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“Mom—” I tried to cut her off.

“Plus, I really want to talk to your director.”

“Mom, please, no!”

 “You don’t even know what I’m going to say,” she said.

I sighed, resting my head against the seat. “That you are a fan of his work, and then you are going to get flirty. You don’t have the best track records with directors. Besides, you told me to smack you if you ever tried to go out on date with another one.”

“I wasn’t being serious.”


“Fine. Fine.” She threw up her hands in defeat before reaching over and grabbing hold of my hand, and it took all I had not to yank it away from her. “So how are you?” she asked.

Before I could answer, Ollie opened the front door to take his seat.

“Esther,” he said, nodding to her.

“Oh, Oliver, you’re here. Did you clear her schedule for this evening?” She asked him as if I wasn’t even there.

“I’m sorry. What’s happening this evening?” I asked.

“Ray Mallory is throwing his 63rd birthday party this evening, and what better date to bring than my famous daughter, the Amelia London.”

“Mom, I don’t think I can—”

“What? Why?” Turning to Ollie, she said, “Oliver, I thought you said she was free.”

“Sorry ma’am. She might be with her boyfriend tonight.” He frowned as he met my gaze through the mirror. I wanted nothing more than to smack him over the head.

Slowly, she turned to face me with a look of total confusion, “Noah Sloan?”


A grin spread across her lips. “Amelia, this is perfect. Have him come with you to Ray Mallory’s party. The more people talking, the more exposure. After this movie, you’ll be a household name again.”

From the corner of my eye, I saw Ollie clench his tablet so tightly, the veins in his hands strained. Obviously, this wasn’t what he expected my mother to say to me. But he should have known better. As long as I was the biggest star in the sky, she would do or say anything.

“Amelia?” my mother said.

“Huh?” My eyes shifted quickly back to her.

She gave my hand a little squeeze. “Dating is fine, but remember, you are the most important person in the relationship…not Noah.”

“Thanks,” I said, squeezing her hands back as I realized why none of her relationships ever worked. The most important person in a relationship was always the other person.

So you can take your ‘advice’ and shove it, Mother.


“And, action!”

Every part of me was waxed.

My hair was curled and makeup done.

My stilettos clicked on the marble floor as I made my way through the lobby of the Van Gooden Hotel. I looked at no one, rolling my briefcase behind me. Stopping at the elevator, I felt the man next to me stand up straighter, and I fought the urge to smirk.

“I thought I told you not to wear that dress?” Damon’s voice spoke firmly in the microphone in my ear.

I glanced back to him in the lobby. He was dressed in a dark navy suit and shiny black shoes, sitting casually in a chair and not even looking at me as he drank his tea.

“After you.” The man beside me allowed me to enter, and I let one of my bracelets to fall off, forcing me to bend down slowly to pick it up.

“Payback will be a bitch, sweetheart,” Damon said in the earpiece.

Ignoring him, I stepped inside the elevator along with the man beside me and the camera guy who kept panning between both of our faces. From the reflection in the glass, I could see that the extra’s eyes were still focused on my ass.

“Which floor?” the man asked, his hands already hovering over the buttons.

“She’s out of your league, my friend,” Damon said even though the man couldn’t hear him, and I couldn’t help but smirk.

I said nothing, pressing the button for the penthouse, proving Damon’s point and shutting him up. It was a small action, but it had to hurt his ego as he pressed the number fourteen instead. The gap between his floor and mine was more than clear. The Van Gooden was one of the most expensive hotels in the city, which meant everyone here operated on one thing—money. It’s how they measured their self-worth. As was clear in the way his shoulders deflated like he had already given up, it was also his way to attract women.

When he stepped out, he paused for a moment, obviously thinking about whether he should say anything. The camera guy turned back to capture his face, while another camera was already waiting on the floor, focused on me.


“Too slow,” I said as the doors closed on his face.

“What floor did he get off on?” Damon questioned.

“I wish I could see your face. You’re sexy when you’re jealous.”

“I’m always sexy, baby,” he retorted.

“And cocky.”

“Yeah, I’ve got one of those, too.”

Snickering, I shook my head and stood up straighter when the automatic voice announced, “Penthouse Suite.”

The doors opened, revealing two large double doors just a few feet from the elevators.

I checked my phone for the code again. However, when I took a step closer, I realized the door was already open.

“Hello?” I called out when I stepped in. “Wow.”

I had been to the Van Gooden before, but never the penthouse. In front of me was nothing but a narrow floor-to-ceiling window overlooking all of Chicago. The interior of the room was classic, but with a modern edge in tones of silver, white, and navy. A fire roared to the right of me where I left my suitcase and jacket. To my left, there was a large, circular luxury aquarium tank filled with dozens of fishes of all sizes. The aquarium went up the second floor, the staircase wrapping around it. I wasn’t sure where to look: it was like interior design porn. I wandered over to the aquarium, and like a child, I put my hand on the glass as the script suggested. After I tapped the glass once, the fish all swam away from me.

The camera crew and the director were already in the penthouse, silently watching. The fact that the director hadn’t called “cut” already meant that he wasn’t worried about the angles yet, though my spots were marked on the ground.

Hearing a soft cough, I turned back to him. There stood a short man with thick, curly brown hair and thick-rimmed black glasses. His eyes widened as he glanced up the length of my body in the fitted red dress I wore.

“Mr. Gooden?” I asked.

He nodded slowly.

“Is he a mute?” Damon questioned.

Ignoring him, I extended my hand. “It’s nice to meet you. I’m guessing you’ve never done this before?”

“Ugh…no. No,” he said with assurance. “My friend just turned me on to escorts. I mean, he told me about them, not that he turns me on. I’m not gay. Not that there is anything wrong with being gay. I actually have a gay cousin…” he backpedaled.

“I take it back. How the hell do you make him shut up?” Damon muttered.

“Breathe, Mr. Gooden,” I giggled. “I don’t bite…not unless you want me to, that is.”

I want you to,” Damon commented again.

Meanwhile, Mr. Gooden just stared at me, both nervous and lustful.

“Would you happen to have any wine? To make us both comfortable?” I asked him.

“Yes, of course. I just had them bring up some of my favorite. White or red?”

“White, please, Daddy,” I said with a smile, and he looked like he was ready to come in his pants.

“You’re trying too hard,” Damon stated.

“Am I? Or are you still jealous?” I muttered when Mr. Gooden headed for the kitchen. While he was gone, I tried to spot anything that would look like camera. He had two obvious ones by the door and at least one in the living room.

“Here you go,” Mr. Gooden said, handing me a glass.

“Thank you,” I replied before taking his hand and leading him over to the couch in front of the massive windows.

Kicking off my shoes, I curled up beside him and held my glass up for a toast.