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Clair kept saying her mom would make it to one of the games eventually.

“Papa said she used to be a big fan. Like me, when she was younger, she loved coming out to meet with the players and collect stats and all. But she’s just too busy now.”

Something about the way Clair said it was sad. He’d heard of workaholic people and how their jobs took from their relationships with their loved ones. It’s why he tended to go out of his way to spend as much time with Clair as he could—on the field during warm ups at home games, that is. He’d yet to do anything with her off the field; though he had told her one day he’d have her and her papa over to his sister’s. Aside from baseball, the only other thing Clair spoke of with the same passion was Snickers, the beagle she’d had since she was born. From what he could tell, aside from AJ and some of the other guys she’d gotten close to on the team, Snickers was her only friend. So she was big on dogs and animals in general. AJ’s sister Olivia owned and ran her own pet-grooming business. He was pretty sure Clair would get a kick out of Liv’s pooch mobile and her own dogs.

She also mentioned the sad irony of her beloved dog’s name. Her mom had named the dog before they knew of Clair’s peanut allergy. Because of it, Clair would never know what a Snickers bar actually tasted like. AJ couldn’t imagine why she couldn’t at least nibble at it. So she’d develop a slight rash or sneeze a little or whatever it was that happened if she ate a peanut. She’d get over it. But she was adamant she never would.

AJ walked down to the coach’s office just before his game. The coach had texted him to meet him there before heading out to the pre-game batting practice.

As he made his way down, he saw Travis, the team’s self-proclaimed playboy, hamming it up with what was likely a groupie just outside the fenced area that led to the infield. She was your typical made-up, turbo-tits, flirty-looking girl. He and Travis exchanged smirks as the groupie turned to see who Travis was smiling at. AJ almost turned away but had to do a double take when he saw the girl’s big smiling eyes grow even bigger and more attentive when it seemed she realized who he was.

It wasn’t the way her eyes seemed to recognize him. Travis may have been the playboy of the team, but of the two, AJ was by far one of the most recognized on and off the field. It didn’t surprise him that she’d obviously recognized him. She even stood up straighter with that same star-struck expression AJ was so familiar with. But something about those eyes had him doing that double take. As expected, they were sexy, but there was also something else. They were sweetly familiar? He couldn’t put his finger on it.

“AJ Romero,” she called out, but he waved her off, pointing as if to say he was in a hurry and couldn’t stop for a picture or autograph or whatever else she might want from him.

“Sorry, hon,” he said under his breath. “I don’t do sloppy seconds.”

The girl was hot enough, and he was certain the groupies he’d had under him weren’t the most wholesome of girls. But he was not about to get caught up with anyone his teammates had been with, least of all Travis’s leftovers. Travis was an outfielder who often flirted, even with the girls in the stands. The guy was already smug enough about the amount of ass he got. AJ didn’t need the guy rubbing it in that he’d picked up on his scraps.

AJ met with Lara in his office. He let him in on a surprise birthday party they were having for Clair the following day at the zoo. AJ knew all week that Clair’s birthday was this weekend, but the coach had said they’d already made plans to celebrate with her when they all met up in Toronto during the team’s next road trip. The coach said Clair wanted to see Niagara Falls and had even passed up Disneyland so she could watch the Padres home games this weekend.

“She’s a kid for crying out loud.” The coach frowned as he explained about the party he planned for her at the zoo the next day. “Her mom is always so worried about planning something with too much variety of food involved because of Clair’s allergies. But seven is Clair’s favorite number. And you know she’s a numbers girl. This should be a big one for her, so I took the liberty of planning something for her, and the zoo and the caterer I contacted can accommodate all her needs. I’m inviting the whole team, but I know she’ll be most excited about seeing you there. It’ll be right after tomorrow’s game. I know it’s last minute, but you think you can make it for a couple of hours?”

“Absolutely,” AJ said without hesitation.

“Great,” Coach Lara said with a relieved smile.

They discussed the details a little more before AJ headed out to batting practice. Along the way, he spotted Travis’s groupie again, this time chatting with another player. She had a smoking hot body, he’d give her that. When she turned and caught him sizing her up, their eyes met for a fleeing moment, and once again, he was caught in those sweet doe eyes. They were definitely a contrast to her sexy appearance, but he caught himself before smiling at her.

“Hell no,” he muttered to himself as he turned away and walked in the opposite direction of where she was.

A few minutes later AJ was more than glad he’d ignored her again because he noticed the doe-eyed groupie had made it onto the field and was now surrounded by three other players as she chatted and laughed with them.

Her attire was typical of a groupie: short denim shorts, an open petite Padres jersey with a snug tank underneath, and high wedge shoes that showed off a pair of legs that went on forever. Her hair was in a ponytail, and she wore a Padres ball cap. The only difference between her and the usual groupies was the guys seemed to be falling all over themselves to impress her rather than the other way around like it usually was with these girls.

AJ stretched as he took a few practice swings, glancing around. A few other groupies were talking to some of the guys on the other team. He shook his head, glancing one last time at the one with the group of players still surrounding her.

She was less obvious than some of the other girls as far as she wasn’t sending out clear signals that she’d gladly head back to their hotel rooms after the game. Her body language, however, was sending out a different all-too-clear sign. She was enjoying the attention she was getting from the guys.

His turn up to batting practice drew the usual attention of the exclusive journalists, photographers, and VIP guests on the field who lined up for his autograph, including some of the other groupies he’d seen strolling around. When he was done with his turn at batting practice, he obliged his fans with a few minutes of autographs and photos.

“Will you be at the VIP gathering Nick is having at Shea’s Bar and Grill tonight?” one of the girls posing for a photo with him asked.

AJ turned to take in the pair of bright blue eyes as she fluttered her lashes.

“It’d be the only reason I’d go,” she said, licking her lips then sinking her teeth into her bottom lip before adding, “It’s the only reason why I’m here now.”

“I didn’t even know about it,” he said truthfully with a smirk. “I must not be on the VIP list.”

“Oh, but he said he was telling everyone on the team.” Her wide eyes sparkled with hope. “I’m sure he just hasn’t had the chance to tell you. I can’t imagine him not wanting to include you. He did say it was last minute.”

“I’ll see if I can make it,” AJ said as the next girl stepped up to take her photo with him.

Once done with his photos, he excused himself, saying he had to go gear up for the start of the game. He had no intention of going to Nick Travis’s VIP shindig. For the most part, AJ got along just fine with all the players on the team, but a few rubbed him the wrong way. Travis was one of them.