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Blue sounds amused. “Why, you hungry for something?”

“You wanted to distract me, you bastard. Consider me distracted.”

I’m shifted so that Blue is sitting up against the wall and I’m reclined against his chest. He hooks both his feet under mine, leaving me spread open. I’m like a doll, moved around for their pleasure, made to be whatever they want me to be.

West moves to kneel at our feet. I can see the bulge in his boxers and feel Blue’s erection against my back. Both men are powerful, dangerous. They are predators, and I am prey. I can see my body spread open, the smooth mounds of my breasts and dark tips. And lower, where my pussy lips are still wet from when they made me come.

“You want this?” West asks.

“I say she does.”

West cocks his head, meeting Blue’s gaze. “Just checking.”

“I—” Before I can finish, a hand clamps over my mouth. I like it. Please. Touch me before I go crazy.

“I say she does,” Blue repeats. “She gets off on being used like this. On being used, period.”

West is silent a moment, studying me. “That so?”

“Check for yourself.”

“Am I going to find you wet, sweetheart?”

With Blue’s hand still over my mouth, I nod vigorously. That makes both men chuckle, and I feel a gush of wetness coat my sex. Blue is right about me, every dirty word. I love being used, being wanted.

West dips his head and kisses the inside of my thigh. It’s a sweet gesture, but it’s not enough. I thrust my hips against him. He isn’t swayed by me, moving to kiss the other thigh. “I’m taking my time.”

He’s true to his word, moving with painful slowness closer to my pussy, lips and tongue moving over my skin, making me wild. When he finally reaches my clit, I cry out—but the sound is muffled by Blue’s hand. I rock and twist in the bonds formed from their bodies, a butterfly held down by a pin, fluttering, trapped.

West plays with my clit until I’m on the verge of climax and then dips lower to lick the wetness he’s made. His tongue presses inside me, tasting me, not nearly deep enough, and I clench around him, bearing down. He moves back to my clit to start the game over again.

Blue murmurs in my ear, “We’re going to wear out this beautiful little body tonight, aren’t we?”

I make a pleading sound behind his hand.

“I know,” he says, almost sympathetic. “There’s no part of you we aren’t going to touch, to use. You’re going to be exhausted when we’re done with you.”

My sex clenches painfully, and I push my back against his erection, as if it will give me some mercy. I’m worshipping his cock, worshipping him, because they aren’t any different to me. It’s all about Blue and how he uses me, who he gives me to.

“And the thing you’ll understand,” he continues conversationally, “is how little control you have over the situation. None, in fact. And West, he loves to eat out a girl. He can go for a long, long time.”

Chapter Ten

I lose track of time with West’s mouth on my sex and Blue’s hands on my breasts. At some point he lets go of my mouth, saying he wants to hear me beg—and I don’t disappoint him. I can’t disappoint him. “Please let me come. Oh God. Oh God, let me come. I’ll do anything.”

“You’ll already do anything,” Blue says, and at the very least, he doesn’t sound calm anymore. His voice is rough with desire, his cock throbbing and slick with precum behind me.

West sits back on his heels. He pushes down his boxers enough to fist his cock, a look of intense relief on his face. “Jesus, that is one tasty pussy.”

“You ready to finish?” Blue asks.

“Fuck, yes. How do you want me?”

Even in my sex-dazed state, I tense. I don’t know exactly what finishing with two men will entail. Blue pushes his fingers into my hair and pulls. He studies me that way, my head tilted back. I’m not sure how I look to him. Sexy? Desperate? Some combination of the two? Whatever it is, he seems pleased.

“I think you’ll enjoy this. Her mouth is fucking amazing.” With that, Blue pushes me forward and arranges me on hands and knees.

West sits back so he’s reclined on the bed, and I’m faced with his thick cock. It’s intimidating up close. “You don’t gotta take it all,” he says softly, as if he understands. The Southern drawl in his voice is more pronounced now that he’s so close to coming. And it makes me want to take him all, that he’d need me this bad, need to come this bad, and still think of me.

I take his cock in my fist and stroke it a couple times. His breath shudders out of him. “I’m not gonna last.”

Blue slaps my ass, the sound more of a surprise than the pain. “Go easy, beautiful.”

Then he’s sliding into me from behind, his cock thick and incredibly hard. My mouth opens on a gasp, and I surge forward, cheek pressed against West’s cock as Blue thrusts. He pulls back, and I only have enough time to slip West’s cock into my mouth before I’m pushed forward again, the cock sliding deep. I’m impaled from both ends, being rocked back and forth, providing friction and heat and wetness to pleasure their cocks.

“Fuck fuck fuck,” West mutters. “You weren’t fucking kidding about her mouth.”

“Consider that your coming home present.”

I flush hot at those words, at the thought of being a present, my mouth something he can give as he pleases. And I know that he’s telling the truth. It’s not just a game to him, something to say that turns me on or a boost to his ego. He is giving his friend my mouth—and the relief of sex, the comfort of skin and touch and pleasure. Not with his own body but with mine.

West lets out an uneven laugh that turns into a groan. “You’re killing me.”

And then I want to be the one giving him a present, more than just my mouth, the heat and wet of it. I swirl my tongue around the crest of his cock, making him jerk. My hands cup his balls, kneading gently while he pants above me. I give him every part of me, all my skill and desire, an active participant in this perverse welcome home.

He gasps out, “I’m coming,” seconds before a hot spray hits my tongue. I swallow him down and keep sucking until he’s done. He collapses back on the bed, breathing hard.

Blue pulls me up by my hair and reaches around for my clit. His thumb is rough and merciless, pushing me until I’m coming around him, soaking him with my juices. His fist in my hair turns me toward him. His mouth closes over mine, a deep kiss, a claiming kiss. I wonder if he can taste the salty come of his friend. And then I don’t have time to wonder, because Blue pulls out of me. He sets me gently aside, and I wobble against the bed.

A soft slap to my thigh. “Say good night,” he tells me, his voice like gravel.

I eye his cock, still glistening with my arousal, still hard as iron. “Good night?”

He laughs. “To West, beautiful. I think you already know you and I have a long night ahead of us.”

“It’s too much,” I tell him. “I can’t.”

Dark eyes narrow. “Are you telling me no?”

He loves it when I fight him. And I love fighting him. No, I love being conquered.

I turn and run.

I dash through the hallway in the dark and make it into the bedroom, his footsteps coming after me. I barely have time to close the door before the handle is turning. I’m at the bed when he grabs me and tosses me in the middle.

Then his body is on top of mine, covering me completely, overpowering me. His cock is inside me, thrusting, forcing its way in. I moan and rock up to meet him, adrift in sensation, utterly at peace as he fucks deep inside.

True to his word, he keeps me in that space for a long time. We’re far out to sea, just the two of us, tasting the salt of each other, drinking the proof of each other’s pleasure.

Chapter Eleven