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Blinding, white-hot flashes of raw sensation began wrapping around her senses, burning through them, pushing her into that incredibly erotic storm beginning to build inside her.

Each lunge of his hips buried his flesh deeper, built the exquisite sensations churning through her. Lifting herself to him, writhing beneath him, Zoey buried her fingers in Doogan’s hair. Her neck arched, moans spilling unbidden from her throat as he began taking her harder, faster. Driving inside her, each fierce thrust sent piercing lashes of desperate need tightening in her womb, spiraling through her senses and pushing her deeper inside the chaos building through her.

“That’s it, baby,” he groaned, his lips lifting from her breasts, stroking them over her neck, brushing against hers, his breathing as harsh and labored as her own. “Take me, Zoey. God, you’re so sweet. So fucking tight.”

Pulling back, thrusting inside her again, again, until he buried to the hilt, the fiery stretching burn stealing her breath and tearing a groan from his chest.

“Ah hell, Zoey. I love your sweet pussy.” The hand at her hip tightened, his lips covered hers, his tongue sinking past them as he began moving, each driving impalement a shock to her already oversensitized flesh; each stroke, each blinding furious thrust drove her higher until she was crying out his name and exploding into ecstasy.

Deep racking shudders raced through her body. Her internal muscles clamped down on his cock, tightening around it as he pushed in to the hilt and growled her name against her lips, finding his own release inside her.

It was like flying, being flung into a storm of pure, raw sensation, and Zoey knew she was becoming hooked on him. On this pleasure he gave her, the warmth that surrounded her, and the sound of his voice as he whispered her name.

When it was over, sweat-dampened and boneless she lay beneath him and pushed away any thoughts of what the future would bring once he was gone. She couldn’t let herself think about tomorrow. Couldn’t let the thought of losing him spoil the time she had with him.

Not yet. Not until she had no other choice.

“Come on, witch.” Lifting her into his arms after fixing his jeans, Doogan strode up the stairs and carried Zoey to the sun-splashed bedroom.

Depositing her on the bed, he stared down at her, watching as she lifted those thickly lashed eyelids just enough to stare up at him.

“We could take a nap,” she suggested, a tempting smile curling her lips.

“I’d love to,” he said regretfully. “Unfortunately, I have to take care of some of that spy stuff you mentioned earlier.”

A little wrinkle of her nose and a sensuous stretch of that far-too-tempting body had his dick twitching in renewed interest. He was going to end up fucking them both to death if he wasn’t careful, because all he wanted to do was live inside her.

“You be good,” he ordered, bending to catch those pouty lips in a quick kiss.

Then he lingered.

She mesmerized him. She made him so damned hungry it was all he could do to function for the need to have her again. To sink inside her, feel that tight pussy gripping him, pulling him inside her.

If he wasn’t careful she’d end up owning him.

That thought had him pulling back, breaking the kiss, breathing out roughly and straightening once again.

“You’re dangerous,” he told her, knowing she had become far too important to him at a time she wasn’t even aware of. What she was doing to him now could become far more than a simple hazard to his self-control.

“Well, I lost a lot of sleep last night.” Celadon green peeked up at him through lush, heavy lashes. “I think a nap is definitely on my schedule today.”

He bent to her again. He simply couldn’t help himself. Brushing back a tangle of long curls from her cheek, he let his lips brush against hers again. “Dream of me, baby,” he whispered, letting his gaze touch hers, assuring her silently that when he returned, they would definitely play again. “I’ll be back soon.”

“I’m sure I’ll be waiting.” She laughed up at him. “The hickey on my neck assures it.”

As he straightened, his gaze went to her neck, the mark he’d left on her clearly visible. Just as visible as his was. And he couldn’t help the surge of satisfaction the sight of hers brought him, even knowing the consequences it could bring.

“Sleep well, witch,” he said softly.

He had to force himself to leave her. After changing clothes and arming himself, he had to force himself to the garage, and even as he drove away, leaving her nagged at him. He wanted to stay. He needed to stay. And needing Zoey wasn’t supposed to have happened.

The black pickup Graham was watching for moved into view. The lights went out on the truck when it reached the side of the bar. A short distance later Doogan pulled into a spot protected by ornamental trees and shrubs that extended from the back of the bar to the side door, providing complete anonymity for anyone with the proper code to get past John’s security and the bouncer just inside.

“Lyrica thinks Zoey will drop the racing once she wins,” he commented, rather than informing the other man that Brom Doogan had arrived. “She says it’s just one of Zoey’s little adventures.”

Eli looked up with a glare. “She tell you what’s next on Zoey’s little bucket list?”

“She has a list?” Graham assumed she had one, he just had no idea what was on it. Or even why she had it.

“Oh, she has a list,” Eli growled. “Once she wins the damned race, her next adventure is to lose her virginity to someone who will make her family scream the loudest. And so far, the candidates she’s listed give me nightmares . . .”

“She’s already decided on the candidate I do believe.” Brom Doogan walked in, his gaze going to Eli as the young agent jumped immediately to his feet. He only shook his head sadly at Eli before turning to Graham.

Marriage was being damned good to Graham, Doogan thought. His friend’s face was more relaxed and his gray eyes had lost that shadowed look.

“’Bout time.” Graham grinned, gesturing to the chair next to the desk. “Have a seat and tell me what the hell you’re talking about. And here I thought Kye causing trouble in the bar tonight was going to be my biggest worry.”

“Yeah, this is guaranteed to be a good one,” Eli snorted mockingly.

Doogan figured he’d had about enough of the young agent’s smart ass. “Agent Grant, get out there with Kye and keep her out of trouble before you end up fired.”

Eli turned to Graham, his gaze fierce, questioning.

Doogan arched his brow at the older agent. “You get a promotion the director didn’t tell me about, Graham?” he asked pleasantly. “Congratulations. Should I start calling you sir now?”

As far as he knew, Graham had turned down the offer Doogan had accepted as director of operations.

Graham lowered his head, hiding a smile as he shook it briefly. “Nope. No promotion here, Brom.”

“Would you like to be reassigned, Agent Grant?” Doogan asked softly. “It can be arranged. Before the hour is out, actually.”

“No sir,” he bit out with the barest civility.

“Then get your ass out that door and into that bar. Once there, you will stick as close as possible to Miss Brock until your commander or your operations director informs you otherwise. Are we clear?”

“Yes. Sir.” Animosity filled the young man’s tone now, but he left the room, closing the door with a controlled snap as Doogan turned back to Graham.

His friend was watching the closed door with brooding thoughtfulness.

“His insubordination is straining my patience, Graham,” Doogan informed him. “This is your fair warning, just as I promised. One more time and our friendship won’t save his job.”

Graham nodded slowly, his expression still contemplative.

“You’ve put up with him longer than I would have under the same circumstances, Brom. I was hoping he would have softened by now. I’ll take care of it.”