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“Amelia, I was just about to call—”

“Come back to our suite! Right now. Come back, and come alone!”

“Amelia, what’s wrong?”

“Noah, come back!”

“I’ll be there in there in three minutes.”

It was the longest three minutes of my life. Hugging the phone to my chest, I slowly tiptoed back around the couch, hoping it was a nightmare and that she wouldn’t be there, but she was.  My legs gave out again. I found myself unable to look away.

What did I do? Dear God, what did I just do?

“Amelia! Amelia!” The door slammed when he rushed in, and I turned back. He dropped beside me. “Amelia, what happened?”

He couldn’t tell?

Numb, I faced him and whispered, “I killed her.”

He finally looked away from me and to the body that once belonged to my mother laying less than a foot away from me.

“What do I do, Noah? What do I do? I didn’t mean to. She confessed. She did it all. What do I do?”

He stepped between me and her, blocking her body from my view and cupping the sides of my face.

“You are going to get up and strip down. Everything—your underwear and your jewelry, I want you to throw it on the ground. Then you will go into the bathroom and touch nothing but the shower knob. I’ll fix this.”


He looked me dead in the eyes and shook his head as he took off his coat. “Amelia, don’t argue, just listen to me, okay?”

Nodding, I got up off the ground, stripping like he said, everything falling off me and into a pile by my feet. When I was completely naked, he used his coat and wiped my hands as best he could and then bent down to wipe the blood off my foot. It was only then that I realized I had tripped and lost one shoe. My left foot was covered in blood.

“Go. Remember, don’t touch anything,” he said. Nodding, I did as he instructed as he dialed on the phone.

When I got into the bathroom, I didn’t want to see myself, but I looked anyway. The thing I noticed the most were my blue eyes staring back at me, just like she did.

“Now you’re just like me … murderer… murderer… mur… der … er…”

I killed my mother.


The dial tone sounded four times before he finally answered.

“Who the fuck is this?”

“It’s Noah,” I replied.

“Well if it ain’t Frank’s son,” a voice on the other end said.

“I’m more than that to you, Bodean. Remember that favor you owe me?”

I heard him hack and spit to the side. “Boy, it’s been how many years—”

“Doesn’t matter. A debt unpaid is never forgiven. The rules don’t change.” I glanced down at the woman who had made my life hell for far too long. “I’m cashing it in right now.”

I didn’t care what I had to do or how badly this might bite me in the ass later.

My first and only priority was Amelia…morals be damned.

Dear Reader,

I hope that you enjoyed Child Star: Part 2. More twists and turns ahead in the final installment...

I wanted to experiment in publishing this book, which will be in serial format. Click below to preorder:

CHILD STAR: Part 1 – 10/27/15

CHILD STAR: Part 2 – 11/10/15

CHILD STAR: Part 3 – 11/17/15

CHILD STAR – full novel – 11/24/15

I truly hope that you enjoyed it enough to leave me a review! I love to hear your thoughts. As always, you can reach out to me via social media.

Thank you again for all the love and support you’ve shown for me and my work. It is beyond amazing having fans like you!

Stay Ruthless,


More by J.J. McAvoy

Ruthless People Series




DECLAN + CORALINE (prequel novella)

Single Title New Adult Romance




About the Author

J.J. McAvoy was born in Montreal, Canada and is currently studying Humanities at Carleton University. She is the oldest of three and has loved writing for years. She is inspired by everything from Shakespearean tragedies to Pop Culture. Her first novel, Ruthless People, was a runaway bestseller.

Please stay in touch via any of her social media outlets.








Table of Contents

Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten