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Once I’m sitting upright, I carefully get to my feet. The room seesaws and I have to reach out to brace against the wall before I fall over. Yeah, this is a really bad idea indeed. I’m probably going to pass out well before I make it to Soph.

Still. Loss of consciousness in the pursuit of epic sex is definitely worth it.

With all the speed of a ninety-five year geriatric, I slowly, gradually make my way across the cabin. My head actually clears a little from the movement, which is good and bad in turns. Means I can feel even more, but I can piece my fractured ideas and thoughts together a little better too. Fair trade.

I stare down at Sophia, wondering what she’s dreaming about. She’s so beautiful. When I was a kid, my mother had a print of Gustav Klimt’s ‘The Kiss’ on her bedroom wall. I used to stand and stare at the fine detailing of that painting, admiring the obvious, captured emotion between the two subjects, and admiring how ethereal the woman looked. That’s how Sophia looks now—ethereal. Not of this world. Magical, somehow. She takes my breath away.

I should feel a little guiltier about what I’m about to do, but I don’t. She’s not going to object. She’s going to enjoy every last second of it, even if it kills me. And if I’m wrong and she doesn’t want it, I’ll stop and she can kick my ass again. Slowly I sink down to my knees and carefully hook my fingers under the waistband of her black cotton panties. The backs of my hands make contact with her sides and her skin is scalding, hot to the touch. She stirs, moaning lightly. I freeze, but then kick myself. The goal isn’t to not get caught here. I want her awake and writhing against me, damn it. I want her panting my name as I make her come.

I bite back a smile as I let go of her panties, changing tack, and slowly sliding my thumb down, in between her legs. She inhales sharply, back arching up a little from the sofa, but she remains asleep. Her body responds to me, even though she’s out cold, which is a beautiful thing. She opens her legs, sliding them apart, sending blood rushing to my head.

She is so amazing. Her body is incredible. My dick presses persistently against my boxers, but I don’t touch myself. This will be so, so much better if I wait for her to lay hands on me. I start slowly, rubbing her clit with my thumb in small circles. This is such delicious torture. I want to pull her underwear to the side and taste her, but it’s too soon. I want her to be awake for that. I want her to want me to. I apply a little more pressure with my thumb, a slow smile spreading across my face as Sophia gradually presses her hips up, grinding herself against me. Mind blowing.

As I lightly press my mouth against the inside of her thigh, I look up the length of her stunning body to see that her eyelids are fluttering open. I guess this is the decisive moment. I ready myself, bracing for the full force of her outrage. Her lips part, the tip of her pink tongue slowly sliding out to wet her lips. She gazes at me blearily. I witness the moment where she fully comprehends what’s happening as her eyes clear of sleep, growing wider.


I hold up my free hand, halting her before she can go any further. “Don’t kick me. If you kick me, you’ll open up my stitches.”

“Will I open up your stitches if I kick you in the head?” she whispers.

I nod. “Probably. And let’s face it. You might mess up my face. You like my face. You don’t want to mess it up.”

“You really are something else,” she says. She doesn’t bat my hand away, though. She doesn’t tell me to stop. I press down a little hard, quickening the motion as I continue to tease her clit, and she holds her breath.

“I can stop if you want me to, Soph. I can drag my ass back to my bed, no problem. I get the feeling you don’t want me to, though.”

“You’re an arrogant son of a bitch. What makes you think—”

“Because I can feel how wet you are through your panties, Sophia. And you’re really, really damn wet.”

“Urgh!” She presses her legs together, trapping my hand between them, scowling at me where I’m kneeling on the floor beside her.

“What now?” I ask, grinning at her. “Is this where you pretend to get all upset and make me remove my hand? Huh?” I have just enough room to continue stroking my fingers over her pussy. She tenses, the muscles in her legs locking up. I can see the need in her eyes, which is almost enough to make me forget rational thought. “Or is this when you open up for me and let me slide my index finger and my middle finger deep inside you while I use my mouth on you at the same time.”

“You are not going down on me,” she hisses.

“Why not?”

“Because. I haven’t showered since this morning.” Her scowl deepens, but I can see her true feelings quite plainly in her eyes again. The idea of my tongue lapping at her clit is turning her on. In case I needed any further evidence, I can feel her panties growing even wetter. They’re soaked now. The need to taste her is almost overwhelming, but I manage to restrain myself. I have to wait for her to unclamp her legs from around my arm before I can do anything anyway.

“Sophia,” I whisper. “There’s no one else here. This is just you and me. Are you afraid of me?”

“I should be.”

“Maybe. But are and should be are two different things. Are you attracted to me?”

She swallows. It looks like it takes great effort. “Yes,” she says breathlessly.

“Good. And do you think I’m going to hurt you?”

Answering this question takes a little longer. She stares me dead in the eye, not blinking or breathing while she makes up her mind. Eventually she says, “No.”

“Good. Do you think I’m going to try and make you do something you don’t want to?”

She slowly shakes her head.

I quicken my movements, rubbing her a little more firmly. Her eyes practically roll back in her head. “Say it,” I command. “Tell me you know I won’t force you to do anything you don’t want to.”

“I know you won’t force me,” she says, sighing. “Oh god…” She closes her eyes altogether.

“Open your legs for me, sugar.”

“No, I—” I begin to pull my hand away, ready to back the hell off, but she locks her legs together even tighter. “How about…a trade?” she asks.

“I’m not very good at compromising.”

“So I’ve gathered.”

“So what do you want to trade?”

“I’ll open my legs…if you let me out of here. I want free roam of the compound. Whenever I want.”

“No. Not happening.” There’s just no fucking way. I tug my hand back, trying to free myself, but she’s got a pretty damn good hold on me.

“You said it yourself, Rebel. I’m safe here. What could be the harm?”

“You’re even more safe in this cabin, sugar.”

She gives me a look that I’m sure caused her daddy to melt like butter whenever she wanted something she knew she wasn’t allowed. She has that look nailed, damn it. Regardless that I’m aware she’s manipulating me, I find myself caving. If she were just in the compound when I knew it was safe, that would surely be okay. A month ago, there’s no way I would even be considering this, but now…now she’s had plenty of time to work her way under my skin, and I’m in some serious trouble. I really cannot believe I’m about to agree to this. “All right. Fine. But only when I’m here. Or Cade.” I don’t know who’s more surprised—me, or her. She blinks at me, owlish, and then smiles.

“Thank you.”

“Show me how grateful you are. Open your legs for me, sugar.”

She doesn’t do it for a second, but then she gradually releases the tension in her legs, freeing my arm. In doing so, she’s given my free rein to proceed at my own pace. Pulling her panties to one side, I carefully dip my fingers into the slick, wet heat of her pussy. Her face blossoms into an expression of horror when I raise my fingers to my mouth and suck on them.