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“Geena,” I said, leaning back and nodding at her.

She leaned over and looked at me over the rim of her sunglasses. Her full breasts were right in my line of sight, and, of course, I had to look. I was rock hard now and thankful I was sitting. The vision of me sliding in between her soft skin last night made me almost forget Carter was there. Almost.

Carter cleared his throat, making Geena look over at him. “Oh, my. I’m sorry.” She held out her hand. “Geena.”

“I got that,” Carter laughed. “Carter.” He looked inquisitively between the two of us, and I know he wanted to ask me too many questions I wouldn’t answer. “Nice to meet you,” he said to Geena. “Johnny, I’m heading out. I’ll see you later?”

Geena looked back at me, but I didn’t make eye contact.

I shrugged in answer, knowing I was going to spend another night with Geena. Carter looked at her, then back at me, understanding dawning on him. He clapped my shoulder as he walked away, leaving Geena and me alone.

She sidled up next to me, pressing her mostly naked body against my sweaty one. “Have I told you how amazing last night was? And here you are, looking good enough to eat.”

I pressed against her, looking over quickly to make sure Cal wasn’t watching me. “Do you feel that hard dick? You are fucking hot, Geena. I want you to wear this bathing suit later and let me take it off . . . with my teeth.”

She gasped. “Shit, you’re making me wait? Don’t you have a break or something?”

I remembered Cal’s office, where I’d done paperwork yesterday when I arrived. I knew it wasn’t a good idea, but my dick had other thoughts. It practically jumped out of my pants when I had the thought. I’d sat with Carter for most of the ‘fifteen’ I’d told Cal I was taking, but I didn’t need long to please both of us.

I pulled her down the hall, shooting a look back at Cal. He wasn’t looking at me. I reached the office quickly, Geena practically running in her flip-flops behind me. I closed the door behind us and locked it.

Geena let out a small noise as I flung her cover up off, raking my eyes up and down her hot-as-fuck body. Her breasts spilled out of the top, so I started there. I untied the string and it flopped down, baring her to me. I pawed one breast while sucking the nipple of the other. She moaned, running her fingers through my hair.

It wasn’t enough. I untied the string to the side of her bikini bottom and dipped my hand inside, finding her dripping wet for me. A string of curse words fell from her mouth as I found her spot, rubbing and pushing with my fingers.

I stepped back and licked my fingers, looking at her flushed cheeks. I grabbed a condom from the wallet in my back pocket and then undid my shorts and pushed them down. I lifted her leg and set it on Cal’s desk.

I rolled it on, knowing she was watching every move I made. “So fucking wet for me, aren’t you, baby?” I groaned, burying myself inside her heat.

“God,” she moaned. “Ohhh, that feels so good, Johnny. Give it to me.” Her bathing suit was still half on, her breasts jumping from our movement. I didn’t hold anything back, giving her everything I had like she asked.

I felt the familiar tightening in my spine, knowing my release was coming soon. I reached between us, wanting to get her off so she would tighten up around me. I circled her clit, making her moan again and do just what I wanted.

Within seconds, I was filling her, my grunts overtaking her soft cries as she came down. I leaned over and took a nipple in my mouth again. God, she was exactly what I needed. I pulled out and then crouched in front of her, burying my face in between her legs.

“Johnny,” she breathed. I knew I was talented at this too, or so I’d been told. Many times. I held on to her hips as I devoured her, tasting her arousal and hardening again. Once I added my fingers and sucked her hard, she bucked against my face, holding my head with her hands as she rode out her second orgasm.

I stood up, a smirk on my face as I wiped my lips. Fuck, that was hot. Geena blinked her eyes open and smirked back, adjusting her bathing suit and grabbing the cover-up I’d thrown.

“More where that came from tonight,” I said against her lips, darting my tongue out so she’d taste herself on me.

Geena reached down and cupped me and then slipped her hand down to her pussy. My eyes watched her as she touched herself. “Can’t wait,” she moaned, lifting her finger to my lips. I sucked it, tasting her again. Oh man, this girl was going to kill me.

“How many more days are you here?” I found myself asking as we both redressed.

“Two,” she answered.

“Let’s make good use of them,” I said, opening the door and ushering her out. I hoped I didn’t look like she’d just been pulling on my hair as I pleased her, but I probably did. Hopefully, Cal was as cool as he seemed.

“My room. When you get off.”

I nodded. “Abso-fucking-lutely.”

“I have some other surprises for you,” she said. “Since you got a taste of the bathing suit already.”

And I had to work for the next eight hours.

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I groaned at the shrill sound piercing my ears. I stuck my hand out of the covers and picked up the culprit, only one eye opened to look at the screen. My dad was calling.

“Ugh,” I mumbled, swinging my legs off the side of the bed. Another night of hardly any sleep. I hadn’t gotten back from shenanigans with Geena until after six, and it wasn’t even eleven yet. I had to answer, though, just in case he had news.

“Hello.” My voice sounded garbled, even to me.

“Johnny.” My dad’s voice boomed through the small speaker.

“Good morning,” I answered, stretching my neck back and forth.

Our relationship—if that’s what you wanted to call it—was better than it ever had been, I guessed. I’d never forget that he helped me get out of prison, or that he was trying to help my record get wiped away. It was all the other stuff he’d done that I still had a hard time swallowing.

“I just got off the phone with the attorney. It looks like they’ll be able to wipe your record clean, but you’ll have to appear in front of the judge.”

I stood, relief blooming in my chest. It was going to be over. If only I could erase the last half of my life and start over, I’d be in business. “Really?”

“Looks like it,” my dad said. “We’ll know for sure as soon as I know when the hearing will be, but it seemed like it was just a formality.”

“So if I apply for other jobs, I can mark that I don’t have a record?”

“If all goes well, I would say yes. I mean, you won’t be an FBI agent or anything, but any regular type job or agency will take you, no problem.”

I breathed out. I wouldn’t be resigned to working in a bar for the rest of my life. But what did I want to do? The only thing I’d wanted to do my entire life was play music, but I was way beyond the age now where I could make a living doing that. Plus, that part of my life was over.

My eyes immediately went to the Gibson, now covered by three shirts so that all I could see was the bottom, tormenting me. “That’s great, Dad. Thank you.”

“It’s the least I can do.” My dad was trying, I had to give him that. Ever since that day two years ago I’d walked out of prison with his help, he’d apologized more times than I could count and tried in every which way to be my dad. In some ways, though, it was too little, too late. “Do you have any idea what you want to do?”

Funny he asked me that now. I wished this conversation had happened twenty years ago. I could picture us sitting around the dinner table, my parents asking me how school was going, what colleges I wanted to look at, and what major I was thinking. Hell, maybe I would’ve been more apt to do those things if they’d given me an option. But no. The only conversations we’d had when I was that age was how much longer I was going to waste my time on that ‘stupid’ guitar and band, and how important it was for me to take over the family business.