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There was a “no phones” policy in the spa, but it had long ago been established that if the clients didn’t follow it, there was no way to enforce it.

Speaking of phones, she’d forgotten her phone charger. Since she’d also forgotten to charge it the night before, it died somewhere around two o’clock. The short charge on her drive from the spa to the resort had only bought her about a half hour.

Texting Liam throughout the day had become part of the norm, so not having that when she was already in a foul mood was just adding fuel to the fire at this point.

She was at the spa until well after seven, just in time to get caught in the downpour from the thick black clouds that had been threatening all day. They were an excellent indicator of exactly how she felt, too.

The second she stepped out from the overhang of the spa the wind whipped up, making her umbrella flip and getting her soaked in an instant. She shoved the useless bit of scrap metal and cloth into the trash can at the end of the walkway before sprinting to her car.

When she shut the door behind her it was like she’d just climbed out of a pool. She shoved her keys in the ignition, turning over the engine before she opened the vents and turned on the heat.

Summer or not she was shivering, the cold making her teeth chatter and every inch of her skin breaking out in goose bumps. There was a cardigan in her backseat and she snatched it up, attempting to wipe some of the water from her skin. Her ponytail was dripping and when she squeezed the material of the sweater over her hair it instantly soaked the fabric.

Harper threw the now sopping cardigan into the seat next to her, before she found her phone in her purse and plugged it into her car charger. The spinning wheel popped up, indicating it was getting some juice, but it would be a good couple of minutes before it loaded up. The song on the radio ended and rolled into another as she put her Cruiser in Reverse and backed out of the parking lot.

She wanted more than anything to take a steaming hot shower when she got home, but the lightning that cracked across the sky a second later shoved that idea out of her head. She was going to have to settle with food warming her up.

She was going to make the most decadent grilled cheese sandwich possible with the ingredients in her fridge before she heated up the tomato soup her mother had sent home with her the night before. Then she was going to curl up on the couch with Luna in her lap, a cup of hot chocolate in her hand, and talk to Liam in whatever form was available.

It would be her choice to FaceTime with him as she’d like to see his face more than anyone’s in the world, but she’d make do with just his voice if she had to.

And as if the universe was finally on her side, his voice filled her car making her warm in an instant.

“I firmly believe that it’s the things you have to fight for that are worth the most. The struggle makes it more in the end.”

It took her a second to realize how hearing his voice was a possibility—her brain was just that frazzled—but he was talking to her through the radio. Well, not to her exactly, but to the DJ who was interviewing him.

It was the country station she always listened to on her satellite radio. Nellie Westin did the morning show and she interviewed musicians all the time, getting them to do a live performance at the end. They’d usually replay segments of the interviews throughout the day and week.

Harper had no idea Liam was supposed to be on it.

“More what?” Nellie’s northern accent came through the speakers. She was born and raised in Detroit, which was actually where her show was broadcast. Liam had been there two days ago.

“More everything. In my experiences, the greatest things in my life have not come easily.”

“This is the theme of your newest album, which will be available in a few months if I’m not mistaken?”

“Yes, ma’am, Unsteady Ground will be out the last Tuesday in October.”

Always the southern gentleman. Harper’s mouth split into the first genuine smile she’d had since going into work that morning.

“Ladies and gentlemen, I just got ma’amed by someone who’s about two seconds older than me. You southern boys sure are polite.”

“Sometimes. Depends on the day.” A low laugh escaped his lips and Harper would bet money on the fact that he had a slightly mischievous smile on that face of his.

“Well, I don’t doubt that. Now don’t let me get sidetracked here. Let’s get back to this new album of yours. There’s a song on Unsteady Ground that’s already creating a lot of buzz. ‘Forever’ hasn’t been officially released yet, but you’ve been playing it at concerts and your fans are going crazy over it.”

Harper pulled into the parking lot in front of her apartment, putting the car in Park and turning the engine off. The radio was still running as she leaned back in her seat to listen to the last of the interview.

“Yeah,” Liam continued. “It’s a different song than anything else I’ve done.”

Harper could just see him sitting there in the studio, those massive headphones on his ears while he reached up and ran his hand across the back of his neck.

“It’s a love song isn’t it?”

“It is. And a ballad, two things I’ve never really delved into before…or at least not successfully. But this song was one of those stars align moments.”

“And how exactly was that?” Nellie asked.

“I found the right muse…the perfect muse actually.”

And this was the part where Harper stopped breathing.

“Would I be correct in guessing that this song is based off something that actually happened? Off an actual woman? Because I’m not going to lie, Liam, there are quite a few fans out there, besides myself, who are more than curious.”

“‘Forever’ is based off true events,” he confirmed.

Harper still hadn’t taken a single breath.

“And I wrote the song within twelve hours of meeting her. It was the fastest I’ve ever gotten anything out on the paper. And it’s the clearest melody I’ve ever heard in my head.”

“Are you willing to confirm the fact that you did fall in love at first sight. That the song is true?”

Wait? What did she just ask? Harper’s hands were wrapped around the steering wheel in a death grip. Her fingers going white against the black.

“I uhhh…you’re really going to put me in the hot spot today aren’t you?”

“It’s kind of what I like to do. Also, you’re totally blushing right now.”

“I have no doubt about that. I’m not going to answer that one, though. Not because I don’t know the answer, but because I haven’t exactly had that conversation with the woman in question. The first time I say it, I want to say it to her.”

Okay…okay…what was going on? What was even happening? He…he was in love with her?

“Oh my gawd. I wish you guys could see him right now. He’s positively smitten. Though I think the cat’s out of the bag on that last question. So it’s a safe guess that she’s still in your life.”

“She is,” Liam answered. “We spent the Fourth together. I got to meet her friends and family and she met mine.”

“So it’s serious?”

Another low laugh filled Harper’s car, giving her goose bumps for entirely different reasons than earlier. “Yeah, it’s safe to say that it’s pretty serious.”

He could say that again.

“Can we get her name?”

“Not today. But I’m certain who she is won’t be a secret for that much longer.”

“And why’s that?”

“Because if I have anything to say about it, she isn’t going anywhere.”

“A man who knows what he wants…or in this case who he wants. Got to love that. Well, you guys might not get to know the name of the girl behind the song, but you will get to hear the song. Our Twitter and Facebook followers are chomping at the bit. So while Liam gets his guitar ready, I’m going to repeat the facts that all of you need to know. He’s still going to be on tour for the next couple of months opening for Isaac Hunter, so get your tickets while you can. ‘Forever’ will be released for purchase next week, and the entirety of Unsteady Ground will be out the last week of October. I’ve had the privilege of listening to it all the way through; it’s your best yet, Liam.”