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I get up and walk my way back to the bedroom. I pick up my phone and let out a sigh as I pull up his number.

Me: Sorry about this morning. Was just tired. I hope that you have a great day. Love you.

I press send and then place my phone into the pocket of Case’s sweatpants that I’m wearing. As I walk back into the living room, the door to the hotel room opens and in walks Case. I sit down on the couch and let out a long breath. I have a feeling today is gonna be a long day.

“Can I ask you a question?” I ask looking down at my hands in my lap. I hate that I always have to ask him if I can ask him a question.

“What is it?” He sighs as he rubs his forehead.

I expected that. “How deep is Blane in your world? Do you know how often he does drugs?”

He surprises me by coming to stand in front of me. He bends down, and I lift my head to look at him. With both hands, he pushes my long hair from my face. “I’m only going to say one thing about Blane. And what I’m about to tell you, you will not repeat. Okay?”

I nod my head slowly confused by his hard tone. “Okay.”

“Blane works for me, and I will not fill you in on why or what it is I have him do exactly, but I will tell you this. Blane is not using drugs. He’s not getting high every day like you think. Does that help ease your concern?”

The way he says it makes it sound like he’s lying. That it was something he just told me to pacify me. And I hate that it worked. Blane isn’t doing drugs? I wanna smile at that, but it brings up another question. Why is he working for Case if he doesn’t do drugs? I go to open my mouth, but room service takes that moment to knock on the door. I watch as Case gets up and goes to answer the door. He didn’t give me the answer is was looking for, but it’s better than what I’ve been imagining.


Blue balls is a bitch! They literally feel like they want to explode. I need to fuck! I was locked up in a hotel room with Taylor for three days and didn’t have sex once. How in the fuck did that happen? I honestly have no fucking clue.

It’s not for lack of trying on her part. And I know I sure as hell wanted it. She just wasn’t ready. Normally, if I had been locked up in a hotel with a woman, I would have done nothing but fuck. But like I’ve known since the first moment I met her, she’s not like other women.

I wish that thought would make these blue balls go away. It fucking hurts to walk. I almost took care of it myself in the shower this afternoon before we checked out. But I heard her walk in and wash her face before brushing her teeth. So that option was quickly squashed. I almost shoved open the shower door, grabbed her by the arms, and pulled her into the shower. I wanted to push her to her knees while I fucked her mouth, but I’m not sure she’s ready for that. So I’ve endured it. The things we do for women.

I pull up in the back parking lot of Seven Deadly Sins. I get out of my car and walk around to help her out. She still wears a pair of my sweatpants and my t-shirt, and I’m afraid I’ll never get her scent out of them.

“Still feel okay?” I ask worrying about her.

“Yes.” She gives a small chuckle. “I feel much better,” she says placing her arm in the crook of mine as we walk toward the back entrance. I have to say she does look much better. I removed the bandage from her neck today and replaced it. The bruise on her face has lightened, and she swears she can cover it up with makeup.

I open the back door and hold it open for her to enter. “I don’t think you should work tonight.”

She comes to a stop and turns to face me. “Case …”

“I know you’re better, but I don’t like the idea of you working tonight. Just take one more night off?” She places her hands on her hips, and I beg. “Please?” A smile tugs at her lips. I take a step toward her and wrap an arm around her waist, pulling her to me. I lower my lips to her ear. “If you feel as good as you say … I thought that you could stay the night with me tonight?” I offer. “Wait for me to get off …”

“Okay.” She answers immediately, and I pull back from her as I laugh.

“Case …” We both look up as we hear my name called. Rachel rounds the corner. “Where have you been …?” Her voice trails off as she spots Taylor by my side. I can feel her shoulders stiffen under my arm. “Oh,” she says. “I see.”

I lean down and whisper into Taylor’s ear. “Go wait for me up in my apartment.” She looks up at me wanting to argue, but I remove my arm from around her shoulder.

“Okay, babe,” she finally says, and I watch Rachel’s eyes narrow on her. She watches as Taylor walks down the hallway and out of our sight. As soon as she is gone, Rachel turns to face me. “What the fuck, Case?” she snaps. “I thought you said you weren’t going to fuck her?”

I arch an eyebrow. “I thought you said I hadn’t.”

“I …”

“I know you already knew I was sleeping with her.”

She places her hands on her hips. “So she went and told on me?” she huffs.

“No,” I say simply, and her lips thin as she stares at me with hatred in her dark brown eyes. “But I’m only gonna tell you this once.” I take the steps to close the distance that separates us. And I lean down into her face. “Say one more thing about our past to Taylor, and you’re gone.”

She gasps. “You would kick me to the curb for you to play with a shiny new toy?” she demands.

I nod. “I already have,” I say simply and then walk away from her.

Three hours later, I stand in my office as I look down at the club. “So this is what you do all night?”

I turn around to see Taylor walk into my office. “Hey, sweetie,” I say as she walks toward me. I love that she still wears my clothes. I could have her go home and get some of her own, but I don’t want her to leave the club without me. “Pretty much,” I say wrapping an arm around her shoulders. “What are you doing down here?”

She sighs. “I’m bored up there. I’ve showered and watched TV. I even ate some food. I’m ready for you to come to bed. How much longer will you be?” I smile brightly down at her. I love the fact she wants to spend more time with me because I feel the same way about her. I can’t get enough.

“About another hour,” I say. “Maybe a little longer …”

“Fight!” I pull away from her as I reach for the radio on my desk when I hear Brecken’s voice on the other end of it.

“On my way!” I yell into it. “Go back up to my apartment,” I order her before I storm out of my office, not even bothering to look back at her.

I run down the stairs and onto the floor. I don’t need to ask where it is because I can see the commotion from here. It’s over in the far corner, and right in the middle of it, I can see bright red hair. Fuck! I shove people out of the way and as I come close, I can see Brecken and Miller pulling guys apart. Rachel now lies on the floor, blood dripping from her nose. I reach down and grab her hand, pulling her to stand roughly.

Once she’s up, I get a better grip on her hand and start to pull her to the back. She protests as I pull her out the back door into the alleyway. Brecken and Miller exit right behind us. Miller throws his guy down to the ground while Brecken shoves his guy up against the wall, his forearm pressed to the guy’s throat.

“What the fuck happened?” I demand looking at Rachel. She looks terrified. Her big dark brown eyes look back and forth between the two men. “Rachel?” I demand, stepping in front of her. Her eyes finally settle on me, and she shakes her head as if she doesn’t know.

I spin around to face the men. “The first one to tell me what happens won’t go home with broken bones,” I announce, placing my arms across my chest.

The one who Brecken holds by his neck starts to talk, but it’s nothing but mumble. Brecken takes a step back, and he sucks in breath after breath as he reaches up to rub his neck. “You better fucking talk!” Brecken orders him.