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Ah hell. He couldn’t take much more. His balls were so tight, so full of his cum he couldn’t bear it. When he released, it was going to be like touching death. Could he survive it? Would he recover from a pleasure that deep?

A harsh groan tore from him when her lips slid down again, his cock pushing in deeper . . . oh fuck, that little bit deeper . . .

“I’m going to cum, Zoey.” He had seconds. Only seconds. “And you’re going to take it,” he snarled, hips bunching, self-control disintegrating. “Every drop, Zoey. Oh God—every fucking drop . . .”

Her moan vibrated on him, the sound a rush of sharp, brutal pleasure.

He was dying.

He sank that little bit deeper. Just that little bit, enough that when she swallowed and moaned, he lost his senses. Lost all control.

“That’s it. Fuck, Zoey. That’s it. Take me.” He pulled back, thrust past her lips, watched her eyes, and fucked straight to that hungry throat again. Again.

Doogan watched that color of her eyes glow, her long drawn-out little moan sinking into the head of his dick, and he lost it.

“All of it,” he rasped, the brutal sensations racking his body before shattering with such brilliant pleasure it tore through his senses.

Flames danced over his balls when she released the pressure at the base of his shaft. Lightning ripped up his spine. His cum shot from the throbbing, engorged head and she swallowed.

“God, yes. Swallow on me, baby . . . ah hell . . .” Swallowing, her tight little throat clenching on the end of his cock head, rippling over it, pulling another brutal pulse of semen to her throat.

Fucking moaned . . .

“Ah hell. Ah, Zoey. Sweet, sweet fucking mouth,” he rasped, pulse after pulse of his semen spilling to her, his release so deep, so deep, so fucking sweet—and she was shuddering, racking tremors racing over her, shocking him as her cry pulsed around his cock and had the next jetting explosion of cum shooting from him with a violence that dragged a groan of pure agonized pleasure from his lips.

He had never, at any time, had a woman find her release from excitement alone, her orgasm rippling through her from the act of giving him such pleasure. Never had a woman taken him with a natural desire to give rather than take, to pleasure him and to find her pleasure while doing it.

Until Zoey.

Until she destroyed him with her hot little mouth and he was afraid, branded his senses in ways he’d never be free of. In ways he’d have to force himself free of when his job in Somerset was finished.

When the last agonized pulse of semen spilled to her greedy mouth, Doogan drew her head back, watching as she straightened before him, dazed, existing on instinct alone. His jaw clenched when she slid her fingers down her belly, moving for the swollen bud between her thighs. To finish finding her pleasure. To ease the pressure no doubt racking her swollen little clit.

“Oh hell no.” He caught her wrist, drawing it from her body.

“Doogan, I have to.” She tried again. “It wasn’t enough. I need . . .”

His fingers tightened on her wrist. “I could tie you to the bed if that’s what it takes.”

Heat flushed from her breasts to her hairline. Her eyes widened and pure, raw hunger spiked her dazed eyes.

“Oh, Zoey, baby,” he whispered, his voice hoarse. “You have no idea how good it can get . . .”


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What was he doing to her, to himself?

He’d asked himself that question when he’d taken her mouth. He’d known what he was doing to her when he’d taught her how to pleasure him in such a way. He was marking her, marking her innocence, marking each pleasure she experienced, each touch she learned, as his.

He was branding her sexuality.

Just as he knew what he was doing to both of them as he did so.

He was marking them both. Marking her with his hunger, with a soul-deep ecstasy he knew he’d never found with another woman. Knew he’d never find again. And he was marking himself with her innocence, with watching the glazed pleasure building in her eyes.

Instead of obliterating the sensual innocence, though, each touch, each pleasure seemed to heighten it.

Staring at her now, spread-eagle before him, her wrists and ankles secured loosely to the bedposts, he wasn’t surprised in the least to find his cock rock hard again. As though he hadn’t cum with a violence that shattered him as he shot his seed down her throat. He was just as hard, just as desperate to spill into her again.

As he knelt between her thighs, his hands stroked over her, priming her, sensitizing every inch of flesh further before he began building the storm he could glimpse in her eyes. Regret nearly tore a groan from his chest, though.

God, walking away from her wouldn’t be easy and he knew it. Having her learn the truth would be even worse.

“Why are you teasing me like this, Doogan?” she whispered desperately, tugging at the bonds now, trying to increase the sensation of each light stroke against her body. “I’m dying.”

She was so sensitive that even the lightest caress against her perspiration-damp skin drew a moan from her lips. The emerald ring around her iris was brighter, darker, mesmerizing if he wasn’t careful.

“Doogan, please . . .” she demanded.

“Not yet. Soon,” he promised, bending to brush his lips against hers as she panted for breath. “Trust me, Zoey. Let me give you this. You trusted me enough to tie you to your bed; trust me to know how to touch you, to give you the ultimate sensations and pleasure.”

She moaned, her eyes still dazed, the arousal riding so high inside her that even her smooth, silken belly was flushed with it.

“Will I have a mind left when you’re finished?” She stretched beneath him again, trying to arch against his touch as it trailed down her side.

“You will, but I doubt I will,” he admitted, loving the feel of her sleek, lightly tanned flesh.

Trailing his fingers to her breasts once more, he leaned closer, caught his weight on one elbow, and cupped a swollen breast, his thumb brushing over the violently sensitive peak of her nipple.

“A woman can orgasm from only having her nipples stimulated,” he told her, blowing a breath over the tight peak and watching the reddened color deepen at the brush of air. “Your nipples are so sensitive, so eager for pleasure. I bet I can give you another of those hot little orgasms by doing nothing more than sucking these hard little nipples.”

Her pupils dilated, her body jerking with a rush of sensation that he knew would be peaking in her womb.

“Shall we find out?” Lowering his head the last inch needed, he lashed his tongue against the pebble-hard tip, her low, strangled moan his reward.

She was so sweetly responsive. The arch of her body, her broken moans, the way she loved every touch he gave her. It made him want to push her higher, give her more.

“It’s good, isn’t it, baby?” he whispered before letting his teeth rake over her hard nipple.

A cry tore from her, her body shuddering against him.

“It won’t take you long, Zoey,” he promised. “Once that little, lightning-quick pulse of release hits you, then I’m going to take my kisses to your pussy. It’s going to be so wet, so wild by the time I get down there that you’ll think you could cum so easy.” The thought of it was killing him, making him ache for the taste of her wet flesh. “It won’t be so easy, though. It’s going to take so much more than you can imagine. That’s when your body is so ready, so primed for that explosive edge of pleasure and pain that when I spank that pretty flesh you’re going to beg me for more.”

Her eyes widened. Before she could process the sensual threat, his lips surrounded her nipple, his teeth raked against it, and his entire body flinched at the sound of the little wail of deepening need that escaped her lips.