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I’m gripped by panic and fear, but somehow my brain is still working. Through everything that’s happening, feeling trapped and ultimately terrified, I manage to form one coherent thought: stop giving him what he wants. 

I fall limp in his arms.

“Que—?” He’s shocked at my response. Me deciding to play possum was the last thing he must have expected. I’m sure he knows that’s exactly what I’m doing too, but now he has to do something with me. He has to put me down or spin me around or…or something. I know it, and he knows it, too.

“You think you’re so smart, huh, Puta. So fucking smart. You always think you’re one step ahead of me. Well, you’re not.” I realize he’s right when he quickly shifts his hold and wraps one of his arms around my neck, applying pressure. Fuck. He’s going to try and choke me out.

“Don’t worry, princess. You’ll be asleep soon. I’ll have so much fun with you while you’re sleeping. And when you wake up, you’ll be all tied up and begging me to knock you out again. Won’t you? Won’t you, you little fucking slut.” He braces his muscles, tightening everything as he pulls back, applying even more pressure against my windpipe. My head is already spinning. Pinpricks of light dance in my vision, floating around like drunken flies. My arms feel weak; they feel  them as I scramble at his arms, trying to prise them free.

That’s not going to work. Too weak. Too dizzy. No strength. Can’t…

I reach further back, fingernails clawing at the ripped material of his shirt, searching for…searching for god knows what. My heels hammer against the floorboards as Raphael lifts me higher, putting even more pressure on my neck. I have seconds. Mere seconds to get out of this, or it will all be over. I will pass out, and I will never want to wake up again, knowing what he will have done to me while I am out cold. My fingers suddenly hit something fleshy, something soft. His face.

I keep scrambling, scratching, trying to claw at him, but it’s not working. It’s not working. Raphael starts to laugh again—a maniacal cackle that sounds unhinged. I’m on the verge of losing consciousness, but the madness in that laughter gives me the strength for one last push. One last grapple at his skin.

I feel something wet and moist underneath my fingertip, and I know this is it, my final chance. Raphael tries to swing his head around, to move away from my hand, but I butt my own head backward, cracking my skull against what feels like his nose, and then my index finger is digging into that soft area of flesh I touched a second ago.

Not bone. Not cheek. Not chin. No. My finger is digging right into his eyeball, and Raphael is screaming.

I know I’ve done some serious damage when he drops me like a hot coal and clutches both hands to his face. The world is suddenly in Technicolor; my head feels like it’s splitting apart from the brightness and loudness of it. Blood thumps through my veins, charging full tilt as I try and crawl away from him.

PERRA DE MIERDA!” Raphael stumbles into the wall next to him and then punches it, leaving a smear of blood on the plasterwork. I can’t tell if it’s from the action of actually hitting the wall or if it’s from his eye. A river of blood runs down his face, and his left eyelid is swollen shut, puffy and oozing fluid. With only one eye open, he sees me on the floor and lets out a howl that chills me to my very core.

I should have moved quicker. I should have been on my feet and running as soon as he let me go. I couldn’t breathe, though. I could barely see straight myself.

He falls on me, grabbing hold of my ankle and dragging me across the room toward the bed. “You should not have done that, you fucking psycho,” he growls. “Are you a good catholic girl, princess? Are you?” He slaps me hard across the face, landing the blow across my ear. A high pitch whine buzzes through my head. When the sound dies down, Raphael is screaming obscenities at me, shoving his face in mine, spitting everywhere.

“I’m going to make you wish you’d never been born. I’m going fuck you raw. I’m going to make you hurt. You’ve brought this on yourself.” He hits me again, snapping my head around with the force of his blow. With his right hand he presses my head down into the floorboards so hard I can feel the skin above my eyebrow splitting open. It feels like my skull is about to crack open. With his other hand, Raphael begins to fumble with the belt around his waist. It doesn’t take much to imagine what’s coming next. I screw my eyes shut, trying to think, trying to figure this out. Trying to find a way out of this. It’s when I open my eyes, the sound of Raphael’s fly unzipping snapping me back to reality, that I see my salvation, though.

I don’t have long.

I reach under the bed.

I stretch.

I stretch so hard it feels like my shoulder is about to dislocate.

I close my fingers around cold metal.

And then I’m twisting as best I can with my head being pressed into the floor, and I’m stabbing and I’m stabbing and I’m stabbing.

I only stop when Raphael Dela Vega slumps over me, a heavy, dead weight, pumping long, hot jets of arterial blood all over my naked body.

“Ohmygodohmygodohmygod.” I shove him off of me, and then I’m clambering to my feet, backing away, backing up until my shoulders hit the wall and I can go no further. Shit. Shit! I clamp both of my hands over my mouth, trying not to see the mess I’ve made of Raphael. I want to look away, but I can’t. My eyes are locked on the shiny pair of scissors—Winchester Gun Company—that are sticking out the side of his fucking…out the side of his fucking neck.

I pitch forward and brace my hands against my knees, and I throw up.

I don’t stop until I feel hands around me. I think for a second that it’s him. I think it’s Raphael, that I didn’t do the job properly. I start flailing, arms and legs everywhere, fighting for my life. And then I smell that smell. The one from the soft t-shirt. I smell that smell, and then I know everything will be okay.

Rebel crushes me to him, and the world turns black.



Sophia sleeps in one of the bedrooms in the clubhouse most of the next day. When she’s awake she showers over and over again, crying continually. I stay with her. I don’t really know what to do to make her feel better. This is all my fucking fault. I allowed that motherfucker to remain alive and breathing on Widow Makers’ ground. I should have put a bullet right between his eyes the moment I saw him standing there, but I didn’t. I allowed him to live, and so in turn I allowed him to attack Sophia. She’s hurting and she’s in pain, and it’s all because of me.

The third time she wakes and lumbers heavily to the shower, I sit on the edge of the double bed, sheets twisted up and practically knotted from where she’s been tossing and turning, and I hold my head in my hands. There’s nothing I can do to fix this. She wanted her freedom. She didn’t want to be watched over twenty-four seven, but I shouldn’t have listened. There shouldn’t have been a moment of the day that I wasn’t by her side, especially with that piece of shit festering away in the basement.

I allow myself a moment of weakness, and I think about Laura. It was the same with her. I turned my back for five minutes, and then she was gone. What the fuck is wrong with me that I keep letting this happen to the people around me. They always seem to get hurt. A part of me wants to shut the club down. These people that have followed me out here into the middle of nowhere, who for some reason trust me to know what I’m doing, have misplaced their faith in me. I keep proving that, time and time again.