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"Right. I'm thirty-five. I've never been married and honestly never thought I would be, but something changed a little while back and it was compounded through more recent events. I don't particularly like relationship commitments, but I'm ready to grow up a little and move past my own concerns for the hope of a future with someone."

"That's great to hear. Tell me about her. The woman you would construct for yourself."

The image of my girl from the club slipped into my vision. "Physical attributes or everything else?"

"Everything else first. Physical attributes are important, but I bet if you found everything else you were looking for, the physical desire would be there just because of respect, commonality and shared interest. You'd be surprised."

"I bet so." I picked up my glass of water, wishing like hell the wine would hurry up and get there. I needed to forget the woman from the night before or this would be a bust. If it was meant to be... it would. Focusing on the task at hand, I started to list off the things I wanted. "I'm not interested in gold diggers, though I would think they are something you guys can sniff out quickly."

"Absolutely. They are a bit of a hassle, but I assure you we are very thorough in our interview and review process. We work hard to avoid that scenario, but like with anything, we might get a bad grape in the bunch from time to time." Gisele gave me a knowing smile.

"Very true." I pulled my napkin into my lap and took a piece of the warm bread on the table between us. "Mature in attitude, but not age. I guess above twenty-five, but no older than me. I want someone with a bit of humility. No bitchy spoiled women, please."

"Dime a dozen," Gisele murmured.

"Exactly. I want her to work or be actively involved in something beyond herself if she's wealthy from inheritance. Generous, not self-centered." I took a bite of the bread and thought through my response.

"Making my job quite difficult, hmm?" She gave another cheeky grin.

"I'd have it no other way." I smiled back. "Let's see... never married and no kids, but willing to build a family in the future."

"Physical attributes? Give me your deepest desires."

"Right. Physically fit and in good shape. Very feminine with good taste in fashion. She's comfortable with her body. I'd prefer her to be a brunette and have medium sized breasts. I'd love for her to be adventurous in bed, and know how to tell me what she wants and when."

"Anything else?"

"Yeah... I met this bombshell last night that gave me the slip. Can you find her, take a picture of her and put her on your list of possible suspects?" I laughed and Gisele did too.

"I wish it were that easy, but any woman that gives a man like you the slip isn't going on the list. We're looking for someone willing to commit. That doesn’t sound like the girl you speak of to me. Right?" She leaned back and pressed her fingers to her lips as she watched me.

"No, she's not." I let out a sigh and shrugged. "So tell me how hard this is going to be, and what kind of timing we’re looking at."

"Well, it's not too terribly hard, just a little bit time consuming. I don't have anyone like this right now on our listings, but what I'd like to do is enjoy lunch with you and then we'll head over to my office. It's just across the way. I have several match makers in my employ. I'll assign you to one of them and we'll get you two together for a quick visit. Does that sound like a plan?"

"So I'll be working with her instead of you?" I lifted my eyebrow, not sure I was comfortable with laying my needs out on the table in front of just anyone, and not thrilled about being passed off to an underling.

"No. You'll be working with both of us. Or, I'm happy to just keep you under my wing if you prefer? I can play middle man and have my employee help out a little without you ever having to deal with her." She looked up at the server with a smile as he delivered the food.

"No, it's good. What's the woman's name?"

"Lila. She's fantastic at what she does. I think you'll find her pleasant company for your journey ahead."

"Lila. Beautiful name." I nodded and picked up my fork. "Good. Let's head over there after this. I'm ready to move forward and need to do it before I get cold feet and run like hell."

Gisele laughed. "You wouldn't be the first and you surely won't be the last."

7 - Lila

The muffin and coffee didn’t quite hold me, so it was an early lunch at the small Greek shop down the street just before twelve for me. I took my time walking back, trying like hell to stop thinking about the handsome guy from the night before, and failing miserably. Why the hell hadn't I asked his name? Then it least I could moan it when I masturbated later that night. Ugh

I let out a long grumble and walked back into the building, less than thrilled with the prospect of spending the rest of the afternoon talking to influential men with way too much money and not nearly enough hair.

Love isn’t something you can buy, people! But these guys did. Every day.

Maybe that's what I should do. Just line myself up with a rich guy with a big dick and be done with it.

I rode the elevator up and stopped by the receptionist’s desk to check out the calendar before going back to my office. The intern who manned the front desk was out on her lunch break, which was great with me. That girl got on my last nerve, as it were. Gisele definitely hired her as eye candy and nothing else.

I flipped the appointment book to the right date, wondering why in the world it wasn't already there by now, but ignoring my inner grumbling.

"Nothing on the books. Perfect." I would be able to spend the afternoon surfing for new real estate and dreaming about my future, which was far better than being stuck in the present where everything tasted good, but seconds were just out of reach.

I stood up and turned to walk to my office just as Gisele leaned out of her door.

"There you are. I have someone I'd like you to meet. A new client." She smiled professionally as if the old man was watching her.

"Great. I'll be right there. I've just come back from lunch, so let me..." I motioned toward my teeth and she smiled.

"Perfect." She disappeared back into her office and I stifled a groan. So much for my plans. I checked my teeth and put on a little more lipstick, a dull pink this time, before walking back down the hall. Why she couldn't get Jessie to take another client was beyond me. I had a list of them already that I was still working on. Lining them up with the right women wasn’t as easy as it sounds.

Men had unrealistic expectations. Kind, giving, big tits and a submissive spirit. Firstly, those girls didn't exist, and if they did... they weren't signing over their lives for an aged playboy who couldn't get an erection and forgot how to floss his teeth years ago.

I shuddered at the thought as I stopped by the door. Poking my head in, I focused on my boss and not the guy, whose back was to me. "I'm here. Sorry for the wait."

At least he's young.

"No problem. Lila, this is Asher Harrington. He's going to be a new client of ours." Gisele gave me a very specific smile that said, 'win him over at any cost'. It was a look I had seen too many times.

I turned and extended my hand as the gentleman seated in front of my boss turned my way, extending his. We froze and the world seemed to stand still as well.