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“Eli isn’t the gung-ho sort,” she pointed out. “He’s more cautious and methodical.”

“Young.” Doogan nodded. “Eli doesn’t always understand that often a sudden strike versus slipping in is the only effective way to act. A strike team strikes. It doesn’t tippy-toe.”

“And you’re a strike team?” she asked.

“I normally head a strike team,” he amended. “Eli’s been assigned to those teams a time or two. He dislikes bullets more than most agents, though.”

For some reason she had the feeling that bullets didn’t concern Doogan, and she wondered if they ever had.

“Eli doesn’t seem particularly fond of you personally, though,” she pointed out. “I thought he was going to demand to drive me home himself last night.”

Eli didn’t actually dislike Doogan, but Zoey sensed the younger agent rarely agreed with him.

“He may have made that demand of me,” Doogan admitted, crossing his arms over his chest. “I simply reminded him of the definition of boss.”

Zoey winced. Eli wouldn’t have appreciated that at all. He was young, but he had plenty of pride.

“He tends to get his feathers ruffled easily.” Doogan shrugged.

“Why are you really in Somerset, Doogan?” She asked the question before she could stop herself. “And don’t pawn me off with that excuse you gave last night.”

She was smart. Intuitive. Doogan had known that all along. Just as he’d known Lyrica’s knowledge of his presence in Zoey’s home would ensure that Zoey began questioning why he was there as soon as her sister left.

He was prepared for it.

“I’m here to oversee an active investigation,” he finally answered her, trying his damnedest not to lie to her. “And that’s all I can tell you.”

“All hush-hush, huh?” She peeked up at him from between thick, sooty lashes. “Are you going to get me shot at, Doogan?”

She was teasing him, and he was damned if he’d expected that from her.

“Not if I can help it.” The thought of getting Zoey shot at was terrifying. And not just because her brother would kill him.

“Well, at least you didn’t try to lie to me.” Full breasts lifted with a heavy sigh beneath the tank top she wore with the cutoff denim shorts and cowboy boots. “I would have never believed a full-out ‘No.’ Not with your reputation.”

He arched his brow curiously, finding it particularly hard to keep his eyes off those tempting breasts.

“My turn,” he stated.

Zoey inclined her head, indicating her agreement.

“How do you know so much about the agents operating in Somerset? I know for a fact Eli hasn’t given you that information, and you know a hell of a lot, even for a Mackay.”

“You know that old saying ‘the walls have ears’?” she said softly. “Farmhouses have really thin walls.”

His arms went across his chest, his brows lowering broodingly. That wasn’t a good sign, but she could go with it.

“I know for a fact when Dawg remodeled the bed-and-breakfast, the walls were rebuilt as well.”

Zoey lifted her brows and gave a heavy sigh, accepting the fact that she could give up a little information. “I stole some of Dawg’s bugs. God love his heart. He just keeps misplacing them.” She gave a shake of her head, her eyes widening innocently. “It’s pitiful. Old age, I think.”

Dawg would have a fit if he heard her say something so outrageous. Hell, it was all she could do to say it and keep a straight face.

Doogan’s eyes narrowed now. “My bullshit detector just exploded,” he warned her. “Want to try again?”

“I’ve been known to cause that.” She sighed, blinking at him with false remorse. “Dawg’s always having to replace his too.”

He just stared back at her, those brown eyes watching her as though not quite certain of the response he should give to pull her back in line.

Yeah, Dawg had that problem too, she thought, reining in her laughter.

“So, do you want to make a parts list for me?” she asked him as though there weren’t a question on the table to answer. “I can pick everything up for you this afternoon when I go out.”

“And no one will question why?” He was going to let it go, Doogan thought, surprised at himself. Leaning against the sink counter, Doogan tried to keep the arousal from building in him and fought to keep his cock from becoming fully erect.

It was no wonder her brother and cousins were finally going gray. If he looked close enough he’d probably find a gray hair himself now.

“That was last year,” she stated with a little wave of her hand. “The parts store employees finally stopped calling Dawg when I convinced them I was picking up parts for friends while they were at work. Dawg couldn’t find a reason to suspect otherwise, so he let it go.”

Doogan grinned at that. “You let him suspect before ever going close to one of those races, didn’t you?”

Once his suspicions were aroused, Dawg would have had the races watched or been on the lookout for a title in her name.

“Guilty,” she admitted. “So you want me to pick them up or what? I assume you won’t want to risk Dawg learning you’re here.”

“You assume correct,” he assured her, uncrossing his arms to brace them on the counter behind him. “I’ll make a list for you. I may have to leave before daylight in the morning to meet with a contact, but I should be back before too late. I’ll be out till late tonight, though. It’ll be morning before I finish going over the bike and making that list.”

“Thanks for letting me know.” She nodded. “Remind me when we get upstairs and I’ll give you the spare security fob.”

Doogan nodded, watching her closely. “Are you sure you want me to stay?” he asked then, watching the frown that fitted at her brow and the somber disquiet in her gaze.

“It’s a little late to ask that question, don’t you think?” she asked him, swallowing tightly.

“I don’t want to hurt you when it’s time to leave, Zoey, so don’t fall in love with me, please. For both our sakes. Because I’d feel like a complete bastard if I broke your heart.” Why he felt the need to warn her he wasn’t entirely certain.

“Consider me warned.” She shrugged, but instead of looking at him, her gaze moved to the motorcycle he’d been working on. “I made my decision last night, though. I don’t regret it, and I won’t cry when you leave. How’s that?”

But she didn’t say he wouldn’t break her heart. She didn’t assure him she wouldn’t fall in love with him.

There would be no walking away without ripping at what was left of his emotions. He knew when that time came, she would cry. She would wait until he was gone. She wouldn’t let him see the tears, but they would fall.

Moving to her, he gripped her waist, lifted her, and set her cute, perky little ass on the lowered tailgate of the truck. Pushing between her thighs, Doogan wedged the erection he’d been unable to stop into the notch of her thighs, gripped the hair at the back of her head, and pulled her head back to stare into her oddly colored eyes.

Surprise and lush anticipation softened her features as he watched her and felt her soften against him.

“Ask me to kiss you, witch,” he demanded, brushing her lips with his.

“Ask you for it?” Her hands tightened where they gripped his biceps. “Why should I have to ask? You’re going to kiss me anyway.”

“So we both know what you want,” he answered softly, the sexual need riding harder, faster inside him. “Besides, it can be incredibly sexy when you know you have only to ask your pleasure and it’ll be given to you.”

The very thought of her asking for other, far more intimate acts had his cock straining against the zipper of his jeans.

“And if I ask, you’ll give it to me?” Sharp little nails pricked past the material of his shirt as she asked the question.

“Whatever you want, Zoey. Whenever you want it.”

“What if you’re not here?” Her breathing was tighter, faster now. “If I really want something and you’re away?”