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“Well, I think it’s supposed to be a surprise…otherwise the people who didn’t pass would just leave. Kind of anticlimactic for filming.”

I looked over at Liam with knitted brows. “I know I asked a question, but I didn’t really want an answer. Especially a logical one.”

He looked at me blankly for a minute, then nodded. “Yeah, you’re right. We’re all in the same hotel. It would take them five seconds.”

A huge grin erupted on my face. “Exactly!”

I heard the kitschy theme music beginning, and saw Sam coming around the corner to collect my daughter. He always watched over her for me when it was my turn to perform. “Time’s up, baby girl,” I told her.

She whined as I removed her from my shoulders. “I want to go with you!”

I’d heard this before, but the producers had made it quite clear that she couldn’t go onstage with me, not even for introductions. They said it would give me an unfair advantage. I had to agree with their assessment. Anyone who laid eyes on my angel’s blond curls and sky-blue eyes would vote for me in a heartbeat. The backstage footage of the two of us together was probably the real reason why I’d even made it this far. God, I hoped I passed.

Liam squatted to her level when she began to pout. “Gibby, you’ve got to stay here and look after Crock for me, remember?” He handed her the stuffed crocodile he’d bought early on as a bribe. Gibson snatched it away from him and hugged it tight. Liam held his arms open. “I need my good luck squeeze.” She obliged him, and he laughed as he held her.

Seeing how close they were made me smile, but it faded the minute I heard our cue. “Time to go, bro.”

Liam’s grin faded as he looked up at me. “Right…”

When it was time for the results to be read, Liam and I were in the same group. I hated it when that happened. It made it even more nerve-wracking. The host doubled up the anxiety by reading our names together. I squeezed Liam’s hand as I scanned the crowd for Anna. I found her and Onnika right as the host delivered our fates. “You will both be moving on! Congratulations!”

It took me a minute to register what he’d said. Anna understood first. She started jumping and hollering for me. She was so loud, she startled Onnika, who started to cry. That’s when it sunk in for me…final four. I’d done it. I was moving on.

The next week’s results were just as gut-churning. I swear, by the end of this, I was going to have an ulcer. They had the final four stand onstage together as they announced the final two. I hated that we were all together for this—it meant I had to see the losers’ reactions, and if I lost, I’d have the winners consoling me while they were bouncing up and down with excitement. I’d rather be told the news separately so I could take a minute before facing the world. All my dreams were on the line here.

The four of us clenched our hands together as the host walked down the line, saying our names and giving us each meaningful glances. My heart started pounding in my chest. Just read the fucking card already.

“Are you guys ready to learn who the final two contestants will be?” The four of us looked at each other, nodded, and squeezed hands tighter. This was going to suck.

“All right,” the host said. Our pairing for the final show is…” I closed my eyes and prepared for the worst. “Liam and Griffin!”

My eyes shot open as surprise flooded my body. No fucking way! Liam and I were going to the finale? I’d hoped that would happen, but there were times when my doubt had been so strong that hope had seemed a million miles away.

For the final voting show, we got to play with the D-Bags. Liam went first, while I watched from backstage. The first thing that struck me while I watched him was how natural Liam looked up there with the guys. Matt and Liam joked around while they got ready, Evan gave him a friendly pat on the back, and Kellan helped him breathe. They all looked like they’d been performing together for years. And then, when the camera turned on and they started playing, the sound struck me. They were good together. Seamless. Flawless. The song they’d chosen had a pretty complicated bass line, but Liam was killing it. He sang all his backup vocals on time, and from what I could hear, on pitch. It was a little painful to see how perfectly somebody else could fit in with the D-Bags, and it reminded me of something I should have remembered when I’d ditched them—I needed them more than they needed me. I’d been given a gift when I’d been invited along, and I hadn’t appreciated it. I did now.

After Liam’s turn, it was mine. I bumped fists with him when he exited the stage, then I gave him a hug and told him what a great job he’d done. He was damn near glowing from his performance high.

Kellan was the first one who approached me when I climbed onstage. He gave me a hug, then said in my ear, “Ready to kill it?” I nodded and he smacked my shoulder. “Just like old times, huh?”

I shook my head. “No, this will be better than the old times.”

Kellan scrutinized me for a moment, then nodded. As I strapped on my guitar, Evan held his hand out. “Good luck, man.” Grinning, I shook his hand and thanked him.

When he stepped away, Matt approached me. He didn’t say anything at first, just looked at me. I started to apologize, since I thought maybe he was still mad, but he held his hand up to stop me. “We’re not allowed to vote, but if I could…I’d vote for you. You’ve been doing amazing, man.”

That moved me more than anything I’d heard from anyone else. I had to swallow the lump in my throat before I could speak. “Thank you…cuz.”

Matt smiled, then smacked me on the back so hard my skin tingled through my shirt. “Now don’t fuck up on camera. You need all the votes you can get.” I flipped him off and he started laughing. The familiar ribbing made me feel better than I had in ages. I finally felt like I belonged here again.

On this particular D-Bags song, the bass started first. Even though my heart was racing, I acted as calm and cool as I could. It’s just another show…not the deciding factor of my entire future. I was a little surprised when I nailed the intro; I usually fucked it up when we played it live. Of course, back in the day, I’d been easily distracted by…well, just about anything. I was focused now though, and I slayed the song. Murdered it in an awesomely gory fashion. It was fucking beautiful.

When the song was over, I raised my fists in the air in victory. The crowd went nuts. Sure, maybe I hadn’t won yet, but a little confidence was always appreciated, so long as I didn’t go overboard. And I wouldn’t. Not anymore.

On the following evening, when Liam and I were backstage waiting for the outcome of our performances from the night before, the surrealism of the moment hit me. Either I was going to win my spot back with the D-Bags, or Liam was. But this was it…it would definitely be one of us.

Seeing the sweat on Liam’s brow, I extended a hand to him. “Hey, I want you to know, if you win…I’m okay with that. I think you’d be a good fit with the D-Bags…maybe even better than me.”

Liam shook my hand, but he eyed me like I was playing him or something. “Who are you, and what have you done with my little brother?”

I laughed at his question. I supposed I did seem like another person…maybe I was. A lot of shitty stuff had happened to me, and I viewed things differently now. But not completely differently. “Oh, I’m still in here, asswipe, and if you do steal my job, I’m giving you a wedgie so deep, you’ll need a doctor to surgically remove the underwear from your ass crack.

A slow smile spread over Liam’s face. “There he is.”

Just then, a person I hadn’t seen in a while approached us. I stood up to greet him. “Hey, Denny, good to see you, man.”

Denny took my hand and shook it, then extended his hand to Liam. “Hi, I’m Denny Harris. My wife and I represent the band.” Liam nodded and Denny’s dark eyes flickered between the two of us. “I just wanted to congratulate you both on how far you’ve come, and wish you both good luck tonight.”