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Just one drink.

Right. I'd been trying so hard to run away from all of the stress and frustration in my life last night, that I'd kept drinking with Abell. It had been spontaneous—tempting. The adrenaline high from standing up to the attempted rape, then Abell's blatant flirting... I don't know.

He'd just made the idea of running from my stress, just for one night, so appealing.

I'd let it go too far, but that wouldn't happen again. Coffee was safe, no one hooked up on coffee dates.

Did they?

Dropping my jacket onto the couch, I set my keys on the granite counter-top of my kitchen island. My place was the perfect size, in my opinion, for someone like me. I didn't have parties, I owned no pets, so I needed very little.

Most of my time was spent at work.

“Make yourself comfortable,” I said, setting up the coffee maker. The scent of the grinds filled my nose, making me smile.

Abell unzipped his jacket, but that was the extent of his 'getting comfortable.' “Nice place, your parents pay for it?”

Stunned, I nearly dropped the mug I'd picked up. “That's a little forward.”

That's what you find forward?” Leaning on the fridge, he crossed his ankles.

“Money-talk should only happen between friends, and we're not even acquaintances, Abell.”

“After letting me bury my fingers in your sweet pussy, we're beyond acquainted.”

I was on fire, my kitchen too small, too hot suddenly. “Yes, my parents pay for this.”

“I'm guessing they pay for everything.”

Shaking my head, I propped against the sink across from him. “I work for my money, they don't pay for everything.”

He cracked his knuckles, watching me in his intense way. “It's their company, technically, whatever they pay you belongs to them.”

Lines pulled over my forehead. “If you want to be precise, your dad owns their company, now.” My blunt observation hung in the air. The only sound was the constant percolating of the coffee machine.

Abell breathed in slowly, as if he was thinking about what to say. “Yeah. I guess he does. But he won't, if you do what he's asked.”

Laughing louder than I meant, I pulled the pot of coffee off the burner, filling the two mugs I'd placed nearby. “You act like it's so simple.”

“Isn't it? Think about how your life will change if you don't marry me.”

“It'll change no matter what I choose.” I motioned for him to step aside so I could get into the fridge. When he did, I pulled out a carton of heavy cream. “Your motivation is really obvious, Abell. You said you want to keep living your life as King of the Playboys.”

Grinning, he waved away my offer of cream, sipping the black coffee. “That's not how I phrased it. Why do you make it sound so awful, what's wrong with sex?”

Pouring enough of the white liquid into my mug to turn the coffee pale, I said, “Nothing.” My cheeks burned, the discussion making me uneasy. “Sex is fine. But sex with all those people you don't even know? How can that be satisfying?”

“You didn't know me. Wasn't it satisfying for you?”

Looking deep into my cup, I eyed my own reflection. Yes. It really was. But I couldn't admit that, so I just took a large mouthful of my coffee instead.

“How much cream do you like?” he asked, clearly noticing how I'd drained the container.

I wiped my mouth with the back of my hand. “A lot, copious amounts.”

His lips split into an angled grin. “Naughty girl.”

“A jizz joke?” I laughed lightly. “If you're trying to get me flustered, you'll have to try harder.”

Angling his head like a hawk, Abell set his cup down on the counter. Slowly, with purpose, he rounded the kitchen island until he was standing over me. On reflex I backed up, my thighs bumping the sink.

I was trapped.

“You shouldn't give me instructions,” he whispered, fingers circling my wrist just below my mug. “I'm the kind of guy that will listen. Telling me what I need to do to make you blush is dangerous.”

My mouth was suddenly dry, I couldn't even remember the taste of my drink. Abell ruled my senses.

I could see where his eyelashes connected with the hooded lids of his heated eyes. I could even see the tiny lines across his perfectly smirking lips. We were too close, and I knew it, but my brain was firing wrong.

Stop this, I told myself, Don't let him get to you.

I had wanted to go home and think. There was so much riding on me, and I hadn't had the time to process it fairly.

Abell was showing me he knew exactly how to take over my mind. His nearness was as good as a typhoon, demanding my attention and roaring that if I stayed or if I ran, the result would be the same.

He would consume me.

“Nix,” he said under his breath.


Smiling slowly, he ran his thumb in a circle around the underside of my wrist. “You're spilling coffee everywhere.”

Glancing down, I saw that my floor was shining from the constant drip of my drink. Unconsciously, I'd been tipping it as I leaned towards Abell. I shook myself, realizing I'd been inches away from kissing him. I knew he'd taste like the tang of fresh brewed coffee. He'd be delicious, he'd—Stop!

Reaching out with my other hand, I grabbed my mug and set it on the sink. Then, I peeled at his fingers; he let me go reluctantly. “Abell, no, we aren't doing this.”

“Doing what?” he asked, still hovering over me.

His thigh touched mine, and I jumped. “This. I wasn't playing hard to get, I really have no plans to do anything with you. Ever,” I added for emphasis.

Chuckling, he rubbed his leg on mine, sliding it inside my knee until we were twisted up like a pretzel. His hands came down on the counter behind me, halting any escape. “You're trying to tell me none of this is tempting you?”

Unable to look away from his stare, my breathing became choppy. “I'm cold as a fish.”

“Oh yeah?” His eyes flicked down, staring pointedly at my shirt. I followed his gaze, noticing what he had; my nipples were stabbing through the fabric.

Biting my tongue, I searched for a response. “It's just chilly in here.”

He twisted his lips together. “Then I'll have to warm you up.”

Something was crushing into my hip, digging in hard. With my heart pressing into my ribs, I shut my eyes. I knew what was grinding against me so firmly.

That's his cock.

He had a hard-on thick enough to drill through his jeans.

Abell whispered, “I never did get lunch. Maybe I could eat something else?”

Each time my heart thumped, it strangled my brain. This can't happen. Subconsciously, I rocked my body against his. Abell inhaled sharply, a small noise in his throat.

His fingers coiled in my hair. Vibrations echoed through my bones, rolling into my pussy, my clit already so swollen I felt my panties rubbing it with every small shift of my hips.

It felt amazing, and I knew, if I just... just let this happen, it'd be...

Abell shrugged out of his jacket. As it hit my floor, something hard bounced free of the pocket, sliding on the tile. Blinking, I focused on the mystery object. It was black velvet, a tiny square.

I knew, if I opened it, I'd find a ring.

The sight of it sent me spinning. With all my strength, I shoved Abell away so hard he stumbled into the island. Air flooded my lungs, every breath tasting like him. “You need to leave,” I rasped, crushing the counter behind me; I needed something to hold me up.

The surprise in his eyes rivaled the burning lust. Patiently, he straightened up. Then he reached down, adjusting his blatant erection. “You're sure?”

Shifting on my heels, I could feel the wetness in my panties. “Get out.” Holding my chin as high as I could, I kept my voice steady. “Right now. Leave, Abell. I'm not some toy for you to fuck around with.”