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He’d end up killing them both with pleasure.

For damned sure, he was going to destroy them with the loss of it once it was over.

“Doogan, please . . .” Zoey panted, trying to arch beneath him, the feel of moist heat surrounding her nipple, drawing on the tender tip, heightening the brilliant arcs of sensation torturing her, nearly more than she could bear.

“It’s so good,” she sobbed, arching, writhing beneath the pressure. “More. Harder.” She cried out her demand as his teeth nipped gently, and then his mouth drew on her more firmly.

He was killing her.

His lips moved from one nipple to the other, his mouth torturing one as his fingers applied a destructive pressure to the other. And it wasn’t enough. She needed more.

More of the pleasure, more of those fiery lashes of intense sensation that made her clit more sensitive, made the moisture weep from her vagina.

“What do you need, baby?” he whispered against the throbbing peak, licking over it. “Tell me what you want, Zoey. What do your hard little nipples need?”

What did she need? Everything. So much more.

“More,” she cried out desperately, shuddering, burning beneath him. “Please, Doogan. I need more.”

His lips surrounded the peak again, drawing on it deep, his cheeks hollowing before the pressure released, his lips pulled back, and she watched his teeth catch the too-sensitive tip and worry it with nibbling bites that had fiery pleasure streaking through her entire body.

Why had she let him restrain her like this?

She needed to get closer to him. To touch him. To find a way to make him release the agonizing pressure building between her thighs. Her clit was so swollen, so sensitive she couldn’t bear it. Moisture lay in a heavy, slick layer on the bare folds of her sex, sensitizing her further.

Racking shudders of sensations kept racing over her, clenching in her womb, driving her mad.

And he wasn’t sucking her nipple hard enough.

The pressure was teasing, tormenting.

“Damn you, harder,” she cried out, panting, barely able to breathe. “I need harder. You’re killing me.”

She was fracturing from the inside out with the desperate need for him, for more sensation, a higher level of pleasure. She could feel it, just out of reach, waiting for her, teasing her.

Until his teeth clenched around her nipple.

An involuntary wail tore from her lips, the fiery pleasure tearing through her and almost, just almost peaking.

“Doogan, yes,” she cried out, trying to lift to him, to urge him to bear down harder. “More. Please, Doogan. Please.”

She’d never known pleasure like this. Never experienced such deep, overwhelming waves of electric sensation that raced over her flesh like sizzling static. She twisted into each flash of it, writhing beneath the hungry draws of his lips, the feel of his teeth rasping, nibbling a sensitive tip as his fingers played with the other.

And no matter how much she begged, she couldn’t find that sensation, that lash of deep, fiery pleasure-pain she knew would push her over the edge. Her fingers clenched, fisting, the shudders building through her as Doogan gave a heavy, hungry groan against her breast.

His teeth clenched on one tip; his fingers tightened on the other. Sensations lashed through the peaks like lightning tearing through her body and exploding with pleasure.

Another wail escaped her throat, racking pulses of ecstasy shuddering through her as that peak suddenly flamed around her, through her. Trembling, shaking beneath the racking tremors, she thought surely it would be enough.

But it wasn’t enough. As the waves of searing pleasure eased, the growing pressure, the need built again. It tightened through her body, throbbed inside her vagina, and pulsed in a desperate ache at her clit. Shaking, trembling in such overwhelming need she thought it would surely destroy her, she sobbed in furious need.

Then he began licking, nipping his way down her body, burning a trail of sensual hunger to her thighs. She realized that despite the explosion of pleasure, the pressure building in her sex had only tightened. It throbbed in her clit, her vagina, to a tormenting level now, a fiery ache, such extreme pleasure, a roller coaster of sensations. She loved every one even as she fought to release the clawing desperation they built inside her.

Doogan gave a rough, pleased little chuckle as he nipped at her hip, his hands stroking her thighs, his body easing between them.

“I hate you,” she cried out, staring down at him, trembling at the sight of the hunger in his eyes. “Untie me.”

“Not on your sweet life, baby.” His eyes were nearly black, his expression fierce with the sexual need raging inside him.

And dominant. There was a deepening, dark dominance tightening his features, turning them savage in their intensity.

Before she could make the demand to release her again, his hand landed on the swollen folds of her sex, a quick little pat, amplified by the moisture lying thick and slick on her inner lips.

Zoey froze, the sensations that ripped through her body holding her mesmerized, eyes wide, her gaze locked with his.

“I’ll untie you,” he growled, his hand cupping her, his palm applying pressure to the swollen bud of her clit. “But if I do, I won’t do this anymore.”

His hand lifted, then landed again, the sharp, fiery pleasure surged through her, stealing her breath.

A hoarse, broken cry spilled from her, her hips arching, savage desperation rolling through her.

“Just a little more pleasure, baby,” he promised. “Just a little higher. And then, when I push inside that tight little pussy you’re going to cum for me at the first thrust. You’ll tighten and ripple around my cock. You’ll scream for me, and you won’t stop coming until I’ve finished. Over and over, Zoey. So much pleasure we’ll both die a little from it.”

His hand landed again.

Her hips jerked upward as she sobbed, the sound strangled and harsh. Furious need burned through her. Sensation seared her. It traveled through her body, sending a rush of hungry demands zipping through her.

She would kill him if he pushed her so high she was unable to orgasm. If he did her as she had often found her own desires would do. Become so desperate, so aching that no matter how hard she tried she couldn’t satisfy the hunger.

“Your clit’s so swollen and tight.” A waft of heated air blew over the painfully swollen bud, causing her to shudder at the caress. “And your pussy’s so wet. So sweet and wet and so ready for me.”

His tongue licked through the narrow slit. The slow, heated lick was a lash of pure ecstatic pleasure. Better than anything, the hunger for more clawing through her senses now. Her hips writhed. Bucking against the licking strokes that drove her into a storm so chaotic she wondered if she’d survive it.

“Damn, Zoey, your pussy’s so sweet and hot,” he groaned, the vibration of sound pulsing into her clit, making her crazy for more.

Doogan’s forehead pressed against her thigh then, his breath harsh, his tortured moan filling the air around her.

“Just a little more,” he snarled.

A second later his head lifted, his hand landing against the vulnerable folds again, then again, again.

“Doogan . . .” She screamed his name, each heavy caress sending such furious shudders of sensation racing through her that she wondered if she was losing her mind.

Fiery pleasure almost, oh God, just almost detonated inside her.

She was dying. Crying. Begging him . . .

“Doogan, please.” Her gaze locked with his, her breathing so hard, so harsh she could barely speak. “Please. Please fuck me now.”

His expression was hard, his dark gaze filled with carnal hunger and desperate pleasure as he rose between her thighs. One hand wrapped around the heavy width of his cock, his fingers stroking the shaft once, twice, before he released the ties at her ankles with one tug of the cord restraining them.