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I give her a soft yet reassuring smile. “No, baby. I haven’t done any drugs.” It feels good to actually tell the truth, but I can tell she’s not a hundred percent sure she believes me. But I can’t blame her for that.

“I …” My phone ringing on the nightstand cuts off my words. I reach over and pick it up to see it's Case. With one last deep breath, I get out of bed and answer it.




“Good morning.”

I look up from the kitchen table as Savannah enters, wearing a big smile on her face. “Morning,” I respond softly. I look down the hallway waiting for my brother to enter behind her. It’s Saturday; we always stay home and do nothing on Saturdays. But after a few seconds, I look away. “Where is Blane?” I ask, wrapping my hands around my warm coffee cup.

“He left earlier this morning. He had to go meet with that guy from last night.”

I spin around in my high-top chair to face her. “He what? And you let him go?” I ask in panic.

“I don’t control what he does,” she responds softly. “He said it was important.”

I snort. “Only an addict would say anything related to drugs is important.”

“He’s not a drug addict,” she snaps, her temper rising.

I feel sorry for her. Her love for him is going to overshadow the truth. The truth is Blane needs help. “Maybe not.” I choose my words carefully. “But he does need help. This guy is bad news.”

She comes around the table and sits down in front of me. She places her coffee mug on the table and looks up at me. I see it in her eyes. The determination. The hardness she is giving me. “I believe him,” she says matter-of-factly. “I believe him when he says it’s going to be okay. He hasn’t been on drugs.”

I remember being at this stage with my father. I saw the signs but refused to believe them. There were even times I ran to him when he came calling for help. “Savannah …”

“I would have seen it,” she interrupts me. “He hasn’t changed one bit in the last six months we have been together. He said this thing with this man is temporary, and I believe him.”

I don’t. But I find myself nodding my head. Me, on the other hand … I think I need to make a trip to see this guy on my own. I need to try to save him before he gets in too deep.


I’m sitting in my office overlooking my club when my cell phone rings. A glance at it tells me it’s Miller.

“Yes, Miller?” I ask as I place him on speakerphone.

“There’s a woman here wanting to see you,” he says sounding amused.

I look up from the paperwork that sits on my desk. “Who is it?” I ask curiously. Women don’t come to see me. Well, not the kind that my security guard has to announce.

“Taylor. And she said if you refuse to see her, she will call the police.” He chuckles, and then covers it with a cough.

And I can’t help but smile myself. She’s more trouble than I thought she was going to be. “Of course, I will see her. Send her up.” I hit end and sit back in my chair. Well, this could be easier than I thought. I’ve been wondering how I was going to get her under my thumb. And here she is, coming right to me.

Must be my lucky day!

A knock announces she has arrived, and I cross my arms over my chest, getting more comfortable. “Come in,” I call out.

The door opens, and she comes walking in as if she owns the place. Shoulders pulled back and chin up. She is dressed much differently than she was last night, but it doesn’t change the fact she’s beautiful. She’s pulled her long, dark hair up into a messy ponytail with loose pieces framing her flawless face. She has an oversized white t-shirt on that hangs off one shoulder. The color of her bra strap gets my attention. Black—my favorite color. She’s wearing a pair of black yoga pants that hug her thin legs. Even though they cover more of her legs than her shorts did from last night, they seem more sexual. More intimate in a way that makes me want to peel them off her slowly.

“I need to have a word with you …” I arch a brow at her hard tone even though it did sound cute. “… sir,” she adds a little softer, and I hide my smile. So she doesn’t have as much backbone as she wants me to think she has.

“I don’t think we’ve been properly introduced,” I say as I stand. I reach out my right hand toward her. “My name is …”

She holds up her hand stopping me. “I know who you are.” She cocks a dark eyebrow. “A word?” She’s all business.

I smirk as I sit back down. “Of course. And please, call me Case.” I gesture to the chair that sits across my desk.

“I’ll stand. This won’t take long.” She takes in a deep breath, and I allow myself a quick look at her large chest hidden behind that t-shirt. I can’t touch her, but I sure as hell can enjoy the view.

“What can I do for you?” I ask with amusement. I can think of several things I could do for her, all of which would require her being naked and bent over my desk. I rub my hands on my thighs as I feel my cock start to harden at the thought of her, open-mouthed, moaning in pleasure.

“My brother told me that he owes you.” She gets right to the point.

My face hardens at that statement. My amusement is replaced with anger. What else did he tell her? “I don’t see where what business I have with your brother is any of yours,” I say flatly.

She crosses her arms over her chest and lets out a huff. The motion blows the dark strands around her face. “That is where you are wrong. I don’t know what he owes you, but I’m willing to pay it.”

I refrain from chuckling at that. I lean forward and place my forearms on my desk. She quickly scans the tattoos on my arms and then looks back at me. “Taylor…”

“Call me Miss Williams,” she informs me lifting her chin.

“Miss Williams, I assure you that you cannot pay what he owes me.”

I watch as her tough act starts to unravel. “I don’t have a lot of money, that’s true. But maybe I can make payments,” she offers, her voice sounding more desperate than demanding.

I shake my head. “This isn’t about money.”

She stomps her foot, and I chuckle. Her beautiful blue eyes narrow on me as she uncrosses her arms and points an angry finger at me. “Name your price!” she demands. “Everyone has a price.”

If she only knew how right she is, but I say, “There is no price.”

She throws her arms out to her side. “I came here …” She pauses as she looks around the room as if it can give her some sort of an answer. Then she mutters a curse in frustration. When she looks back up at me, she looks desperate. Her eyes have softened, making them look lighter than they are. Her lips part as she breathes in a sigh, and her shoulders slump in defeat. And I hate that I like the way it looks. That it makes me feel like she needs me. That I hold all the answers. Too bad she’s not gonna get them. “I came here to demand you let him go. That you forgive him for what he has done to you. Hell, I’m even willing to pay you for what he’s done wrong. But don’t make me beg you. Don’t make me look like some stupid bitch who cries over something she has no control over. Blane is all I have. I can’t lose him.”

“Miss Williams …”

“I don’t understand why he is even involved in drugs in the first place,” she goes on. “Our father was into drugs. Is … he is still into drugs,” she corrects herself. “And drinking. He’s been in and out of prison for years. He’s locked up now. I can’t lose Blane to that same fate.” She whispers the last part.

I sit back in my seat and sigh heavily, running a hand down my unshaven face. I can’t do what she asks of me. Even if I wanted to, which I don’t. Her brother made his bed, and now he must lie in it. “I understand what you’re trying to do. And your brother should be proud to know that you’re trying to help him, but this is out of my hands.”