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Like a thief, in that moment she felt him steal some part of her. A part of her she didn’t know was hiding, waiting to be taken.

When his finger returned, more of the cool slick gel coating his finger, easing its penetration inside her, Zoey couldn’t hold back her moan any longer. When his hand landed on her rear again she cried out at the twin sensations of white-hot pleasure. One feeding off the other before combining and lancing her senses with a need for more.

Always more.

Her body was greedy, each sensual storm only building the burning need to push higher, to let the spiraling sensations amass until they consumed her.

“So pretty, Zoey,” Doogan groaned, his finger retreating from the narrow channel.

When he returned, her entire body tightened, back arching again as she felt a wider, hotter penetration. It was shocking. Sensations were detonating through her senses with sudden, ricocheting force, giving her no time to consider the implications, to build any defenses against the confusing pleasure and pain that only made her greedier.

She couldn’t even touch him. She wanted to touch him, wanted to feel him.

“Easy, baby,” he crooned behind her, that hint of Irish in his voice so damned sexy it would make any woman beg to give him whatever he wanted. “There you are, love. Damn me, you’re so fuckin’ pretty, Zoey. So hot and sweet.”

As he spoke, his fingers moved inside her in slow, measured thrusts. Each impalement sent that hint of fire streaking inside her, but with each little thrust the fire would dim and she needed more. She wanted that fiery burst of white-hot heat and pleasure back again.

Opening her thighs wider, Zoey pushed back into the thrusts, taking his fingers deeper, harder, moaning at the carnal need building inside her and her inability to dim it.

“Like that, baby?” he crooned, the lyrical flow of his voice deepening. “That little bit o’ bite? The way your pretty little rear burns and gets greedy for more?”

She whimpered at the intensity of those sensations.

With each thrust inside her, his other hand delivered a heavy pat to the rounded curves of her butt, each heated caress intensifying the burn beneath her skin and inside the far-too-sensitive channel his fingers were working inside.

“No. Don’t stop,” she demanded when his fingers slid from her entirely, leaving her aching, that entrance flaring with a demand that he return. As though the sexuality he was unleashing inside her were a force all its own, the building hunger no more than an extension of it.

It was terrifying, exhilarating. Like an adventure itself. One far more extreme and dangerous than she’d ever known before.

“Oh, sweet, I’ve no intention of stopping,” he promised her. “Not until your body is lying limp and exhausted beneath me and my cum is spilling deep inside your sweet little ass.”

A shudder raced through her at the warning, then shook her when his fingers returned. Slicker, the cool gel was worked inside when he returned with a less burning thrust. A single finger working the slickness inside her, over and over again, pushing in deep, past the ultratight ring of muscles where he teased the nerve endings there, built the increasing hunger for more before retreating again.

“Ah, sweet Zoey,” he whispered. “Ya look so pretty with my fingers stretching your tight little rear. I wish you could see how sweet, how fucking hot it is when I see this.”

Stretching. Burning.

Zoey wailed at the additional force of the fiery pleasure attacking the clenched entrance when he returned.

“You stretch so sweet and tight around my fingers,” he breathed out, his voice rough. “You’re almost ready, love. Almost ready to stretch around my cock and milk me inside. Almost, baby.”

His fingers lodged inside her, stilling for a moment. That didn’t mean he had any intention of giving her a chance to adapt to such destructive pleasure. Doogan had little mercy in him when it came to pushing her into the heart of the storm building inside her.

As his fingers stilled, she felt the broad press at the entrance to her pussy, then a slow, deep vibration as Doogan pushed the vibrator inside her.

“Son of a bitch,” he groaned. “That’s it, sweet love, take it. Let it fill your sweet pussy.”

His fingers began stretching inside her, scissoring apart slowly, pulling back as they remained widened, until he slid free of her entirely.

That buzzing inside her, the vibrating pulse of the dildo worked further inside her, distracting her. It was thick and heavy, almost as thick as his cock, but not nearly as warm and satisfying.

His fingers returned again. All three, pressed close together but still so thick, so wide . . .

Zoey tried to scream as the vibrator was pushed to the hilt, the flash of intense, rocketing pleasure blazing through her senses a second before Doogan sent his fingers tunneling inside her rear, driving in deep before spreading apart again. The stretch of that inner ring, so tight and sensitive, had her clawing at the blankets.

She wanted to demand he stop. She needed to demand he give her more. Her hips moved, pressing back, rocking against the dual penetrations, pressing into them, her senses out of control with the lashing bursts of rapid-fire pleasure-pain.

“That’s it, Zoey.” His voice was rife with gathering lust. “Fuck back into me, baby. Damn me, when I get my dick inside your tight ass I’ll be lucky I don’t spill inside it on the first thrust.”

His fingers jacked inside her, a short series of rapid little thrusts that had her wailing his name, burning from the inside out and eagerly awaiting each intense flare of agonizing pleasure.

“Now.” She had to force the words past her lips. “Please. Doogan, please. Now.”

He shouldn’t talk to her. Each time he did, she lost more of herself to him.

Rather than giving in to her demand, he pulled the vibrator back, worked inside her again, pushed his fingers back in another, blistering thrust.

She should kick his ass for torturing her, but instead she was pushing back into each thrust, low, desperate cries spilling from her as instinct began to demand, and her body’s response began tightening, nearing her orgasm.

Doogan chuckled, his fingers easing from her. “Not yet, my Zoey. You’ll not cum yet. Not until my cock is buried balls deep and I’m shooting inside you with a force that may kill me with the pleasure.”


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Zoey fought her rocking senses as she felt his fingers retreat. The vibrator wasn’t retreating, though. With surprising speed he anchored it firmly inside her before she felt him rising behind her.

Her body was a mass of sensations, fiery pleasure and intense demands.

“There, love.” Doogan’s lips pressed to her hip, one hand reaching beneath her, and a second later Zoey cried out desperately, the buzzing vibration filling her vagina, rippling through it and sending tremors of desperate sensation rocking her body.

“Now, baby.” His voice was hoarser, deeper. “Now, I get to fuck that pretty little ass. Do ye know how often I’ve dreamed of it, love?”

The broad, blunt crest tucked against her back opening, the pressure blooming through the nerve endings building as the heated cock head began pressing in slowly.

So slow.

“Oh God . . . Doogan . . .” She pressed her forehead into the bed; her body shook, shuddering as she felt the opening parting, stretching around him with a slow, fiery buildup of agony and ecstasy. The most pleasure she’d ever known mixed with a desperate, white-hot burn she eagerly accepted. Accepted and sought more of.

Doogan didn’t ease back, he didn’t allow the flames attacking her senses to falter, he only stoked them, built them, let them begin consuming her.