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“I never gave up on you or us after you’d gone. And knowing the fact that you had to go back to see him on your own, I was so sure he’d killed you. There was so much blood, it crushed me. Everything within me died that day, even though I knew what was going on,” he chokes on his last few words. Taking a deep breath, he continues, “Then I found your necklace. I remember you told me it would never leave your neck unless it was ripped away from you. When I inspected it, I concluded that it wasn’t broken at all, but undone and left. Once I saw that I’d never been so relieved.”

I’d been planning my escape in case Jacob decided he wouldn’t let me go. Blake had helped me in more ways than one. I’d been seeing Blake for about two months behind Jacob’s back. I know it’s cheating, but how can it be wrong when your boyfriend treats you no better than the dirt he walks on and makes you feel like there’s nothing in the world for you except to be his punching bag. The abuse never ceased, it only increased over time. Blake begged me every day to leave Jacob, but I couldn’t. I was too afraid. Afraid for my life, but more importantly afraid for the lives of those around me, especially Melodi and my parents.

And now, by coming out of hiding, I’ve put everyone in danger. I should have remained hidden, that way I could keep Katie safe. A comfortable silence falls between us, our hands still connected.

“I knew you would get it,” I whispered as I shift closer to him. “I did it because I honestly think Jacob knew about us.” The pain of leaving him all those years ago is still fresh in my mind, and the wounds wearing away on my already battered heart. They say a broken heart takes the longest to heal and mine still is still repairing.

His eyes shot up to meet mine, the sadness that was once there is now gone and a wave of panic evident.

“What did he say?”

“Only that he—”

“Sorry to interrupt, guys.” Melodi walks into the room and we both look at her. Blake quickly stands to compose himself. Katie continues to sit on the floor looking between everyone. All these new faces must be so confusing for her.

“Who was out there?” Blake asks.

“It was Flick, Rachel, and Athena, but Athena has left.” She looks down fidgeting her fingers around as though she wants to ask something more.

“What is it, Mel?” I ask softly. She glances up, her eyes meet mine.

“You always knew when I was going to say something.” She smiles. “I was going to see if you would like to meet my best friend, Flick, and Corban’s sis—”

“No!” Blake interjects, shocking both Melodi and myself.

“Excuse me?” Melodi jumps in with her guard up, ready to take on the bull, horns and all. She was always the defensive one. Going to bat for anyone close to her.

“No, she can’t. Don’t you realise the danger this poses to her and you?”

“Don’t start that crap with me, Blake. I lost my sister three years ago, made to believe that she was dead. I know these two girls out there; they are the closest thing to family I have left since I lost Abby.” She’s becoming riled up and doesn’t look like she will back down.

I hop up and move to her side before she majorly stresses herself and her babies out.

“Calm down, Mel,” I whisper so only she can hear me, closing Blake out. She suddenly breaks down, her knees giving out from under her as she sobs. I’m glad I’m close enough to catch her.

Chapter Five


I don’t know what’s come over me. Before I realise it, my knees give out from under me and all I can hear is the pulsing in my ears before I fall into Abby’s arms. She carefully lays me on the floor, cradling my head to her chest. My eyes fall on her features. I still find it hard to believe that she’s here. I still think it all must be a dream that I’m unable to wake from.

“Corban!” she screams out, her voice panicked. “Melodi talk to me,” she whispers.

Before I can answer, I sense Corban pulling me into his strong arms. He lifts me up from the floor effortlessly and places me on the bed. Once Corban has placed me down, I see Abby wrapping a frightened Katie in her arms, whispering into her black locks of hair. She sets her gently down beside me. I instantly become protective of her as she moves towards me, curling up under my arm, her warmth calms my rapidly beating heart.

“What’s going on? Who is this?” Flick questions. I’m sure she’s aiming the question at Abby.

After a minute, the room stops spinning and my eyes focus again. I feel a small hand wrap around mine. Turning my head, Katie is there lying beside me, so I give her a weak smile.

“Mommy has nightmares, too.” My stomach clenches upon hearing the words that leave her innocent lips. Her little accent makes me smile.

“Oh, honey, that wasn’t a nightmare,” Abby reassures her.

“What happened?” Corban fires at Blake and Abby.

“Corban, it’s okay, I overreacted.” Reaching my casted hand out, I take his. His features are pained. I can’t begin to imagine how he’s feeling right now. I’ve brought all my family dramas into his life, and now things for him are about to change with the impending birth of our twins. “Handsome, look at me,” I plead, squeezing his hand. His penetrating blue eyes meet mine. “Sit down.”

He does as I ask. The room goes silent, all eyes on us, well except for Flick and Rachel whose eyes glare at Abby. I can see them assessing her, wondering who the hell she is to be causing all this commotion. Abby and I aren’t identical twins but fraternal so I could see the girls’ confusion over who she might be. Katie is still lying on the bed beside.

“Everyone, listen up!” my voice loud to ensure Flick and Rachel’s attention is squarely on me. Their faces turn toward me. “Well, you both know all the details about my sister.” They nod recalling the talks we’ve had about her in the previous months and the pain it has caused me on a daily basis. “Last night when we got home from the hospital, I walked in to discover my sister standing right in front of me.” I swallow the hard lump that’s formed in my throat. It still feels like a dream. I keep wanting to pinch myself until I wake up. I hear the girls suck in a breath, shock and confusion registering on their faces. I take another breath and keep going by gesturing to Abby. “This is my sister, Abby. Abby this is Flick and Rachel. Rachel is Corban’s sister and Flick is one of my best friends.”

Abby nods her head in greeting. “Hey, girls,” she whispers.

“Anyways…” I continue, “As you can see, she’s here with me. But the thing is, Jacob, her ex, is hanging around still. He’s a nasty piece of work, so just be careful. Right now all I ask is that this does not leave these four walls.”

They all nod in agreement, so I keep going because I’m really excited to share the next part with them.

“Now for some good news.” I look up at Corban and nod my head for him to tell them the rest. A giant smile spreads across his face before he speaks. His majestic smile melts my heart every single time.

“Well, we found out last night that we’re going to be parents an—” Before he can continue, screaming erupts in the room and I’m suffocated in hugs. Happiness fills me, as my heart swims.

“And it’s twins,” Corban adds casually.

What?” Flick squeals.

I nod to answer her unasked question.

“I’m gonna be an aunty! It has to be girls!” she squeals, as Rachel gives my belly a small rub. I guess I’m going to have to get used to the belly rubs. “Do you hear that in there, girls?” Rachel laughs. “Wow! This is crazy,” she says, shaking her head and moving to Corban to give him a hug. “Congratulations, bro.”

“Thanks,” he laughs.

Our eyes meet and love fills them. I see a small tear escape from the corner of his which melts my insides causing them to bubble over with joy.