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“Thank you,” Liam said, the humbleness beyond obvious to her.

“I only speak the truth, and without further ado, this is ‘Forever.’”

Liam’s fingers ran across the strings, the first chords of the song flowing through the speakers.

Harper knew the song instantly. Knew it before a single word left his mouth. It was the same song she’d heard all those months ago…in a cabin…in Tennessee.

“Love at first sight was something I’d never seen.”

She closed her eyes, sinking back into the seat, her heart pounding erratically out of her chest.

“But you walked in and became every single one of my dreams. Violet eyes and the lips of a goddess. I knew I’d want more than just one kiss.”

Violet eyes.

“A day, a week, a month, a year. It would never be enough. I want forever, honey. Forever with you.”

Yes, she’d heard that part of the song already…but it was different now. So much different. It was how he sang honey, like it was her name. It was as if he could taste it on his tongue…taste her on his tongue.

“A million simple things that aren’t so simple at all. Your hand in mine. The taste of your tongue. Your head on my chest. You stealing my heart.”

It was then that she realized she was crying. The tears streaming down her face. Well, at least it was a better reason than a tire commercial. God, it was every reason. All the reasons.

He’d written a song about her. It was unreal.

The chorus repeated twice, “A day, a week, a month, a year…”

But it was the very end of the song that really did her in. The end of the song that had her sobbing.

“You were something I never knew I always wanted. Something I never knew I always needed. And now that I know, I can’t let go. I need forever, honey. Forever with you.”

He finished up with the last chords, and his fingers strumming the strings of his guitar could’ve very well been moving across her skin. That was how much she felt the song. Felt his words. Felt him.

I need forever, honey.

Need. That last verse…it was…God, it was everything.

She reached forward, shutting the radio off. It was the end of his interview, and if it wasn’t his voice she was listening to, she didn’t want to hear it. Instead she sat there in that parking lot, the rain pinging off the roof as she replayed the song in her head. Kept those words—his words—running on repeat.

He’d fallen in love with her from the very start…well, that’s what she believed based off what she’d heard in the last ten minutes. But she wanted to hear it from his mouth. Needed to hear it.

She jumped as her phone went off in the cup holder next to her. She looked over to see a picture of Liam laughing lighting up the screen. Her hand shook as she reached over and grabbed it, her thumb sliding across to answer it.

“Hey,” she barely whispered past her constricted throat.

“Harper, what’s wrong?”

One word. One teeny-tiny three-letter word and he knew something was up in an instant. The concern in his voice wrapped around her and she closed her eyes, trying to find the ability to talk without losing it again.

All she was able to do was sniffle.

“Honey, please talk to me. What’s wrong?” he asked again.

“Nothing’s wrong.” She reached up, running her fingers under her eyes for what she was sure was the billionth time that night. “I just heard your interview on Daybreak with Nellie Weston…and the song. I heard ‘Forever.’”

A rush of his breath blew out across the speaker, and if she didn’t know any better she’d swear she could feel it across her neck. She could just picture him, standing there, his head bowed as he ran his hand through his hair.

“Where are you?” The moment the question was out of his mouth, lightning cracked the sky in half and the thunder followed within an instant, echoing around her…and in the phone next to her ear. A second later she heard Luna barking madly through the speaker, too.

“No way,” she whispered.

“Get up here.”

Her phone was in her purse immediately, most likely still connected to the call. She didn’t know. She didn’t care. She wrenched her keys from the ignition, dropping them into her purse, too, before she opened the door. She shut the door behind her and ran for the building.

The moment she got beneath the overhang she slowed, being careful on the stairs. As her head cleared the landing for her floor, she saw Liam at the door to her apartment. She walked straight into his outstretched arms and he pulled her inside, not letting go of her as he shut the door and locked it behind them.

Chapter Seventeen Love at First Sound

There was a slight moment of chaos as the air around them was ripped open with another clap of thunder. The walls of the apartment shook as the sky behind the closed blinds lit up again. Luna hightailed it out of the room, most likely going to burrow in the dog blankets on her little bed.

She was over this whole storm thing.

Liam wrapped his arms around Harper, pulling her fully into his chest and pressing his face to her sopping-wet hair. He didn’t care that her clothes were drenching his. All he cared about was the fact that she was in his arms.

“You’re here,” she whispered, holding on to him just as tight.

“I’m here.” He nodded before he pulled back and looked down into her beautiful face, the face of the woman he loved. Wet hair clung to her cheek and he reached up, pushing it away. “So you heard the interview…and ‘Forever’?”

“I did.” She pulled her bottom lip between her teeth before she let it fall free. “Why didn’t you tell me when you were here before?”

“Because, that song…Harper, I meant every word of it when I wrote it in May. And I still mean every word of it now. I wasn’t sure if you were ready to hear it. But I knew I couldn’t wait anymore.” He shook his head, letting out a huff of frustration. “What is it with us and timing anyway? Ten minutes…I would’ve been able to tell you myself in ten damn minutes.”

“Tell me now. You still haven’t exactly said it you know.”

“Haven’t said what? That I’m in love with you? Have loved you from the second I saw you? I haven’t said that?”

Her mouth split into the most perfect smile as she stretched up and pressed her mouth to his. And then she pulled back, reaching up and touching his jaw, her fingers rasping his beard.

“Love at first sight, huh?”

“Without a doubt.” He nodded, leaning into her touch.

“For me it was at first sound. I knew it when you sang ‘Forever’ to me the first time.”

Good Lord his heart was pounding erratically out of his chest. “What was at first sound? You still haven’t exactly said it you know.” He couldn’t help but mimic her words from only moments before.

“I fell in love with you, Liam James. And I’m still in love with you.”

He moved in close, his lips brushing hers. “Promise?”

“I swear.”

And just like that his mouth was covering hers, parting her lips and his tongue delving inside. He needed her closer. He always needed her closer.

She shivered against him, no doubt the air conditioner getting to be too much with the fact that she was still soaking wet.

“I need to get you out of these wet clothes.” He skimmed his nose across her jaw as he pulled her farther into the room and away from the steady stream of cold air coming from the vent above them.

“You just want to get me naked.”

A low laugh escaped his mouth, his lips brushing her cheek. “I always want to get you naked.”

He loosened his arms from their hold around her waist, his hands dropping as he moved back a little. He couldn’t stop himself from taking just a second to look at her, those wet clothes plastered to her body. She was a sight to be seen, that was for sure, but it wasn’t worth her being uncomfortable.