In Pieces
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Страниц: 63
Символов: 381346
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Хочет прочитать: 1
ID: 270227
Язык книги: Английский
Книга закончена
Год печати: 2015
Создана 9 ноября 2015 05:30
Опубликована 9 ноября 2015 05:30


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Rhett Taylor has a reputation to live up to. He’s the small town hero everyone expects to lead the team to victory. But looks can be deceiving, and the pressure unbearable – even after he confides in Kinsley West.

She may not have been the obvious choice to others, but he chose her anyway. Thanks to her newfound popularity, Kinsley’s no longer living in the shadow of her older brother. For once, she has an identity of her own.

But what builds quickly, often comes tumbling down. Piece by piece they find out how unpredictable young love can be. Can their love stand the test of time? Or will it be captured, only to be forgotten?

A roll of film sets their story in motion.

Each frame better than the last.

But the real test comes when their whirlwind romance forces Kinsley to protect their secret – especially if she wants a future. Only Kinsley isn’t sure she can do it - not if she’s going to be left behind In Pieces.

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