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Tears still glistened in Lauren’s eyes. “I don’t know. I have to think about it, think about a lot of things. But I won’t accept that you can’t have a happy ending, too, Aunt Maddy. Is James the reason you never married, or had children of your own?”

“Mostly, yes.” Maddy gave a little shrug. “I grieved for such a long time, both for him and for the baby I lost. And by then my career had really taken off, I was traveling all the time, working insane hours. Most men I knew would have never put up with a schedule like that. But it didn’t matter, because if I couldn’t have James I didn’t want anyone else. As for children – well, I always had you and Julia. You’ve been as precious to me as my own daughters would have been.”

“Hmm.” Lauren tapped a finger against her chin thoughtfully. “You know, I always figured you and Julia were so much alike, while I was more like Mom. I mean, you and Jules both love New York, love clothes and shoes and stuff, the theater, yada yada. While I’m more down to earth like Mom, you know?”

Maddy smiled fondly. “Maybe in the way you dress, or where you live. But I’ve always known you’re more like me, darling. You and I are both independent, both career women, and neither of us can stand to be bossed around. But let’s stop the similarities right there, shall we? Because the last thing I want is for you to wind up alone like I am, still pining for a man she loved a lifetime ago.”

Maddy refused to discuss the matter any further, declaring that this round of “True Confessions” was over for the night, and that the pair of them were emotionally wrung out. They both headed off to bed a few minutes later, but Lauren was far too wound up to fall asleep. Checking that it was still early enough in California, she pressed the speed dial button on her phone for her sister.

“Jules, hey. I’m not interrupting anything, am I? Oh, God, really? Jeez, it’s barely nine o’clock back there and you guys are already – never mind. Look, the reason I called is because I need a phone number. Just give it to me, and I’ll let you get back to your – er, shagfest.”


“Mr. Gregson, Lauren McKinnon would like to speak with you, sir. She insists it will only take a moment and that it’s quite urgent.”

Ian was rarely surprised, his daily schedule having been planned out to the quarter of an hour, but this announcement from his PA was completely unexpected.

“You’re certain it’s Lauren McKinnon and not Julia?” he clarified.

His PA – Andrew Doherty – was barely able to disguise the irritation in his reply. “Yes, of course I’m certain, Mr. Gregson. I never get a name wrong. Besides, Julia is now known as Julia Atwood. Shall I put Ms. McKinnon through?”

Ian had to stifle a chuckle, knowing that he’d greatly annoyed his PA by questioning him in such a manner. Andrew was always precise, always organized, and – damn the man – always right. He was also the very best assistant Ian could ever imagine, and not someone he cared to rile up.

“Yes, please. Thank you, Andrew. I’m sure this won’t take long, and then we can proceed with our morning meeting.”

Ian was still smiling to himself as Andrew put the call through. Of course, he was always in a good mood these days, smiled more than he could ever recall doing, and all because he finally had his beloved Tessa living with him. They were almost inseparable, for she also traveled on business with him, serving as his PA during such trips. And even though it was barely eight thirty in the morning, his day having just begun, he was already counting the hours until he could be with her again.

“Lauren.” He greeted his unexpected caller warmly. “This is a pleasant surprise. Are you in San Francisco?”

“I wish,” she replied with a rather dramatic sigh. “No, I’m in New York, where it’s supposed to rain most of the day. And it’s already like a sauna outside. I really hate this place in the summer. And the winter, too. And the fall and spring aren’t all that great, either.”

“My sympathies,” he told her. “I suppose it would be insensitive of me to tell you that it’s cool and foggy here this morning, with an expected high of sixty-five degrees.”

“I hate you,” she stated matter-of-factly. “Actually, that’s not true. Especially since I’m calling to ask a favor.”

“Really? Now I’m intrigued. What can I do for you, Lauren?” he asked in an amused voice.

“It’s not exactly for me, but for my aunt. Though she has no idea I’m calling you right now, would probably be horrified at the thought. And I might be shooting for the moon here, but figured that life’s too short not to take a leap of faith every so often. You know what I mean?”

“Yes. And no,” he replied, shaking his head in complete bafflement. “I take it you think I can provide some assistance with helping you make this – ah, leap?”

“All I really need is a phone number. Uh, a phone number and maybe finding out if a particular person is still married or not,” she added hastily.

Ian laughed. “I wouldn’t have thought you needed anyone’s help to get whatever fortunate man you’ve set your cap for.”

Lauren made an impatient sound. “It’s not for me, silly. It’s for Maddy. Look, I can see I started this off all wrong, so let me begin again. Do you happen to know a man by the name of James Butterfield? He’s one of your countrymen, probably early to mid sixties, some sort of banker.”

Now Ian was genuinely intrigued. “Yes, of course I know James. I mean, he’s obviously more my father’s friend than mine, but I’m certainly acquainted with him. Why do you ask?”

“Well, without giving away too many family secrets, your friend James had a thing for my aunt twenty-odd years ago. And, well, it turned out to be this tragic love affair, they had to end things because of his crazy wife, blah, blah, blah. But he’s the reason my aunt never married, ‘cause she’s still in love with him, and I thought I’d try a little matchmaking. Provided he’s divorced or widowed or otherwise single at the moment, of course. I figured all you rich British dudes must know each other, so I called Julia last night to get your number and here I am.”

Ian stared blankly at the phone receiver, his head spinning a bit at Lauren’s rapid fire summation. “I, ah, see. Well, I’m afraid I don’t know what James’s current marital status is, or his telephone number. But I’d be happy to make a call or two and see what I can find out. Tell you what. Give me your number and I’ll get back to you within the hour.”

“Really?” Lauren sounded delighted at this offer. “Ian, that’s so nice of you! I know how uber busy you must be, and I hate to bother you, and this is probably a dead end, but I do want to try. I want my aunt to have her happy ever after. Just like you and Tessa.”

“It’s no bother at all,” he assured her. “A phone call or two is all it is, and I owe my father a call anyway. And I understand about wanting Madelyn to be happy. Especially since I’m currently the happiest man in the universe. The least I can do is help someone else find a little of that happiness.”

Lauren recited her cell phone number. “I appreciate it, Ian. No matter what the results are.”

“You’re very welcome. I’ll keep my fingers crossed that it’s good news. Tell me, though,” he inquired curiously. “This is a wonderful thing you’re doing for your aunt, but when will it be your turn to get a happy ever after, as you call it?”

Lauren was silent for several seconds before assuring him cheekily, “I’m in no hurry whatsoever for that to happen, Ian. I’ve still got too many other places I want to see, lots of adventures yet to have. I’ll settle down one of these days. But for now, as long as the people closest to me are happy, then I am, too.”

Ian smiled. “You’re really just an old softie, aren’t you? That tough girl image is all a farce, isn’t it?”

“No,” she scoffed. “It is definitely not a farce. Don’t try making me into something I’m not, Ian. I’m not a romantic like Julia, or a sweet young thing like your Tessa.”