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Sliding his fingers into his mouth, I caught small glimpses of his tongue, as my desire broke free inside of me. He had to be the most beautiful thing I'd ever seen. His sandy blond hair and deep blue eyes had nothing on the dark tanned skin that ran down the side of his neck and surely covered the swells of his strong body. He had to be a swimmer or a surfer. His persona was all business and his suit told the same story, but something about the way he smiled let me know he had a relaxed, playful side as well.

"Damn you taste good. Take your panties off for me." He licked his lips once more as he glanced over at me, pinning me with a look that said his request wasn't a request at all.

I slipped them down my thighs and left them on the floorboard until he beckoned me to give them to him. I did.

He lifted them to his face, breathing in deeply and groaning. I thought I might come just watching him. Never had I seen a man so into his sensuality, so carnal and unapologetic for his own desires.

He jerked the car into an alley in the heart of downtown and drove until the lights were blotted out by the tall buildings around us.

I glanced around as a quick chill of fear struck me. It wasn't safe in that part of town and his car would be enough incentive for someone to rob us and gun us down, just for the parts alone. It was stupid and dangerous, but I hadn't had a high like that since I was in high school doing something nefarious on the weekend.

"I can't wait any longer." He tossed the panties in the back seat and moved to climb back there before offering me a hand. "Get back here with me."

I nodded and moved into the back with him, finding the vehicle spacious and beautiful. He tugged off his tie and jacket, then unbuttoned his shirt, leaving a tight white undershirt on display. His chest and abs were sculpted from what I could see in the darkened car.

"Lean back baby and let me do what I want with you. You'll not regret it." He moved to hover above me before getting on his knees in front of me. "Pull your knees up and press your feet to the seat. Don't worry about how you look. I just need to taste you."

I groaned and jerked the expensive dress up to my waist, moving to the position he asked of me and ignoring how ridiculously whorish it felt. His mouth pressed against the center of me and nothing else mattered. I cried out as his tongue ran up and down my need, the thick wet thing darting in and out of me as my hips bucked a little.

He groaned against me and brushed his fingers over my ass, pressing into me a little as stars formed at the edge of my vision.

"Come for me. I need to taste it." He sucked my flesh into his mouth and slid his thick fingers deep into me and I exploded, my cries louder than I'd remembered them being ever before. He continued to assault me, working me toward another orgasm with speed and skill.

"Again," he groaned and pressed his thumb into my opening as his other fingers continued to pump in and out of my ass faster and faster.

I came again, screaming and jerking around as I rode the orgasm for all it was worth.

He slowed his fingers a little and glanced up at me as I caught my breath. "Fuck me, you're the hottest thing I've ever seen in my life. Where have you been, bad girl?"

I chuckled and pressed my foot to his shoulder pushing a little to force his fingers out of me. He sat back and smiled as he licked at his lips again.

"Apparently not in the right bar. Fuck I needed that." I closed my legs and scooted over, patting the seat beside me. "My turn. Get up here and open your slacks. Take off that shirt and the one underneath it. I want to touch your skin, not your expensive clothes."

He chuckled, but moved onto the seat and worked to get his shirts off. He leaned back and unbuttoned his pants, sliding them over the curve of his ass and leaving the thick fullness of his cock on display for me. It was one of the biggest I had seen, but I wasn't willing to show him that. I used his help to crawl back over and nestled myself down in between his legs.

He stroked himself once before I moved up and pushed his hand away. "I don't need help. I'm quite capable of making this thing erupt on my own."

He laughed again and touched the side of my face. An expression that I wasn't interested in swept across his handsome features. Taking him in my hand, I pumped his flesh a few times and forced a thick bubble of pre-cum to the surface of his meaty head. Leaning over, I ran my tongue through it and listened closely for the soft sounds of approval that he gave without much contact needed. My other hand moved up to rub over his strong chest.

"Fit what you can, baby. It's too big for most girls." He ran his fingers through my hair and gripped tightly. The pressure of knowing he wanted to control me left a warm rush of desire racing to the pit of my stomach.

"I'm not most girls. Shut up and lean back, Mr. Big Stuff." I smiled up at him and moved to hover over his cock, licking his head a few times before taking him in my mouth.

He groaned loudly as I pushed farther and farther until most of him was in the warmth I offered. I gagged a little and pulled back before starting to work him with my mouth and hands. He cried out and lifted his hips as I cupped his balls with one hand and began to tug on them softly and then forcefully.

The masculine taste of desire rolled over my tongue and I gave him more than I would most, realizing how much I wanted to take my time with him. Every soft groan or sigh that left him seemed to coat my desire to give more, do more. I found myself with a bit of a brilliant and yet unconventional idea.

I dropped my hand from his body and smiled. “One second.”

Turning, I leaned over the front seat and grabbed my clutch, tugging out a cherry condom I'd gotten as a joke in the office. It was as good as any other I would assume. Knowing it might taste like candy instead of lubricant left me wanting to try something on my new toy.

He slid his hands along the back of my thigh and spanked my ass softly as he clicked his tongue as if he were running out of patience.

I dropped back to my knees and moved to take him in my mouth again with a bit more gusto. His fingers slid into my hair, and he worked his thick cock in and out of me faster and faster. A groan filled the car around me and he jerked out of my mouth, panting loudly as he shook his head.

"Fuck. I'm gonna come if we don't stop for a minute. I've never been so close so fast. What're you doing to me, baby? Hmmm?" He glanced down at me and smiled in a way that might melt panties.

"Fucking you like you need to be fucked... obviously." I smirked and moved to my knees. "No coming yet. I signed up for a ride tonight when I let you take me out of the club. Time to pony up, big boy."

4 - Asher

She was by far every dirty fantasy I'd ever had. The fact that she was far beyond beautiful was a bonus I hadn't expected. Her big brown eyes watched me with intensity as I rammed my cock in and out of her pretty mouth. Just watching her almost sent me over the edge, but I pulled out and tried to hold back.

I wouldn't last much longer around her and I needed it to take all night. I wanted to drag her in deep and force her to want me in a way that might border on stalker-ish. I'd be more than happy to entertain her for the next few weeks while I looked for a wife. Something had told me very quickly that she was just looking for a long night of fucking and nothing else, not even a follow up session.

A shame.

Her comment about wanting to ride me left me salivating for her to crawl up in my lap and make my cock her personal toy, but I simply nodded and stroked myself. "Come get it."