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As long as I can convince my dad that I need some of the money early, and my mom doesn’t find out about it, I’ll be able to support my family while we both go to college. Preferably far enough away from here that I won’t be accused of tarnishing the family name any more than we already have.

When I open my locker, there’s a crumbled envelope taped to the inside. I pull it off the metal door, and when I open it up, I realize it’s the hush money Kinsley was paid to keep the baby’s paternity a secret.

“Thank fuck,” I whisper, unable to hide the smile on my face. I’m so proud of my girl and I take it as a sign that she’s not ready to give up on us like she said she was. That she’s not going to bow down to anyone even if the money would have made her life a whole lot easier.

I shove the envelope in my pocket and take off running toward my truck. When I push through the front doors to the school, I spot Kinsley getting into Carson’s Jeep. Considering how upset she was when she came to my house last night, even saying Carson almost hit her with a book, I’m more than a little surprised she’s already made up with him. Especially before she spoke a single word to me.

I follow them all the way to the diner, watching as he helps her out, just like I would have done. I hate that he’s trying to take my place, but what I can’t stand even more is the way she’s looking at him. Like she might actually have feelings for the guy.

He must feel it too because he leans in and kisses her on the forehead like I’ve done so many times. I have to close my eyes it hurts so bad. I’ve been willing to look past their friendship because they have a long history, and I would never ask her to give that up, but the guy I’m watching, loves Kinsley. Problem is, she’s already mine.

It takes everything I have to hold myself back—to give them a little space. I manage to wait until he’s back in his Jeep before I haul ass across the parking lot to catch up to her. When I’m close enough, I reach for her arm, slowing her down.

She jumps, yanking it out of my hand. Once she realizes it’s me, she clutches her stomach. I glance at her hand, wondering if she’s in pain. “Are you okay?”

Her eyes travel over every inch of my face like she’s memorizing me all over again. Finally, she blinks out of her trance. “I’m fine. What are you doing here?”

“I need to talk to you. Do you have to work?”

“No, I’m off, but I missed my shift last night. There’s actually a lot I need to discuss with Betty.”

As far as I’m concerned, her business is still my business, so I ask, “Like what?”

“I’m taking a little time off.”

Finally. I’ve been telling her to do less for weeks. “Good. You should rest more.”

“Did you follow me here?” she asks, looking around the parking lot for my truck.

“I got the envelope, and I saw you leaving school, so I followed you. I’ve actually done a lot of thinking, and I came up with this plan. It might not work, but there’s a good chance it could. I wanted to figure it out with you over break.”

At first she looks intrigued, like she really wants to hear what I have to say, but the hope that quickly appeared fades away when she glances at Carson’s Jeep. “I’m going away for break. With Kate and Wyatt.”

“Is Carson going?”

She nods her head. “He’ll be there for most of it. It’s his cabin.”

I don’t want Carson anywhere near my girl and my baby. “I still want you to stay with me. We can go to my uncle’s place like we talked about. My parents are doing the country club thing—Mom’s not even cooking this year.”

She chews on her lip, like she really wants to say, yes. Still, something’s holding her back. “Rhett, I can’t. Nothing’s changed, and they’re making me go with them.”

“But you gave me the money back.”

“I don’t need money to keep my mouth shut. I won’t spread any vicious rumors. Your mom doesn’t have to worry about me interfering, but I can’t deny where my baby comes from. I just can’t.”

“I don’t want you to. I’m proud that you’re my baby’s mom—I’m proud that you’re my girlfriend. I’ve told you that since day one.”

“I know. You never cared what anyone at school thought about us being together. Thank you for that.”

“I mean every word. I miss you, Sunny. You still love me, too—I know you do.”

“I never said I didn’t love you, Rhett, but I’m helping you. I may not agree with your mom’s approach, but she said a lot of things that were true. You have so much to look forward to. You would be settling if you stayed here with me. Nobody should have to settle for the rest of their life.”

“Just like you’re settling for Carson. I saw the way he looks at you. You’ve only ever looked at me that way. It’s me you want, Kinsley. He’s never been your first choice.”

“It doesn’t matter what I want anymore. The baby and I will be fine. Please, fix things with your mom—before it’s too late. You don’t know how lucky you are to have her.”

She turns toward the stairs, but I don’t want to leave here without her. “If you think I’m letting you raise our baby with Carson, you’re crazy.”

She stares at the steps in front of her, her shoulders drooping in defeat. I wait for her to tell me that isn’t what she’s going to do, but she never turns around. She reaches for the banister and walks into the diner like I didn’t just beg her to come back to me.

If I had a better relationship with my mom, maybe I’d listen to her. I’d go home and convince her that I’m going to marry Kinsley someday. But my mom already has me going away to college where I’ll meet some bitchy girl with a trust fund as big as my own. We’ll fall in love and have two kids, a dog, and a white picket fence around our perfect home.

And that sounds like complete and total hell.

I’m tired of being pressured to be someone I don’t want to be. My future won’t be spent at country clubs or fancy parties with horse owners. I like having Dawn to Dark, but even she’s not how I envision my future.

All I see is Kinsley and our baby.

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THE DRIVE TO the cabin has me completely nauseous. We waited until Carson and Becca had finished their Thanksgiving meals with their families before we loaded up two cars with everything we’ll need for our own Thanksgiving at the cabin.

Carson leads the way, weaving his way through the last couple miles of the trip. I grip the arm rest, praying I don’t get sick all over his Jeep. “Are we almost there?”

“Yeah, it’s just up around the bend.”

It’s already dark outside, and I can’t see two feet in front of us let alone around the bend. I don’t know why, but morning and night seem to be when I feel the worst. The couple hours in the middle of the day are the only thing that make this pregnancy manageable so far.

“We’re here, Kins.” I open my eyes, clawing the door for the handle. “That bad, huh?”

“The worst.”

Once all the bags are inside, Carson points to the bedroom and tells us all to pick one. Of course Becca follows Wyatt, as they’ll be sharing a room. Kate gets the master, and even though there’s two rooms left, Carson follows me into mine.

“Can I stay with you tonight?” he asks, with his bag slung over his shoulder.

“That’s not a good idea. Wyatt will flip out.” I have no problem using my brother as an excuse. Truth is, Rhett would flip out, and I don’t want to hurt him anymore than I already have. I’ll have to tell him about the kiss we shared at some point—and I’m already dreading it.

Carson sighs, obviously unable to disagree with me. Unless he has a death wish, it’s time for him to go to his own room. “Do you need anything before I go to bed?”


“Why are you so quiet? You barely said two words on the drive here.”