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“What?” He sounds offended that I asked him to put on pants and a shirt before he speaks to me.

I uncover my face and narrow my eyes at his, refusing to look anywhere else. “Brothers and sisters should never live together,” I say with a sigh.

He gives me a grin. The one all the ladies love. It doesn’t work on me, but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t try. “You need to get dressed. We’re leaving here in thirty.”

“I can’t be ready in thirty minutes,” I say happily. “You’ll have to go without me.”

He ignores me. “I’ll give you thirty-five.” He snaps his fingers. “Hurry up,” he orders as he pushes off my door and walks away. “I can’t be late,” he mumbles, but I still hear him. Late for what?

Savannah walks back into my room. I give up the fight when I see the makeup bag in one hand and a comb and hairspray in the other. “Now, what do you plan on wearing?” she asks giving me her I won smile.

“Does it matter?” I ask with a sigh as I push my long brown hair out of my face. I guess this means I don’t have time for a shower.

“Of course.” Her excitement is annoying. “If you wear something pink, I won’t put bright red lipstick on you. I wouldn’t want you to clash.”

I roll my eyes. “Black. I’ll wear black. It will fit my mood.”

“See, was that so hard?” She starts to pull out eyeshadows, and I nod my head.

“Yes. Yes, it was.”

Exactly thirty minutes later, she’s applying red lipstick to my lips when my brother enters my room now dressed in a pair of dark jeans and a light blue button-down shirt that matches his baby blue eyes. “We need to get going.” He checks his watch and then he taps his foot. Is he nervous about something?

“Why are we in a hurry?” I ask him.

“We’re not.” He shrugs carelessly, but I can see the tension in his eyes as he looks around the room aimlessly.

“Done,” Savannah announces cheerfully.

“You look beautiful.” He walks over to her and wraps his arms around her from behind. They look like they are Barbie and Ken. As much as it drives me nuts to see them get all cuddly, I can’t help but admit they are an adorable couple. And I will have beautiful nieces and nephews.

I stand from the bed and walk over to my full-length mirror. I frown as I look down at my white jean shorts and black top. I messed up when I let Savannah dress me. My boobs are trying to fall out of the black tank top she picked, and my jean shorts are so short that I can feel the breeze from my ceiling fan on my ass.

I slip on my black high heels that I don’t wear often and smile at them. “Ready.” I actually feel pretty good about going out now minus the outfit. Somewhere while getting ready, I got excited about getting out of this house and dancing. I’m not much of a drinker, but I do love to dance.

“Is Dillon meeting us there?” Savannah asks as we load up in the car.

“What?” I squeal. “Why didn’t you mention Dillon was going to be there?” He may be my brother’s friend, but he gives me the creeps. My brother threw a party a couple of weeks ago, and he kissed me. And he continued to kiss me even after I tried to push him away. Thankfully, my brother walked in and saw it. He pulled him away and told him never to touch me again. I had never been so glad that my brother was protective over me until that very second.

My brother speaks, looking at me in the rearview mirror. “I spoke to him a little bit ago. Something came up and he had to pass.”


I sit in the backseat of Savannah’s car as we pull up to what looks like an old abandoned warehouse in an industrial part of Chicago. “This is it?” I ask confused as I look around at the lack of nightlife. It’s pretty dead over on this side of town.

“Yeah,” my brother responds as he pulls into the back parking lot. It’s already packed.

I eye the red brick building skeptically. It doesn’t look like any type of club I would want to enter. “How long has this place been here?” I ask, looking around at our surroundings. This looks like a bad part of town to me.

“About nine months,” Savannah answers as she gets out of the car. “When the owners bought it, it was just a run-down warehouse.” I take a quick look around at the surrounding warehouses, which still look abandoned. Windows busted out and graffiti on the sides. Trash litters the ground. “Then they turned it into this awesome club. It’s like three stories.”

I look at the top of the red brick building having to lean my head all the way back to see the rooftop. “Geez. What kind of club needs three stories?” I wonder out loud.

My brother answers. “The actual club is on the first floor. Then the second floor is more like a loft. It just holds one office that overlooks the club.”

“And the third?” I question when he doesn’t mention it.

“I heard that one of the owners actually lives on that floor. Two guys own it, but one guy, I think his name is Cason, runs it, and he loves it so much he refuses to leave it,” Savannah adds with a smile.

“Charming,” I mutter. “How did you find this place, Blane?” They go out together often, but I’ve never heard them talk about coming to this side of town. And by the way Savannah was talking, this is her first time here.

“A friend,” is his clipped response as he reaches over and grabs Savannah’s hand. She then reaches out and takes mine with her free hand. As we round the back of the building, we come up to the end of the line that seems to wrap around the building. I can see the entrance up at the front.

“It’s gonna be closed by the time we get in.” How is this place that popular, yet I’ve never heard of it?

My brother starts to pull us to the front of the line as Savannah and I protest. “People will be pissed,” I hiss.

“No worries,” he throws over his shoulder.

We come up to the front of the line and a man dressed in a pair of ripped jeans and a tight white shirt that has security written in bold black letters across his large chest is checking ID. I can’t help but look him up and down. The holes in his jeans make me question if he’s wearing anything underneath them. A few of the holes are so high on his muscular thighs that you should be able to see his boxers or whitey tighties, but all I can see is skin. Tight, muscular skin.

“Brecken,” my brother says as we approach him.

The guy looks up from the ID of the woman who he was examining and smiles at my brother. A smile you would see on a teeth-whitening ad. A smile I’m sure most women find attractive. I’m sure he gets his pick of them every night. “Well, hello there, Blane. I didn’t know you were coming tonight.”

“Thought I would bring my girls out for some fun tonight,” he says with a smile, but there was no excitement in his voice. I frown. It’s not like him not to want to take Savannah out dancing. Maybe he’s mad at me for tagging along.

The guy my brother called Brecken looks at Savannah and then at me. His eyes linger on my breasts for a little too long, but I’m not surprised. Savannah has me dressed like a slut. She said something about me needing to find a man who would appreciate what I have to offer and be willing to rip it off me.

My brother turns to face us. “Savannah, Taylor, this is one of the owners of Seven Deadly Sins. Brecken, meet my girlfriend, Savannah, and my sister, Taylor.”

Seven Deadly Sins? Yep, never heard of it.

His dark eyes widen a bit as Blane announces me as his sister. But then soften when he looks down at my chest once again. Yes, I understand that tits have that power.

“Go on in, man,” he announces with a smirk before he steps out of our way for us to enter.

We step through two massive black doors and walk down a long dark hallway as the music starts to filter in. With every step, the music gets louder—to the point I can’t even hear myself think. The vibrations beneath my heels have me looking down to make sure the ground isn’t shaking. I have to let go of Savannah’s hand a few times to allow the drunks to walk between us as they stumble from side to side on their way out.