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Good girls cheat too.

It’s a bitter reality Lorenzo Moreno knows all too well.

After his “good girl” fiancée blindsides him by cheating on him with her ex Lorenzo swears off relationships for a while, if not forever.

Until Fate steps in.

Unable to fight the incredible pull he feels to Olivia, a girl who was supposed to be just a meaningless one night stand, Lorenzo gives into his heart. But only after making one thing utterly clear. He will not deal with any exes or other men in her life. Period.

She’s not that person anymore.

For too long Olivia Romero shamefully put up with an manipulative and overly controlling boyfriend. So when Fate pairs her up with the gorgeous but intense Air Force pilot she’s ready to stand her ground. Cutting all ties with her ex is no sacrifice for Olivia. It’s why she willingly complies with Lorenzo’s uncompromising stipulation.

As their relationship intensifies, so do Lorenzo’s suspicions about any man in her life. Determined to not be that weak girl anymore, Olivia demands to be trusted. Despite how vehement her new boyfriend can be, her diligence seems to be working.

But when an unforeseen crisis arises Olivia is forced to make a decision. A decision she knows in Lorenzo’s jaded and suspicious mind could be unforgivable.

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No regrets. Just lessons learned.

Having lived through the torment of losing his first love to someone else—all because he never spoke up—Sydney Maricopa vowed never to repeat that mistake again.

So when he finally admits he’s fallen for his new best friend, he refuses to lose her too, especially once he realizes his feelings for her might be requited. There’s only one problem.

Her perfect boyfriend.

Still, Sydney’s determined to fight for the girl he loves this time. He has what it takes to go up against Mr. Perfect. Most importantly, he and his new best friend have something even her boyfriend can’t compete with—their profound connection. One he intends to use to win her over.

Until he finds out what she’d be giving up if she chooses Sydney.

Something no one should ever give up. Would he dream of selfishly asking her to? Or should he do the honorable thing and sacrifice his own happiness for hers? Allow the girl he loves to sail off into the sunset with another man as he stands back and watches in agony . . . again?

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Besides working three jobs, worrying about her family back home, and running from her past, the worst thing to complicate Bethany Amaya’s life further would be a romance. But after a second-run in with the irresistibly sexy detective Damian Santiago, that’s exactly what she gets. In the blink of an eye, she’s caught up in a passionate romance with one of the most intense men she’s ever met.

Awestruck for a second time by the beautiful and intriguing performer, Damian is both surprised and delighted that Bethany agrees to something he didn’t even expect to be asking for so soon—exclusivity. As things heat up, Damian’s skills of detecting and reading body language begin to raise suspicions—Bethany is keeping something from him. Try as he might to calm his suspicions, the blatant signs become impossible to ignore.

Some things are better left unsaid. At least that’s what Bethany keeps telling herself. She never imagined falling in love so quickly, and she refuses to get Damian caught up in her troubles. She knows what he suspects—sees it in those possessive eyes. With Damian’s suspicions mounting, time is of the essence. The race is on, and Bethany finds herself scrambling to fix the past before the truth comes out and Damian finds out that it’s much worse than he suspected.

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Fear of abandonment has been a crippling issue for Henrietta her entire life. It’s why when her bestie comes out of the closet in college, admitting to being in love with her she agrees to take their friendship to another level.

Aaron’s led a charmed life. He has a perfect family, a dream job, and his business is booming. He also plans on marrying his equally perfect girlfriend who he’s been with for over ten years. Then he meets his kid sister’s college buddy Henri.

At first it’s easy to deny and even try to forget the incredible connection they felt after just one conversation. But when Henri accepts a job working for Aaron and they begin seeing each other almost daily, what they’re feeling for each other becomes impossible to deny.

Should Aaron and Henri stay with the ones they love or take a chance on something so extraordinary it’s impossible to even explain—understand. Making such a life-altering decision is truly scary.

But even more scary than that?


Defining Love. Which is the forever kind?


As always, writing the story is mostly all about what’s gnawing at me until I get it down on paper. But bringing it all together takes a small army. I couldn’t possibly do this alone. I’d like to thank everyone who contributes in some way to every single book I put out.

To my husband and “assistant,” Mark, thank you for believing in me always and encouraging me to do this. I appreciate your patience and calm when I have one of my mini meltdowns. You truly are my rock who helps me not lose my mind at times I feel like I might. I love you, babe!

To my two grown babies, thank you for putting up with and respecting my time in the cave. I appreciate that you understand that even if I am in my PJ's and slippers and haven't run a comb through my hair in days, I really am "working." Thanks for the stories you share with me that often times make it into my books. As always, Momma loves you and is so proud of you both!

To my beta readers, Judy Devries, Dawn Winter, Emily Lamphear, and Amanda “Hootie” Clark, thank you all SO much for your always completely honest opinions and feedback. I promise you the next one you won't be sending me scathing emails asking WHY? in the middle of your read. Wait. I just remembered something. Never mind. ;)

I’d also like to thank the many bloggers out there who have supported me and have pimped, reviewed, and participated in my cover reveals and announcements. You guys have been a HUGE part of my success, and I thank every single one of you from the bottom of my heart!

Thank you InkSlinger and my publicist Tara Gonzalez for all the work you've done so far. This is new for me, but so far I've been impressed by the excellent communication and diligent work you've done! I look forward to continuing working with you!

Thank you to Theresa (Eagle Eyes) Wegand, my one-stop superhero, beta reader/editor/formatter, listener to all my whiny rants/vents and obsessive worrying, and friend—even when you’re brutally honest. LOL ;) I promise I’ll never hold it against you and truly appreciate it! As always, your work is impeccable, and I can’t say enough about it. I hope to be working with you for years to come! Thank you so much!

Shout out to “my FP girls,” my incredibly talented group of superstar authors. Thank you for the love, empathy, and your friendships. Each and every one of you!