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And there it was. The question I'd been avoiding. I knew how she felt about selling herself, did she care if I did it, though? “Are you freaked out, disgusted? I know how much you hate Nehro, I know you're scared of his contract.”

I was anxious to know what Zoe thought about me, now that it was in the open.

No matter how much it could hurt, I had to know.

I couldn't see into her head, and yet, I swear there were gears moving. Zoe had knotted her brow, thinking heavily about—something. I hoped it was about me. Let it be about me.

Sitting up, like her spine had returned, she gave me a fragile smile. “I'm shocked, but I don't think you're disgusting. I hate Nehro because he wants to make me sleep with men for money. I... I'm assuming you like what you do, right?”

Was it a trick question? Would she do that to me? Putting my hand on her shoulder, I lavished in immense relief when she didn't wrench away. “The brutal truth? Yes, I love what I do.” Risking my ego, I grinned and said, “And I'm good at it.”

It worked, Zoe actually laughed. She set her palm on my wrist, squeezing lightly. “I might not have handled this so well if I hadn't had my eyes opened recently.”

What does that mean? I wondered.

Zoe pressed on and said, “I want to make something clear. I don't care if you're an escort... but I don't honestly know if I can sleep with you while you're doing that with others.” Flinching, she looked away. “It's selfish, I know. I just—the thing with Reese, it was only a month ago. I'm terrified of being cheated on. I want to trust you, but I don't know that I trust myself to handle this yet.”

Gravel and vinegar sank into my stomach. The dismay she created was paralyzing me into silence. Zoe was asking so much of me—no. No, she's not.

She kept giving me outs. With the fighting, with this, she always offered me the option of walking away. It was my choice if I went forward. She gave me the power.

I just didn't know what to do with it.

Pulling her to me, I kissed her forehead and chuckled. “You don't understand. Technically, right now, you are my client.” Cupping her chin, I peered into her sapphire irises, never wavering in my intensity. I needed her to believe me. “Zoe, you're paying me to use my body. I'm fighting in that ring in exchange for your money. Ten years...” I flashed my teeth, watched her nostrils flare. “You'll be the longest booking I've ever had.”

And that was how I did it.

That was how I switched my brain and my desires around, creating a way to validate how I was choosing to spend my time. Money be damned, I'd figure something out.

As long as I served Zoe...

I would see no one else.

And as long as I saw no one else?

Zoe would never put her walls up between us again.

- Chapter Twelve -


Staring at my phone, I watched it go to voicemail. It had been a few days since I'd come clean to Zoe. We'd spent a lot of time together since then, talked on the days we didn't, but today... today she hadn't picked up once.

Eyeing the missed calls, I wondered if I was getting too obsessive.

Shoving my phone back in my bag, I finished changing for the gym. Her silence combined with no news about the next fight was making me antsy.

I had to thank the sudden free time, though. I was getting a lot of training in. And man, had I missed that.

The small gym was perfect, the right amount of quiet and intensity. When other guys showed up, they went about their business and didn't goof off. I'd even sparred with a few of them briefly.

Now, with sweat staining my shirt, I pounded on the bag and took out my frustrations. I wanted to see Zoe—needed to see Zoe. I wondered if this feeling would ever fade. It was as if the addictive side of my brain that sought out every pussy on the planet was honing in on just one; hers.

Noise floated to my left. Glancing over, I saw a group of three guys entering the room. They were dressed and ready, quintessential MMA looking dudes.

And I knew one of them.

Reese stared at me where I was hitting the bag. Zoe had said he trained here, but it was the first time I'd seen him on the floor.

We both stopped what we were doing, sizing the other up. I knew I was grinning, I couldn't help it. The dark bruise on his nose from where I'd busted it a few nights ago was a delicious visual. The discoloration had spread under his eyes, aiding in giving him a miserable glare. A glare that was fixed ever so strictly on me.

Lifting an arm, I waggled my fingers and smiled wider.

Reese mumbled something to one of his companions. Stretching his broad shoulders, he came my way. I faced him, patiently waiting. “Hey man,” he said, chomping the words like an alligator. “Crazy seeing you here. Small world.”

“Yeah, small world.” I nodded at his bruise. “Healing up nice, I see.”

His smile tightened. “Yup. Almost good as new.” His attention rolled over me, then side to side, searching. “Zoe's not here with you today?”

Zoe. I hated when he said her name. Leaning back, I folded my arms calmly. “Nope. Just me, practicing my swing.”

“Smart move. You'd benefit from some strict training.” There was a subtle threat in his words.

Chuckling, I said, “True. Next time, I'll be able to bust your face even harder.”

One of the guys with him started to step forward, riled up by my comment. Reese put out his arm, stopping the man. Hard, deep-brown eyes glared at me. “You've got a cocky attitude, huh?”

“Guilty as charged.”

“I hate assholes with big mouths,” he said. “I'd love to shatter that stupid grin of yours.”

“How about I give you that opportunity?” Jerking my head at the boxing ring, I unfolded my arms.

Reese was considering my offer, I could tell by how he peered at my stance, gauging how serious I was. Finally, he shrugged into his ears. “Nah, not here. When I tear you apart, I want her to be there, watching me do it.”

“Why the fuck do you even want to be around Zoe?” I asked, baffled by his misplaced cruelty. “You cheated on her, man. She should want to see you getting fucked up.”

“She told you that? What else did she tell you?” Reese pushed his hands through his hair, telegraphing his attempt to act casual. Was he trying to get me to spill something? Like I was that stupid.

“I know enough.”

Amazingly, he smirked. “I don't think you do. You broke my nose because of what Nehro told you, right? Because you got all offended and decided you were too good to take money for risking your neck for that girl?”

I struggled to keep my hands down, I was eager to close them around Reese's throat.

He flicked his eyes to my hands, then to my face. “Yeah. I can see the hate you have for me. But you're misplacing it. Sure, I cheated on Zoe—I won't deny that. But I also helped her, more than anyone else would have.”

He caught me by surprise, my mouth plummeting out of its sharp scowl. “How the hell did you help her? You abandoned her.”

“She didn't tell you.” It was a crisp statement. “You think you're so noble and shit, fighting for this girl, and you don't even know a thing about her. You might be some god damn angel, man... but trust me. Zoe isn't.”

Reese turned away, his companions following him like they were a string of shit from a goldfish's ass. I was too busy resisting just grabbing him by the shoulders and demanding he tell me what he was talking about to appreciate the hilarious visual.

Zoe was no angel? So what? I wasn't, either. Who the hell was in this day and age?

But his words got under my skin. They dug at me, sinking in tiny claws until I paid attention to them. Reese knew something I didn't. I could insist he tell me, bust his nose again, or...