I had packed my three sewing machines, my equipment, books, sketches of designs, clothes and my favorite snacks from the pantry.

Spending Saturdays back at the apartment with Brian would be the plan, but who knew how long that would last. I usually spent my weekends working on new designs or lounging in the nearby parks. It was almost spring, and the idea of taking Tyson to a large park downtown left excitement bubbling up inside of me.

It was like a whole new life, and it was mine.

I towel-dried quickly and braided my long blond hair to where it sat heavy on my back. I changed into a soft cotton dress and added a little bit of lip gloss to make myself look more nanny-like. Whatever the hell that meant.

Tugging my last bag over my shoulder, I paused and looked around my rather empty room as sadness rolled over me. There was a chance that I wouldn’t see that room again or have time with Brian by myself like I had for the last few years. He and Billy were moving on with their lives and would be married, most likely, by Christmas.

What was I doing? Playing house with a wealthy playboy who would love me today and drop me tomorrow? I growled at the thought.

I wasn’t playing anything. I was making tons of money to watch a sweet little guy who had recently lost not only his mother, but his father too. We were alike in our pain, and I could help him as he grew up. He wouldn’t remember the event at all, but everyone else would. Their recollection of it would create emotions inside of Tyson. Emotions that I had long ago figured out how to process. I hadn’t had much of a choice.

“Hey. You coming?” Brian’s voice pulled me from my reverie and I let out a soft sigh before turning and walking toward the front door.

“Yeah. Sorry. Just having a moment.” I stopped in front of him as he reached out and pulled me into a tight hug.

“I’m here if you need anything. That room will always be open to you, okay?”

“Okay.” I snuggled against him and forced back the burn of tears. Why did it feel like everything was changing? It had to be the suddenness of it all.

“Did you get your favorite snacks from the pantry?” He moved back and squeezed my shoulders as sadness sat on his face too. It had to be because of the quickness of the decision to move out. Most people had months or weeks to mull over making such a big decision. I had a few hours.

Guess that’s how rich people work. No time to dilly dally.

“Yeah, but if you want the pop-tarts, I’ll leave them for you.” I pulled from his grasp and gave him a cheeky grin.

“Um no. I’d rather not eat fake fruit squeezed between cardboard.”

I nudged him. “Hey! I love those things.”

He popped my rear and laughed. “And they love you too.”

I shook my head and walked to the door, pausing for a minute to glance back at him. “You sure about this?”

He took in a deep breath and smiled. “I support you in anything you do. Are you sure about this?”

“No, but taking risks seems to be something I continue to be faced with.”

“Good. Then take another one. My mom used to always tell me that if you can force yourself to go to the edge of a limb, you just might discover that you can fly.”

I smiled as tears burned my gaze. “I want to fly.”

“And you will.”

3 - Jax

I hung up, a little worried that I might have pushed harder than she was comfortable with. I was used to getting what I wanted, when I wanted it.

My relationship with Kendra would be no different.

I was her new employer and if it took a little more manipulation than I was used to having to do, so be it. The minute I started to treat her differently from any of my other employees, I would be in deep shit. There was already a budding attraction to the sexy blond minx. How she pulled off sensual and cute all in the same moment was beyond me.

All I knew was that it was a dangerous mixture. I wasn’t sure if I wanted to pull her down for a night of snuggling and movie watching more than a good hard fuck, but I needed to watch myself closely.

I was grateful she accepted the job. I was more comfortable in five minutes than anyone else I’d ever met. She was different. Something about her and her story left me wanting to know more. Wanting to protect her and offer her more than she had ever had.

What if the story isn’t real? What if she made that shit up because she knew Tyson was an orphan too?