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“What,” he chuckled. “Did you want to stay pure until after our wedding? Because I have bad news for you.”

My eyes fell to the velvet box, and he followed me, his expression going dark. “You brought a ring with you? Are you that confident I'll just say yes?” Not waiting for an answer, I pointed at the door. “Get out. Now.”

Bending down, he plucked up the box, sliding it into his pocket. Languidly, he walked away, thumbs tucking into his belt. Over his shoulder he said, “We're going to have to make this work, and you know that. I want to keep what I have, and you want to keep access to your future. Pretending you're going to choose another option besides marrying me does us both a disservice.”

Breathing in, I said nothing.

Cracking the door, he stared at me. Just his eyes had my blood racing. With a final smile, Abell shrugged. “You should have let me stay. I would have eaten your pussy until you passed out.”

The door shut softly behind him.

- Chapter Five -


The instant I was outside, I pushed my hands over my eyes and filled my lungs. This air was fresh, clean.

Free of Nix.

Fuck, I thought, She's like a wool blanket I can't shake off. I'd hoped to seduce her, begin my plan of getting her to marry me. The damn ring had messed that up, but...

I had no control in there.

It had gone out the window the second I'd gotten near her. It was good that she'd told me to leave. The detached nature of my usual flirting had cracked. When I'd touched her wrist, it had taken all I had not to twirl her around and rip her pants down to her ankles.

I'd have been fucking her before she could put the mug of coffee down.

I was aching to have her again.

Did she notice?

I wondered if my mask had been good enough. I couldn't let her see how hungry I was for her pussy, for the sounds she'd make. That would take my power away.

I didn't remember the last time I'd wanted someone so badly.

Shaking myself, I gulped more air. The thumping in my ears faded, a calmness washing over me. Okay, there we go. Better. Ruffling my hair, I glanced back at her apartment. No. Not better. I need to get further away.

Being so close was tempting me to bust back inside.

If I did, I wasn't sure I could stop myself from ravaging her curves. Crushing my fists to my temples, I stomped towards my car. Driving would clear my mind, it always did.

Slamming the door shut, I revved the engine violently. The rock music we'd been listening to together poured from my speakers, sliding into my veins and reminding me of Nix.

The volume knob broke in my fingers from how hard I twisted it to turn it off.

Blessed by silence, I threw the piece of plastic to the floor. The windows were down, the wind biting my cheeks as I pulled down the street. It was hard to go fast in New York, the city wasn't made for it, but I tried anyway.

What happened back there? I asked myself, finally feeling the fog lift. It had started as my typical method, me using any lines I could to get the topic pointed at sex. The cream bit was too perfect.

But then, the second I got within reach of her, the game had changed.

Nix had her own gravity, I was floating in her orbit. All of her tiny sounds, subtle reactions, they pushed me towards an edge. I didn't want to know what lay at the bottom of it.

You need to use her. Remember how much she hates you. It was easier said than done. Nix had a fire inside of her, and while it scorched me, it also heated me up. I liked the attitude she had. The challenge of conquering her turned me on feverishly.

Right. Conquer her. Rule her. Don't let her take over.

I was the one in charge. I had to remind myself of that. This girl, she could never be more than a piece on the side. My wife in name, only.

What am I so scared of? I asked myself, laughing out loud. She's nothing to me. I just got a little worked up back there. She's hot, that's not new, that's not unique.

Nix was nothing special.

And if I wanted to keep my loose and free lifestyle...

She never could be.

- Chapter Six -


Clutching my chest, I stood by the sink long after Abell had left. Each breath was a struggle, I was hyperventilating. In my mind, one sentence played over and over.

I almost kissed him again.

I'd come so close! What was I thinking? Why was I so weak? Letting Abell drive me home was a mistake, but letting him inside was a damn catastrophe. He'd been a walking beacon of sex. His blue eyes had promised me perverse, delicious things.

And his cock, rubbing up against my thigh...

Turning around, I twisted the sink knobs. In desperation to escape this madness, I shoved my head right into the cold flowing water. “Ah!” I gasped, whipping my hair back, droplets flying around my apartment.

I was soaked, but my brain was finally free.

“I can't sleep with him,” I said to the empty room. “Never again. I just can't.” But how was I going to save my company? Or was I going to just give it all up?

He brought a ring with him.

Abell wasn't playing around. He'd said he meant to marry me, to use me to keep his money, and he was serious. I was nothing to him, but... he was nothing to me. A guy like him was bad news.

All he wants from me is sex. The visual that brought—his muscles flexing, his cock ruddy with desire—had me shivering. All I want is...


My company, I told myself. I can't lose that. But marrying Abell and being forced to give his father a grandkid, that was too much.

The memory of sleeping with Abell had me recalling the condoms spilling from his bedside table. I couldn't imagine needing so many.

If I marry him, I won't be seeing condoms.

Abell would fuck me, filling me with cum. That taboo realization had my heart throbbing almost as much as my clit. Stop it! You can't sleep with him!

But I did have to marry him. It was the only way to keep everyone happy.

Could we both get what we wanted without compromising?

If I talk to Abell, tell him I'll marry him as long as we never consummate it... Could that work?

I walked towards my bathroom, pulling my clothes off as I went.

We could lie.

Gripping the doorway, I grinned. It'd be easy enough. Get married, then say we're 'trying' to get pregnant, but it isn't working. That happened to people all the time! How could we be blamed if it didn't work out? Surely, the contract wouldn't be broken because of a 'biological' issue?

Feeling like a genius, I turned my shower on until the room billowed with steam. I hurried to wash up, eager to remove the day-old sweat. I know what I have to do. The plan I had gave me a sense of control.

After almost giving in to Abell like I had...

I needed all the control I could get.


When my alarm went off the next morning, I was ready for it.

Jumping out of bed, I stretched my arms wide, yawning. Through the white curtains of my bedroom window, the sun was a welcome beacon.

Yesterday, I'd awoken in a stranger's bed.

That had been the start of the worst day of my life.

But today, I thought, beginning my precise morning routine, Today, things will be different.

I wasn't excited about my plan, but it was a plan. That counted for something.

Having a way to make this mess result in some resemblance to the future I'd meticulously worked towards gave me a bit of strength.

In my mirror, I brushed my hair until it shined. I'd always struggled with frizz, so I made sure to take extra time to get every strand in place. When I was finished, I'd tied my hair back in my typical bun; shiny and immaculate.