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“The truck isn’t here,” Doogan murmured while confirming the location of Billy’s phone. “Billy Ray’s inside.”

At least his phone was. Eli was certain Billy never left without his phone.

Flipping the truck’s lights on, Eli accelerated out of the alley onto the street at the end of the block and into the next narrow lane across from it.

“Would Natches have taken the truck?” Doogan questioned him, pulling the phone free of his mission pants.

“No way. They’d let their fists discuss the matter with his head and leave it there,” Elijah answered.

Know Billy Ray’s truck? Doogan texted quickly.

Just pulled in the lot.


“I’m calling Billy.” Eli had his phone in hand as he drove quickly through the back streets.

“The truck just pulled in at the store across from Zoey’s,” Doogan stated.

“Dude, what’s your truck doing at O’Riley’s?” Eli snapped. “And Natches will rip your ass for trying to run Zoey down earlier.”

Frantic shouts could be heard coming across the line.

“Not you?” Eli laughed; the amused sound was a sharp contradiction to his expressions. “Hell, son, you better collect that truck and get with Natches right real fast, you feel me? Looks like you’re gettin’ a hard-on for his niece that has nothin’ to do with the happy-happy.”

A second later Elijah disconnected the call.

“Billy just woke big brother.” Eli grimaced. “Not good.”

“In what way?” Doogan pulled his weapon, checked the clip, and snapped it back into place before chambering the first round.

“Big brother?” Elijah snorted. “Billy’s stepbrother is Jack Clay, a big-assed tattooed biker Zoey rides with from time to time. Badass.”

Doogan snorted as a text lit up the screen of his phone.

“Two men just exited the truck. Driver and passenger,” Doogan told Elijah.

Eli accelerated, sped through another alley, then turned quickly onto a silent residential street.

“We’re close, how do you want me to go in?” Eli questioned. “Billy Ray, Jack, and God knows who else will be about a minute behind us.”

“Pull onto the street next to Zoey’s,” Doogan ordered. “No doubt Dawg and the others will be there before long. I need to hide my presence there before they go searching the place.”

“Won’t happen, but I’ll go in and make sure Zoey stays put.” Eli breathed out roughly. “They’ll check on her, but they won’t check the place.”

“I would,” Doogan growled. There wouldn’t have been a chance in hell he would leave without checking the entire building, just to be certain.

“Trust me.” Eli grinned. “Better yet, bet me. I’m broke. Hundred bucks says they check on Zoey, period. They won’t search the place.”

The confidence in the younger agent’s tone had Doogan’s brows arching in doubt.

“They catch me there, you’ll be out of a job. How’s that?” Doogan countered as the truck turned onto the street he’d used earlier.

Grabbing the rifle from the back, Doogan moved from the vehicle as Eli slowed the truck. Using the trees as cover, he ducked and moved for the apartment. Slinging the rifle over his back as he ran, Doogan pulled his Glock from the holster and headed to the back of the warehouse.

He was slipping up the stairs at the back of the apartment after doing a quick check of the garage, when a heavy, booming knock began sounding at the front door, echoing into the earbud he wore.

Hell, Mackays hadn’t had enough time to get there.

Doogan was beginning to think Zoey’s life was far too exciting, even for him.

Ducking into the unused guest room, he slid into the large closet, removed the mission clothes, and grabbed his jeans, grimacing at the hard blows to the metal door he could still hear through the listening device.

Jerking the denim over his hips, he headed quickly back.

“Son of a bitch!” Zoey cursed as the sound of movement in her room assured Doogan the pounding at the door had finally woken her. “Billy Ray? I’ll kill your ass!”

She was definitely awake.

Moving to the door but keeping it closed for the moment, Doogan let a smile tip his lips. At least her life wasn’t boring . . .


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Stomping to the front door, Zoey was ready to rip Billy Ray’s head off his shoulders and shove it up his ass. Or at least make him feel as though she had. Until she flipped on the security monitor and glimpsed the man actually pounding on the door while Billy Ray yelled at her again. Why the hell was Jack there?

Sliding the inside bolt free and keying in the security code, Zoey threw the door open.

“Jack.” She frowned up at the hard, tattooed all-around bad boy fiercely. “What the hell are you pounding on my door at three in the morning for?”

“Sorry, Zoey.” Jack frowned. “Had to make sure you were okay, sweetie. Can we come in?”

It was too early for any of this to make sense.

“You can.” She shot Billy a glare. “He can keep his ass outside for all the trouble he’s caused me tonight.”

Billy rolled his gray eyes at her, though concern filled his expression. “I didn’t do a damned thing, Zoey; you always think the worst.”

“Because you usually do the worst,” she snapped as Jack moved around her, striding into the apartment. “And what are y’all doing in my house at this time of the morning?”

Turning, she moved quickly along the short hall when she realized Billy’s stepbrother had disappeared.

Gripping the front of her knee-length robe, Zoey looked around the living area and, not seeing him, swung on Billy.

“Where did he go?” she demanded suspiciously.

Billy shrugged, frowning. “Probably checking the garage or something. Dammit, Zoey, we got problems here.”

“Dammit, Billy, you are a problem here, and evidently so is Jack.” Dammit, Doogan’s truck was in the garage.

“Zoey, it wasn’t me that tried to run you down tonight.” Billy stepped quickly in front of her, his expression creased in concern. “Listen to me, someone stole my truck and it’s been sitting in the store lot across the road, facing your place. Someone used my truck to try to hurt you.”

It hadn’t been Billy? She stared up at him, feeling shock rolling through her.

“It wasn’t you?” she whispered. “You weren’t just trying to play one of your stupid pranks?” Fear tightened in her belly.

“Dammit, Zoey, I wouldn’t do that to you,” he protested, his expression darkening painfully. “You know I wouldn’t do that to you. Elijah saw the truck when he drove by earlier and called me. Jack called Natches to let him know we thought someone was watching your place. That’s when Natches threatened to rip my dick off and shove it down my throat for trying to run you over earlier.” A shadow of remorse flickered in his gaze. “Zoey, girl, you know I wouldn’t even act like I was going to hurt you. You should have known that wasn’t me. Come on.” His voice lowered. “We’re friends, Zoey. I’d fight for you if I even suspected who did that.”

It wasn’t Billy? He hadn’t pulled out behind her and nearly run over the ass end of her car?

For a moment, shadows whirled through her mind and pain lashed at her senses, nearly stealing her breath.

“Get out of my house.” She could barely breathe enough to force the words past her lips. She had to get them away from her. Get Billy out before panic set in.

Turning, she moved to rush across the room to the metal staircase she assumed Jack would have used, when Billy gripped her arm and pulled her around.

“Don’t touch me!” Crying out, Zoey jerked away from him. “Get out, Billy. Now.”

“Zoey, listen to me . . .” He grabbed her arm again, confusion filling his expression.

At the sound of her cry, Doogan’s bedroom door flew open and before she could process how quickly he moved, he had Billy’s wrist in his hand, forcing him to release her before placing himself between them.