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“What’s your deal, Banks?” Jace asked beside me. “You’ve been anxious ever since we got here.”

Like he had any room to talk. The guy’d been jonesing for another glance at Lexi Sullivan for the entire summer, ever since he’d first caught sight of her right before Sierra had left. Even though he’d protested, he was just as eager for the Sullivan girls to be back in Navarre.

I gave a noncommittal shrug. “Nothin’, McAllister.”

He gave me a knowing smile. “I hear Sierra’s back in town,” he said, causing Chris to snicker. “Dude, why don’t you just make a move already?”

I held my sunglasses up and glowered at him. “You really want to go there right now?”

Jace’s face reddened, and he swallowed hard.

“Yeah, I didn’t think so.”

Chris sat up and glanced between the two of us. “Okay, what the hell am I missing?”

“Nothing,” Jace replied—a little too quickly.

“McAllister has a thing for little Lexi Sullivan,” I told Chris.

Jace’s blush deepened as he threw his balled-up T-shirt at me. “Shut up, asshole. I’ve never even met the girl. Hell, I didn’t even know that was her name. Plus, she’s an incoming freshman.” He made a show of rolling his eyes, even though I knew it was just that. A show. “You know how younger girls can be. Clingy. Trust me, the only thing I’d ever want to be is friends.”

Chris’s laugh echoed around us. “Right, McAllister. Friends just like Jeremy and Sierra? We’ll see how long that lasts.” Then he let out a low whistle. “Lord have freaking mercy.”

Jace and I both turned to see what had caught his attention. It didn’t take long for the girl to enter my vision. I was shameless as my eyes raked up her body. Long, tan legs rose from the ground to meet a tight, pert little ass covered in teal bikini bottoms. Her long, blonde hair hung in waves, falling to the small of her back, where two tiny dimples begged for my fingers to touch. My mouth watered. She was gorgeous, and that was just the back view.

“Holy shit,” Jace whispered.

I echoed his sentiments.

“No, seriously, Banks. Holy shit.”

As she turned around, I realized what his “holy shit” was in reference to. My heart went on an immediate rollercoaster ride, rising and plummeting, confusing the hell out of me. As if that hadn’t been bad enough, my swim trunks suddenly felt exponentially tighter. The view from behind had done nothing to prepare me for what she’d look like when she turned to face me.

The hottie in the bikini? Not just any girl on the beach. Nope. The girl I’d just been salivating over was none other than Sierra. Yeah, my best friend, Sierra Sullivan. Holy freaking shit, was she smoking.

And I’d never wanted her more. At least, not in a physical sense.

I wanted to lie and say it wasn’t because of the boob enhancement nature had apparently blessed her with while she had been up north. That would’ve been shallow. Chauvinistic. Piggish, even. But it wasn’t that I liked her any more or any less. It was just…my body had naturally responded quicker than usual.

I still don’t think it was specifically because of her new curves. It’d been months since I’d seen her, and I’d missed the hell out of her. I would’ve had the same reaction if she hadn’t grown…those.

Either way, I couldn’t take my eyes off her. I had to force myself to sit still on my towel when the urge to jump up and sprint to her was weighing heavily on me.

Just as I was about to say fuck it and go to her, she spied us across the beach, her eyes lighting up as she saw me. Jenna jogged towards us, jumping on Chris when she got close. He laughed at something she’d whispered in his ear. Sierra followed but then was stopped by Ryan Harper, who made a big show of wrapping arms around her and lifting her up off the sand. His grubby little paws came dangerously close to her ass.

I’d always hated that guy.

Now, I wanted to kill him.

“Better hurry up, Banks, or Ryan’s going to move in on your woman. And, seeing how those cans have grown, I have a feeling he won’t be the only one.” Chris wiggled his eyebrows at me.

Jenna scoffed and gave him a playful shove.

“What?! I’m just saying. Sierra definitely grew up over the summer,” he said, holding his hands out in front of his chest.

I scowled at him. “We get it, Chris.”

“Oh, you get it?” he asked, raising an eyebrow. “Then you better hurry up and go get it before someone beats you to the punch.

Just as I was about to rise from my spot on the towel, Sierra escaped Ryan’s hold and headed our way. Everything around me slowed down, and all sounds disappeared. All I saw was her.

Holy freaking shit.

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“Holy shit!”

I’d just spotted Jeremy with a few of his friends when Ryan Harper intercepted me. He wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me in way too close for comfort. I glared at Jenna, and she gave me a sympathetic look. She wasn’t feeling too bad for me, though, because after giving him a quick hello, she scampered off, leaving me behind with the biggest horndog in our entire class. No, possibly the entire school.

“Damn, girl!” he said, bringing my attention back to him.

I struggled to not roll my eyes.

“Where’ve you been hiding all summer?”

I faked a smile, hoping that giving him a little bit of face time would get me out of there sooner. “Oh, I was in Ohio, visiting my grandma. We just got back last night.”

He whistled as his gaze roamed my body. I shifted uncomfortably, unused to that sort of examination. In this new bikini, I’d never felt more exposed.

“Well, I’d say the summer was good to you, Sierra. You’re smokin’ hot.”

A blush rose to my cheeks. “Umm, thanks, Ryan. Hope you had a good summer. I haven’t seen Jeremy since I got back and I want to go say hi.”

“Oh, Banks? I’m sure he’ll be fine. Heather’s probably here somewhere, and I’ve heard they got hot and heavy, if you know what I mean.” His innuendo was clear, and my heart sank. Then he leaned in close. “And, between us, there’s someone else who’s been waiting for you to get back.”

I frowned, hoping like hell he didn’t mean himself. “Who?”

“Moyer. Word on the street is that he’s got his eye on you.”

I was intrigued, but I wish I could’ve said I was more interested. Sure, Danny Moyer was hot as hell and, from what I’d heard on the cheerleading squad, an amazing kisser. But, after that bash party, I’d felt nothing. Other than drunk, that is. And I hadn’t spent my summer thinking about him. Actually, I hadn’t thought of him at all.

Maybe that was my problem. Maybe I was so stuck on Jeremy because I hadn’t let myself like anyone else. Maybe it was time to finally let go a little bit. Spread my wings, so to speak.

But first things first.

I gave Ryan a smile and waved off in the distance, not actually at anyone but pretending so I could get away. “I guess we’ll see what happens. But I gotta go. See you around!”

Before he could respond, I walked past him and made my way towards Jeremy’s group. The whole time, I scoured the beach for Heather. Thankfully, she was nowhere to be found.

As I approached, Jeremy shifted and squirmed. He looked away from me as my shadow covered his towel. All of a sudden, nerves attacked my senses. Since when was I nervous around Jeremy, let alone from just saying hi? And why wasn’t he looking at me?

“Gee, what a warm welcome,” I told him, teasing.

His face reddened, and Chris’s laughter broke the awkward silence that had descended on the group.

“Yeah, Banks. Get up and greet her. It’s been two months. You two haven’t been apart for more than two days before. We’re all eager for this reunion.”