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“Ladies’ room,” Nathan said, noticeably irritated that AJ would be asking again.

Nathan didn’t bother looking at AJ either. Instead, he turned to Addison as they reached the hallway where the restrooms were. “Sweetness, can you do me a favor and see if she’s still in there?”

Addison nodded as she let go of AJ’s hand. “Sure.”

The moment she was far enough AJ turned to Nathan, even more annoyed with him now because he could’ve just as easily asked Emi for the favor. “Sweetness?’

His idiot brother smirked then laughed, sticking one hand in his pocket and scratching his chin with the other. “God, you’re easy.”

Chapter 18


Addison and Emi strolled down the hallway, chatting about their dresses and all the other celebrity athletes there. Addison tried to be as cheery as Emi, but she was still beyond annoyed about the scene that not just her dad had gotten dragged into but AJ’s entire family had been witness to. How dare that drunk jerk! She was so lost in her infuriating thoughts she didn’t notice Emi had stopped until Addison was a few steps ahead of her.


Turning in the direction Emi was staring at the double door entrance to what looked like a banquet room of some kind, Addison saw Isaiah push himself away from the wall he’d been leaning against and grab his crutch. Kelli, who stood talking to him, had her back to them but turned to see who’d called Isaiah’s name.

“Nathan was looking for you, Kelli,” Emi said with that same chilly tone Addison had heard on AJ earlier and in the past when referring to Kelli. It was irritated, suspicious. “You’ve been gone a while.”

“Yeah, I had to use the ladies’ room then make a call,” Kelli said as she, too, started toward Emi and Addison. “After the call, I ran into Isaiah on the way back and got caught up talking.” She motioned in the direction where AJ and Nathan were waiting. “Is everyone still inside the cocktail party?”

“No,” Emi said, like AJ making no qualms about showing her distaste as she sized Kelli up. “They’re all just out in the hallway, waiting for us.”

Kelli nodded. “Okay, thanks,” she said then started on her way back alone.

Isaiah didn’t go with her. Instead, he waited until she was far enough before turning back to Emi and Addison with a frown. “Do me a favor,” he said more to Emi than Addison. “Don’t mention that to Nathan.”

“What?” Emi asked, glancing in Kelli’s direction then back at her brother. “Why? What’s going on, Isaiah?”

“Nothing’s going on.” Isaiah turned to Addison now.

Even the bruising and scratches on his face didn’t do much to take from his chiseled good looks. He and his brothers all shared that same intense stare when they were serious. The same one staring at her now. “As finicky as AJ’s been about her, I’d appreciate if you don’t tell him either. It’s nothing. She was just asking for advice. Her relationship with Nathan is a complicated one, but she asked me not to tell Nathan she’d come to me. Even that would irritate AJ.”

“If that’s all it is,” Emi said, before Addison could respond to his request, “I won’t, but I’m just gonna go on the record now. I’m with AJ on this. I don’t care for her either, Isaiah. There’s something about her that hasn’t sat right with me ever since that first day he brought her around.”

Addison wouldn’t comment on that. She felt bad that she knew a little more about Kelli than any of them, but this was beginning to feel weird, and she did not want to be in the middle of it when she still didn’t know enough. All she could hope was that tonight was just a one-night friends’ thing as Nathan had implied earlier. Then she’d never have to mention what she knew.

“I won’t say anything,” she said and smiled when Isaiah winked at her and mouthed the words thank you.

Emi had already begun to head to the ladies’ room. Isaiah took off in the opposite direction and Addison followed Emi.

“I’m cornering that girl first chance I get her alone,” Emi said, once inside the ladies’ room. “I’ll be the first to admit relationships can start off complicated.” Before Addison could high five her and give her an Amen sister, Emi added, “You and AJ seem to be the exception, but I’ll give Kelli that much. Only Nathan has two sisters. Why is she asking Isaiah for advice? She must not know Nathan too well. Word of warning,” she said as the line to get into a stall moved slowly. “My husband is probably the only guy in this family now who might have the patience to hear his girl is secretly seeking the advice of another man, even if it were his own brother. The only reason I’ll be keeping this from Nathan is because I don’t want any tension between my brothers, especially not because of her.”

When they were finally done and on their way back to meet the rest of the gang, Addison was still pondering one part of Emi’s haughty little speech in the ladies’ room. Sure, her relationship with AJ had started off pretty much without a hitch, but it was far from uncomplicated. As much as she loved AJ now, one thing would never change. Clair came before anything for her.

She’d suspected, even before she met AJ and thought things might move forward with him, that any relationship she ever had would be complicated because there were certain things she was adamant about. While AJ accepted the fact well enough in the beginning that she’d never share about Clair’s dad with him, she was beginning to think otherwise as things got more serious.

Emi was absolutely right about one thing, and Addison had figured as much even before getting to know AJ. The longer she was with him, the clearer it was his patience was as short as his fuse, especially when it came to someone not being entirely forthcoming. It worried her because he’d made a few things all too clear. It was just a matter of time before his feelings of entitlement grew to him demanding to know everything about his girl. Addison was willing to tell him everything he needed to know, but there were some things she’d be drawing the line at.

That’s when she was certain things would get complicated.


The rest of the evening went beautifully well with no more drama. Kelli didn’t run off or anything as she had the last time they’d been in Los Angeles. AJ even won an award. He dedicated it to his siblings, to whom he attributed his getting where he was, adding that there was nothing he wouldn’t do for them because he owed them the world. He also thanked Addison’s dad—his mentor—also adding that he owed him for so much more than just what he’d taught him in the time he’d known him, and smiled at Addison.

“You know I would’ve thanked you too, but I figured there’s going to be enough hype about us arriving together, our holding hands all night, and the fact that I can’t stop doing this.” He leaned in and kissed her softly as they danced on the dance floor at the award-show after party. “Not to mention how much you know they’ll be blowing up the confrontation between that asshole Bigsby and me.” The sudden glare in his eyes softened as something else seemed to come to him. “You may have a lot of explaining to do already when you get back to Clair.”

“I’m sure she’s already guessed as much; she’s so sharp-eyed. I wouldn’t be surprised if she’s figured out that I’m holding out on her and just waiting for me to come clean.” Addison smiled at him, running a finger over his lips. “It’s probably time, anyway, to let her in on us. I get the feeling she won’t be against it at all.”

Us,” he whispered against her lips. “Why does that excite me so much?”

Addison smiled big, feeling like she might burst. It was still so hard to believe that AJ Romero was in love with her, despite all her imperfections. She’d always known her being a single mom might be a deal breaker for a lot of men, but especially so for someone like AJ, who had such a vast choice of young single women with no baggage. Not only had it not been a deterrent for him, he acted as if Clair were a bonus. He loved his little Clair Bear, and there was nothing disingenuous about it. She saw it in his bright eyes when he was around Clair.