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I was sexy in his eyes. His raw, primal expression as he stroked himself drove me into a frenzy for him. I needed him and he needed me. Nothing else mattered.

My hand made its way between my thighs but Kane pulled it away before I could touch myself. I groaned and writhed as I reached for a drawer on my nightstand and withdrew a condom.

When I handed it to him, he ripped it open and put it on, using his knees to push my thighs even further apart.

“It’s been a long time for me,” I said softly. “Be gentle.”

He leaned over me, taking my nipples into his mouth one at a time.

“I don’t know how to be gentle, Viv. Especially not now.”

With a single thrust of his hips, he was completely inside me. I gasped loudly and grabbed his shoulders. He filled me so deep I wasn’t sure I could take it, but as soon as he drew back, I wanted more.

And he gave me more. He never let up, fucking me hard and deep, his fingers laced through mine pressing my hands to the mattress.

I could only move my hips and legs, and I did, rocking against him and wrapping my legs around his waist. Our groans, skin on skin and the creak of straining bedsprings were the only sounds in the room.

“Kane,” I cried, panting hard. “Oh, God.”

I was so close. He moved so perfectly inside me, playing my body like a skilled musician would an instrument. When he kissed me softly, I came apart at the seams, crying out shamelessly as my hands pushed against his, unmoving.

He groaned deeply, still pumping into me hard and fast. “Fuck. I’m coming, baby.”

And with one final, shattering thrust, he did, his groan going on and on as he held himself buried in me. His hold on my hands relaxed and I wrapped my arms around him.

We stayed that way, our sweat mingling as our breathing settled. I’d never felt this kind of satisfaction. It was physical and emotional. A complete release of ourselves into each other.

It was terrifying and exhilarating all at once.

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I WOKE TO THE SMELL of fresh coffee and the dull sound of Viv’s blow dryer running in her bathroom. A glance at the bedside clock told me it was almost seven.

How had I slept through her getting out of bed? I was normally a light sleeper. But we’d been up really late last night. Thoughts of Viv moaning beneath me in this very bed just hours ago stiffened my morning wood.

She walked into the bedroom with just a towel wrapped around her. Damn, she had a hot body. I was hungry to get my hands and mouth back on every curve of it.

“Good morning,” she said, grinning happily.

“Mornin’.” I pulled the covers aside. “Come back to bed.”

She walked over to her closet and went inside, talking to me through the open door. “I wish I could, but I have to be in court at eight-thirty and I have to stop by the office before. You can stay and sleep, though.”

“I’m gonna go home.” I left the warm bed to go find my clothes. “When can I see you again?” I called from the living room as I put my jeans on.

“When do you want to see me again?” The smile in her voice made me feel so damn good.

“Tonight. Can you have dinner with me at the club?”

“Sure, sounds good.”

I went into the bathroom and swished some toothpaste around in my mouth so I’d be fit to kiss her goodbye. When I did, I saw a new softness in her eyes.

Things had changed between us. It was all out in the open now, and she still wanted me. I couldn’t fucking believe it. Her acceptance of my past had shifted something inside me. The sex had been mind-blowing. Like nothing I’d ever experienced.

I went right home and changed into gym clothes. The gym was open, but no one spoke to me as I lifted weights. I pushed hard, adding extra weights on every set. These feelings inside me were so intense and I needed an outlet.

What the hell was this? I didn’t just want Viv anymore, I needed her. She made me feel good enough for the first time in my life. She wanted more from me than my body, and I’d never experienced that feeling.

Now I knew what she meant when she said she wanted everything. So did I. And I knew for sure that she could be my everything. Hell, she pretty much already was. But I had serious doubts about whether I could be hers.

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The next month flew by in a blur of blissful time spent with Kane several nights a week and days spent working, mostly on Henley Cartwright’s case. Marcus had left the chasing of Henley to me, and he wasn’t an easy man to get ahold of or get straight answers from.

But all that was forgotten when I’d get an unexpected text from Kane. Some days I didn’t even feel tired after only a couple hours of sleep due to a late night dinner and sleepover with him. Incredibly, the sex just kept getting better. Kane had figured out exactly how to drive me wild, and he did, every single time.

He did things to me in bed no one ever had, and I was discovering what got me going right along with him. Kane kept me guessing, sometimes taking me hard and fast and other times stretching it out for hours at a time. I’d never realized how sensual it was for a man to go so slow I begged for release.

I’d slept in this Saturday morning, catching up on the sleep I’d lost this week. Every orgasm had been worth it, of course, but it was nice to feel rested when I got up. I grabbed my phone from the nightstand and smiled when I saw two texts from Kane, both sent in the middle of the night.

Kane: U up? I know I said I wasn’t coming over tonight, but things are under control here and I might.

Kane: You must be asleep. Call me if you want to have lunch tomorrow.

I sighed softly and set the phone beside me in bed, wishing he was here. He wasn’t the affectionate type most of the time, except when we were in bed together. After sex and before I had to get up in the morning, he’d run his hands through my hair, say sweet things in my ear and hold me close against his hard, warm chest. He liked to play a game where he drew letters on my back and I had to guess what word it was, but every single time he spelled the word fuck and accused me of trying to get laid again when I guessed it. And every single time, it made me laugh.

After some coffee and a shower, I went to my hair salon for a blowout and met Cara for an hour of shoe shopping. By then it was after eleven and I decided it would be okay to call Kane. He often went on just a few hours of sleep and I didn’t want to wake him up on one of his only days to sleep without being woken up by my alarm.

His voice was low and sleepy when he answered. “Hey.”

“Hey, sorry I woke you up.”

“No, it’s good. I can’t believe I slept this late. I went to bed at four.”

“You needed some sleep. I did too.”

He gave a skeptical grunt. “What I need is you beside me in this bed.”

“That can be arranged.”


“Text me your address.”

There was a pause. “My place is small and . . . bare bones.”

“Kane. Send me the address.” I smiled at the thought of him in his bed waiting for me. “I’ll be there soon.”

He sent me the address and I took a cab there, walking around to the alley where he’d told me his door was. When I knocked, he opened it wearing nothing but a pair of black sweatpants.

“Get that fine ass in here,” he said, stepping aside.

He was right about his place being small and bare bones. But it was neat and felt just right for him. A king-sized bed anchored the room, its white covers a mess. A leather couch sat at the foot of the bed across from a big-screen TV, so he could watch from the couch or the bed. The kitchen area had compact, stainless appliances and dark granite counters. The kitchen table was small, with just two chairs. The smells of coffee and leather filled the air.