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Ian cleared his throat, more than a little discomfited at Lauren’s bluntness. “She’s not that young,” he replied defensively.

Lauren gave a hoot of laughter. “A bit sensitive about the age difference, are we? Hey, if anyone dares to call you a cradle robber just tell them to fuck off. Especially since you landed the hot babe. Tessa’s a lucky girl and you can tell her I said so.”

He was flabbergasted at her audacity, and was silently grateful he’d never worked up the nerve to ask her out on a date last year. “I, ah – thank you for your vote of confidence, Lauren. Now, it’s already late afternoon in England so let me make those calls, hmm?”

Less than an hour later, Lauren had the answers – and the phone number – that she wanted, and gleefully began to put the next phase of her plan into motion.


Maddy gave her niece another lookover, and smiled with pleasure at Lauren’s appearance. “You look lovely tonight, darling. This was a wonderful idea you had – getting all dressed up and treating ourselves to a fancy dinner. Exactly what both of us needed to cheer ourselves up.”

Lauren winked at her aunt. “I agree. And you look – sensational, Aunt Maddy. Way more like my older sister than my aunt.”

Maddy flushed slightly, but it was obvious that Lauren’s compliment had pleased her. And she did look incredible for a woman of fifty-two, easily able to pass for someone ten to fifteen years younger. Her blonde hair was cut in a soft, layered style that framed her fine boned face, while her makeup was tastefully applied. Her figure was as trim and toned as ever, and she still wore a size six. Given her profession, her taste in clothing was naturally exquisite, like the classy blue Donna Karan sheath dress with a wrap-over neckline and ruffled cap sleeves she wore tonight. Navy leather Manolo Blahnik pumps and sapphire jewelry finished off her outfit.

Lauren didn’t miss all the interested male gazes directed her aunt’s way, and she gave a very satisfied little smile. Of course, in order to convince Maddy of her good intentions, Lauren had felt obliged to girly herself up, too. She’d curled her hair, made up her face, and put on a summery yellow floral Dolce and Gabbana dress, along with yellow satin ankle strap sandals that were already starting to hurt her feet. Fortunately, she thought smugly, she would only have to remain in this get-up for another half hour or so – the time it would take to finish setting her plan in motion, then get a taxi back to the apartment and take the stupid shoes off.

So far everything had gone wonderfully, far, far better than she could have ever hoped for, and she kept her fingers crossed that her little scheme wouldn’t wind up backfiring on her. As she and Maddy approached the corner table Lauren had browbeaten the reservation clerk into giving her, butterflies began to flutter in her tummy – a very unfamiliar feeling for someone who’d been on all manner of extreme adventures.

As the hostess placed two menus on the table, and the man already seated there rose slowly to his feet, Maddy froze in her tracks. Her eyes were wide with shock, her jaw hanging open in disbelief. Lauren placed a hand on her arm, urging her forward, but Maddy remained rooted in place.

“What have you done?” she whispered to Lauren wildly. “Lauren, how – how is he - ”

“It’s okay, Aunt Maddy,” Lauren whispered back. “A friend tracked him down in London for me, and I called him yesterday. He booked the first flight he could get on, and arrived in New York this morning. And, more importantly, he’s been a widower for about eighteen months and is still crazy about you. Now, go, would you? Give the man a hug, for God’s sake!”

“James.” Maddy’s voice was whisper soft.

James Butterfield’s handsome face lit up with a smile that was filled with so much love and longing it brought tears to Lauren’s eyes. He wore a beautifully tailored navy pinstriped suit, a pure white shirt, and an expertly knotted silk tie. His thick black hair was liberally shot through with gray, evidence of his sixty-plus years, but he was still undeniably attractive.

“Madelyn. My God, it’s really you. My Maddy. My little love.”

His last words were barely audible, but Maddy evidently heard them very clearly, because the next thing Lauren saw was her aunt being enfolded in the arms of the man she’d loved for half her life.

Lauren stayed long enough to share a champagne toast with the reunited lovers, and to briefly explain to Maddy how she had been able to contact James and do some speedy matchmaking. James, in his delightful British accent, told Maddy gently that Miranda had indeed passed away over a year ago after a long battle with cancer.

But when the waiter came to take their dinner orders, Lauren got to her feet. “Actually, this is strictly a party of two this evening. I’m headed back home to order in some sushi, watch the latest Fast and Furious movie on pay per view, and take these stupid shoes off.”

James shook his head. “Please stay and have dinner with us, Lauren. After all, I owe you a huge debt of gratitude.”

Lauren smiled and gave him a pat on the shoulder. “Plenty of time for all that, Uncle James. I’d say you have far more important things to attend to tonight.”

James chuckled. “You are every bit as outrageous Ian warned me you would be. And I look forward to getting to know you much better, my dear. After your aunt and I renew our own acquaintance,” he added with a wink.

Lauren laughed as she bent down to kiss her aunt on the cheek. “I’d expect nothing less. As for you, Ms. Benoit, I’ll see you the next time I’m in town, hmm? I fly out to Calgary in the morning.”

Maddy gave her a puzzled look. “But surely I’ll see you after dinner, darling. Or in the morning.”

“Nope.” Lauren shook her head. “I went ahead and packed a bag for you and delivered it to James’s suite at the Waldorf Astoria this afternoon. I also called your PA and told her you’d be in very late tomorrow, and that she ought to cancel all of your morning appointments. After all, what could be more important than an appointment with destiny?”

Maddy laughed softly, shaking her head in exasperation. “What am I going to do with you, young lady? Except to thank you from the bottom of my heart. What you’ve done, Lauren – well, no words can express, darling.”

Lauren gave the happy couple a cheeky grin. “I think at a moment like this that words are definitely overrated. The looks on both of your faces speak volumes. Now, you kids have fun, okay? Love you, Aunt Maddy. And Uncle James – I expect you to make that title official sooner than later.”

As James laughed, Maddy squeezed Lauren’s hand, gazing at her tenderly. “It will be your turn next, you know. Your turn to get a happily ever after. You only have to ask for it, darling.”

“Maybe.” Lauren gave Maddy and James a wistful little smile before waving good-by and walking out of the restaurant, forcing herself not to think about Ben or Elle or Spain – and definitely not about engagement rings.

Chapter Twenty-One

Early September – New York

“Can you hold the elevator please?” Ben called out, breaking into a jog.

He smiled gratefully at the man who held the door open for him, and then blinked in surprise as he saw Lauren’s sister Julia inside the elevator car. Belatedly he realized that the dark haired man standing next to her was her new husband, Nathan Atwood.

“Ben,” greeted Julia happily. “I was hoping we’d run into you during our visit. This is my husband, Nathan. Baby, this is Lauren’s boss, Ben Rafferty.”

Ben shook Nathan’s hand. “A pleasure. And belated congratulations to both of you. I, ah, managed to sneak a peek at some of your wedding photos.” He smiled to note the look of surprise on Julia’s face. “No, Lauren didn’t voluntarily share them with me. One of her crew members was looking at her Facebook page and I just happened to be walking by.”