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The buzzer to the gate rang, giving them a momentary much-needed break from this topic. Coming here tonight, Addison had no idea she’d be in for such an intense discussion. She could only hope that, now that she explained, he’d drop it, let her deal with this her way, and not push for more information. There were things she knew she needed to be honest with him about, but others she still wasn’t willing to disclose, and it was all for the sake of protecting Clair. No matter what, she would not back down. The thought of having to argue or, worse, him giving her some kind of ultimatum had the emotion already creeping up on her.





Chapter 20


“Fred what?” AJ asked as soon as he was back in the kitchen with the food. Addison stared at him apprehensively. “Is he still playing?”

She shook her head, and if he weren’t mistaken, her eyes glistened. “No, he’s not?” He set the food down on the center island and peered at her when she didn’t answer him. “What’s wrong with you? Are you crying?”

“No,” she whispered, but clearly she was close to it. “I meant, no, please don’t ask anything specific about him. None of that matters, and for over seven years, I’ve managed to keep him anonymous. I don’t even like referring to him as her dad. He’s so undeserving of the title.”

Grinding his teeth, AJ decided he’d let that part of this go. Only because he could see how much this was upsetting her. But he still needed to get to the bottom of a few other things. “So what did you meet with him for?”

“To call his bluff,” she said, breathing in deeply and appearing a little more composed.

“What bluff?”

“He’s still claiming he’s really checking into moving out here and says if I cooperate with his requests to spend time with her he’ll keep things out of court.”

“And you’re agreeing to this?” AJ asked, his insides really lighting up now.

“I’m going along for now, AJ.” She crossed her arms in front of her. “I’m telling you I don’t buy for a minute he’d move out here. Even today, he hardly inquired about her. All he wanted to discuss was the possibility of us.”

“Is that right?” AJ asked, cracking his fingers one by one in an effort to calm himself because he could feel himself crossing over to that place. “So are you going along with that too?”

“No, of course not. I—”

“Where’d you meet him?”

“Lou and Mickey’s down at Gaslamp.”

“You met him at a bar?”

“It’s a steakhouse too.”

“So you were on a date with him?” AJ paced the kitchen, trying desperately not to lose it.

“No,” she insisted adamantly, walking over to him and touching his arm. “I remembered the place is kind of dark, and I didn’t wanna be seen with him, but at the same time, wanted it to be somewhere public so I knew I’d be safe?”

“Why? You feel threatened by him?”

No,” she said again, slipping her hand into his and squeezing. “I just figured it’s always safer to meet someone you don’t trust entirely somewhere public, especially when no one knows you’re meeting him. He’s never given me any reason to feel threatened, but he’s not exactly on the top of my list of people I trust. I was just playing it safe.”

AJ searched her eyes, breathing in deeply in an effort to remain calm, but one thing was for damn sure. The food he’d ordered was a waste. At least for him it was because he’d completely lost his appetite. In fact, he’d had visions of knocking the whole fucking bag off the counter more than once already, but he was determined not to let Addison see that ugly side of him, not this close up. “Alright, so what now? Anytime he calls and says he wants to meet with you, you’re going to go running to him?”

“No.” She shook her head, almost annoyed.

Damn straight no. There were things he might go along with—for now. This was not one of them.

“He’s gone now. He had a plane to catch just a few hours after I met with him.”

She brought her hand around his waist, forcing him to lean back against the counter, and stared up at him. AJ did his best to relax his already overworked tense muscles as he stared down at her.

“After the second time he brought up the possibility of us, I told him there was no possibility and, if he was going to insist we discuss it, that I was leaving. We then discussed his meeting Clair. He wants to arrange something where he’d come out here and Clair and I could spend the day with him at the beach or something.”

“Fuck no!” AJ said, straightening out suddenly, done with trying to remain cool about this. He pulled free of her embrace and stormed away. It felt impossible to stand in one place anymore. He ran his fingers through his hair before turning back to face her. “The three of you spending a cozy family day at the beach? That’s not happening.”

“I’m not leaving her alone with him,” she said firmly.

“You don’t have to. I’ll go with you guys, but you’re not spending the day with a guy who’s in love with you and just using her so he can be around you. I can be reasonable about some things, Addison, but this is bullshit!

“I’m still holding out for the possibility that he’ll just drop the whole idea,” she said, her eyes glistening again. “I actually thought for a moment when he kept changing the subject back to the possibility of us working things out,  that maybe if he met her and saw how high maintenance she is with all her allergies he’d bail for sure. I’d hate to do that to her, but if it means getting rid of him, I’d be willing. He’s that self-absorbed and has never wanted to be bothered by anything.”

“Are you kidding me?” AJ asked because that last comment infuriated him as much as it worried him. “He spends a couple of hours with her, and he’ll be in love. You’ll never get rid of him.” This was a fucking nightmare. AJ’s worst. “Promise me you won’t do anything without at least telling me first. I know I’m not her father, Addison, but I love that little girl as much as I love you. I think I deserve to at least know what you plan to do. And I’m sorry. I’ll deal with not knowing who this guy is, but I will not tolerate you lying to me again.”

“I won’t and I’ll tell you before I decide anything.” She walked up to him, her lip quivering now, so he pulled her to him. “I love that you love her as much you love me.”

“How could I not?” he said, squeezing her tighter and kissing the top of her head. “She’s impossible not to love and she’s a part of you.”

The sound of Isaiah’s crutches got their attention, and they both turned to see him entering the kitchen. “Everything okay?” he asked when he saw Addison wiping away the tears.

“Everything’s fine,” she said, walking over to grab a paper towel.

Isaiah peered at her for a moment, noticeably unconvinced, but when he glanced at AJ questioningly, AJ shook his head in a silent gesture to let it go.

“Is that Chinese?” Isaiah asked, turning his attention to the bag on the counter.

“Yeah, Lucky Dragon,” AJ said, turning to the untouched food. “Help yourself. I ordered a lot.”

They made small talk about today’s game and Isaiah’s physical therapy as Isaiah munched on some of the Chinese food straight out of the boxes. After a short while of chatting, Isaiah finally excused himself, saying he shouldn’t eat too much because he had a dinner date. That instantly annoyed AJ. “You’re not supposed to be driving,” AJ reminded him.

“Who said I’m driving?” Isaiah smirked, winking at Addison, saying it was nice to see her again as he hobbled out of the kitchen.

“Seriously,” AJ muttered under his breath as he grabbed two beers from the fridge. “What’s so hard about staying put for a few weeks? Would it really kill the guy to just relax and enjoy being catered to? I told you he let go of the nurse I hired to wait on him, right?”