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Throats clearing and women whispering broke me from my trance; I had been lost in memories of sex in parked cars, make out sessions in the storage closet at school, and many nights sneaking in and out of my bedroom. My head turned to where they were all staring, and I swear it was like slow motion as Mr. DiGristino walked into the room.

His black hair was cut short, his blue eyes hidden behind a pair of black-framed glasses. He had on a cream sweater that held specks of brown and grey with a collar that was turned up and framed the thick column of his throat. His blue jeans were partially worn, but hugged him in all the right places. And his hands were still as gorgeous and strong looking as ever as he nervously ran one through his thick hair.

Mateo DiGristino was, in fact, my daughter’s teacher, and the man had the sexy Clark Kent look down to a science.

I was so in trouble.

I couldn’t tear my eyes away from him, but something told me that if I did look around, all the women in the room would be panting about as much as I was, and most would probably be sporting wet panties.

Of course, none of them would feel one iota of what I felt looking at him, seeing as how I knew exactly what his body looked like under those clothes. I knew how he felt slipping deep inside me. The way he sighed as he came with his forehead resting on my own. The look of utter bliss on his face as he bit his lower lip and shook with his release.

My chest rose and fell in harsh breaths as I waited for him to notice me standing there. I both dreaded and craved that moment.

It seemed like forever as he took in the room and greeted the mothers and fathers in succession. The others had moved towards him, leaving me standing at the back of the line. I knew the second he spotted me though. His whole body froze mid-shake with one of the dads. His face registered shock for a split second, before the corner of his mouth turned up ever so slightly into a half smile.

When he finally stood before me, I could barely breathe let alone speak. My knees shook and my legs felt like jelly. I wasn’t sure how I was even standing in that moment.

“Miranda?” he asked quietly. He took my hand in his, sending a jolt of electricity through my body. “Is it really you?”

The deep sound of his voice washed over me like sunshine on a summer day. I closed my eyes to keep the tears threatening to choke me at bay. I had always known I missed that voice. I just didn’t know how much until right then.

“It—” I cleared my throat and spoke again. “It is.”

Surprising the shit out of me, he gripped my hand and pulled me in for a tight hug, shaking me back and forth while cocooning me in his arms.

“I’ve missed you,” he whispered in my ear before pulling away.

“Me too,” I said shyly. With a shaky hand, I tucked a piece of stray hair behind my ear and swallowed hard.

“You have a child in my class?”

“My daughter, Rachel.” I gestured to where she sat on the rug listening to Ms. O’Reilly read a story. I was hyper aware of the whispers surrounding us, as the parents seemed to pay more attention to our awkward conversation than their kids settling into their first day of school.

“Great. And her father?” he nonchalantly asked, and despite my nervousness, I found myself smiling.

“No father.” Part of me was glad I had no ties, now that Matt was standing in front of me. The other part of me felt like a heel for what I had done to him, only to end up broke and alone with a young child.

“Good. Good.” His eyes were warm and sparkled as he appraised me. “I would really like to catch up with you, but I need to get class going.”

“Oh, shit. I mean shoot. Sorry. I haven’t slept in like twenty-four hours and I wasn’t thinking.” The verbal puke poured out of my mouth, and I couldn’t stop it. If I didn’t stop, I’d end up telling him it had been over two years since I’d been fucked by a man.

He gave me an inscrutable look and quirked his eyebrow at me. “Are you picking Rachel up later or is she taking the bus home?”

“I’ll be here at three,” I assured him. No way in hell was I going to miss hearing all about her first day of independence.

“I’ll see you then. Maybe we can talk. Now go home and get some sleep.” He winked and my heart fluttered. It was such a heady and welcome sensation. Time had changed nothing as far as the way he made me feel.


Twenty minutes later, I had a copy of the supply list for the school year in my purse, and said goodbye to Rachel. With one last look as I walked out the door, I found myself smiling broadly at Matt as he gave me a discreet two finger wave goodbye.

Exhaustion forgotten, I couldn’t wait for three o’clock.


I awoke with a start. The room was dark, except for the light trying to peak through the slats of the blinds. My body was slick with sweat. The ceiling fan was doing little to cool the room down.

Glancing at the alarm clock I saw it was almost two o’clock. After leaving school, I went to the store and bought the supplies Rachel needed before heading home and attempting to sleep. It had taken a little while for my brain to shut off after seeing Matt, but it appeared I had managed at least three hours of sleep, so I had that going for me.

My fingers skirted down my naked body as thoughts of Matt took hold of me once again. He had looked good that morning. Real good. The last six years had served him well. His muscles filled out and he went from being a man-boy to a full on man.

What I wouldn’t give to feel how much of a man he was.

I wondered if his cock was the same, or had that somehow grown up too? He was huge before, which made me even more curious to see what the grown up version looked like.

My fingers dipped between my lower lips through the wetness that had gathered there.

I had perfected the art of fucking myself over the years.

Getting myself off was becoming a more frequent pastime the longer I went between random fucks. It was as if my body couldn’t handle the lack of a cock inside of it.

At one point, I had considered buying a dildo or vibrator to assuage that particular ache, but I couldn’t afford it. Which was why my fingers slipped inside my body before pulling out and plunging in again.

When my tissues swelled and my legs started trembling, I crooked my finger and hit my g-spot. Thoughts of Matt standing before me, stroking his monster cock as he watched my movements with dark eyes took over my mind.

“Show me, baby. Show me how you make yourself come,” he whispered, with his eyes transfixed on what I was doing.

Fantasy Matt eventually lifted his eyes to mine just as he came with a grunt. His cum hit his stomach, and his heated gaze never left mine. That was when my release hit me like a freight train. I called out his name as my eyes closed and my body shook.

When I came down, I opened my eyes and stared at the ceiling while settling my erratic breathing. Now that that was taken care of, I needed to shower and get ready to pick up my baby.

And if my heart skipped a beat at the prospect of seeing Matt again, I chose to ignore it.


By the time I got to Rachel’s classroom, my stomach was in knots. It was so bad, I was nearly doubled over from the pain of it.

What if he hated me for the way I left things all those years ago? It wasn’t as if he had known everything I did had been for his own good.

I never did well with the unknown. I was a planner and a worrier—not a good combination. Hence, the reason I was such a wreck.

Moms were hovering around Matt as I walked into the classroom. I instinctively found myself jealous and possessive of the way they fawned all over him. But, it wasn’t as if he were really mine anymore. Hell, for all I knew he was in a committed relationship. Or didn’t even want a committed relationship.