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Instead of reaching for her this time when I lift my hand, I reach around her for the doorknob. I need out of this room. Her naked body is calling me to me, and I must find a way to deny it.

She leans her back against the door and places her arms over her chest, it pushes her perfect tits up, and I look down at her pink nipples. They harden as I stare at them, and I instinctively lick my lips. God, how I want my mouth wrapped around them. Walk away, Case.

“You could never hurt me,” she whispers as her eyes drop to see my hard cock behind my sweatpants. It leaves nothing to the imagination. And neither does she when she licks her lips.

You have no idea what I can do. I shake my head clearing it. “If I place my hands on you, I will hurt you.” My deep voice vibrates my chest as I speak the truth. I don’t know how to make love. And more importantly, I don’t want to make love. I need to own. Possess.

She sighs heavily as her arms fall to her side. “It’s because of last night, isn’t it? You don’t want me like that.”

The door rattles as I slap my hands on either side of her head. She gasps as I look down at her with narrowed eyes. “Don’t do that, sweetheart.” I breathe heavily as I push my hard cock between her legs. I can feel how hot her pussy is through my sweatpants. “Feel how hard I am for you?” I ask, and she whimpers. “I want you so fucking bad right now that I wouldn’t be able to be slow. I wouldn’t be able to keep myself from burying my cock so far inside of you while I hold you down by your hair.” Her blue eyes look up at me through her long, dark lashes and I can tell by her glazed look that her pussy is already wet just thinking about it. “I would bend you over the bed and fuck that tight little pussy while I fucked your ass with my finger.” A shiver runs through her body, and it takes everything I have not to remove my hands from the door and touch her. I lower my head to whisper in her ear. “You see, sweetheart. I can’t go easy on you because I don’t want to.” I pull away and look down at her lips parted as she breathes heavy and her eyes closed. “And you’re not ready for that.”




I sit up on the hotel bed and look out the two windows that show off the beautiful city. I can see the sun start to rise in the distance. I’ve only been in bed for about two hours and haven’t had the chance to fall asleep yet. My mind is full of Case. He turned me down. Even when I tried to make him feel sorry for me, he called my bluff. What has happened to me? I’m trying to get pity sex.

I fall back onto the purple pillow and sigh as my body sinks into this bed. It feels like a cloud. Amazing! I wish he were in here to share it with me. But in a way, I know he was right. My body isn’t ready for sex with him. And there’s no way we could sleep in this bed together without me trying to jump his bones.

I close my eyes, but they immediately spring open when I hear my cell phone ring. I reach over and cuss when I see Blane light up my screen. Fuck! I didn't come home last night. Of course, he wants to know where in the hell I am. What can I tell him?

“Hello?” I answer trying to sound like he woke me from sleep.

“Taylor!” he growls. “Where in the hell are you?” he demands.

I go to open my mouth when the door to the bedroom swings open. “Who is calling you?” Case demands with thinned lips. I can tell by his heavy eyes that he really was asleep.

“Who was that?” Blane demands. “Are you at a man's house?”

“No!” I squeal sitting up. “I’m over at Jenna’s house, and that was her brother.” I lift my finger to my mouth and start to chew on my nails.

“What the hell are you doing at Jenna’s?” he questions but sighs as if he’s relieved.

“A few of us went over to her house after work. I had a few drinks so I decided to stay here.” Please buy it.

“I see,” he says after a long second. “Are you going to come home tonight?”

I sigh in relief. “No. I’ll probably come back to Jenna’s. I wanna give you and Savannah some time alone.”

He snorts. “Since when?”

“Blane,” I groan tired of him always being so protective. “I’m an adult. I’ll be home when I get home.” I pull the cell away from my ear and press end.

I look up just as Case closes the bedroom door. I fall back down to the bed once again and close my eyes. I’m all of a sudden tired and just want some rest.


Do you ever wake up and realize you’ve slept the entire day and night away? I didn’t know I could be that tired. But when I wake, it’s the next day. I slept like a baby, and I can tell by the way that my body feels that I needed it. I stretch and only feel a little tightness in my limbs. I get out of bed and make my way to the bathroom. My bladder feels like it’s about to explode. Once done, I slide Case’s sweatpants back on and slip into his t-shirt. I think he left his suitcase with the other pairs he brought me in the living room.

I open the door to the bedroom and come to a stop as I hear Case in the living room on his phone.

“No!” he growls. “The shipment was supposed to be in tomorrow.” He sounds mad, but he’s trying to keep his voice low. “Well, that’s not good enough!”

I pull myself back in the bedroom and shut the door only allowing me a little peek so I can still hear but run to the bed if I hear him coming this way.

“Well, that will just have to work, won’t it? Fuck!” he hisses. “It’s not all right. We had a plan, and you’re fucking with it.” There’s a long pause, and I hear him sigh. “Yes. But I didn’t really have a choice in the matter, did I? You sure as hell didn’t care what happened to her.” My eyes widen. Is he talking about me? “What I do with her is none of your business. I keep telling you that, but you don’t seem to listen.” I pull back a little back as the sound of his voice nears the hallway. “We’re getting off topic,” he snaps. “As far as tomorrow goes, have Blane go and do the exchange.” My heart speeds up. I forget what Case really is. What he really does.

But he saved your life!

I’m not saying he’s not a good guy; I’m just saying I forget how I met him in the first place. In the middle of a drug deal with my brother.

“Yes. She’s doing better,” I hear him say. “She’s been asleep for almost ten hours now.” I hear him sigh. “We will stay here one more night and then be back tomorrow.” I hear his voice getting louder, so I turn and run to the bed. I jump on it and bring the covers up to my neck just as I hear the door open. I suck in a deep breath as I get an ache in my side from jumping into bed. But I quickly forget about it as I pray I pulled the covers up high enough so he can’t see that I’m dressed. “Yeah!” He sighs heavily. “What about that video? Did Jones get it taken care of for us?” I hold my breath as I wait for an answer. “Perfect! That’s one less thing I have to worry about.” Then the door shuts.

I shove the covers off me and let out a long sigh as I look up at the ceiling. He proved me wrong and kept his promise. Why is it every time I get mad at him about something, he comes along and does something that makes me smile.

I lay in bed another thirty minutes before I choose to get up and walk into the living room. “Hi,” I say softly as he looks up at me from where he sits on the couch.

“Hey.” He places his phone on the couch next to him. “How do you feel?” he asks placing his left arm over the back of the couch.

I sit down next to him. His arms wrap around my shoulders, and he pulls me to his side. “I feel better,” I say, and he leans down to kiss me on the forehead.

“Good,” he says happily. “Are you hungry? We can order room service,” he offers, and I nod.

I sit quietly in the living room as he orders room service and then I sit on the couch flipping through the TV channels as I wait for it to arrive. After Case had ordered room service, he left the room saying he had to make some phone calls. I have a feeling one of them has to do with calling Blane. I hate that I haven’t thought more about what he’s doing. That I haven’t stayed on top of him about doing drugs. I allowed myself to get too caught up with Case that I’ve let everything else fall to the side.